Friday, January 31, 2020

Is The Law Of Attraction Fake?

In the film The Secret, the main message is that thoughts become things. So by thinking more positively, you can create a better life? Is this marketing fluff or is this a real science?
The law of attraction has been around some time. Napoleon Hill made the term popular in 1937 in his book Think and Grow Rich but it was around long before then too. Thought "leaders" used the term in success essays and it is thought to have grown from the teachings of Phineas Quimby in the early 19th Century:
"The trouble is in the mind, for the body is only the house for the mind to dwell in, and we put a value on it according to its worth. Therefore if your mind has been deceived by some invisible enemy into a belief, you have put it into the form of a disease, with or without your knowledge. By my theory or truth, I come in contact with your enemy and restore you to your health and happiness. This I do partly mentally and partly by talking till I correct the wrong impressions and establish the Truth, and the Truth is the cure." - Phineas Quimby.
So if the truth is the cure for incorrect thinking, as Quimby puts it, by correcting the false beliefs we hold in our minds, we can correct our lives and make them better. Quimby was talking about his illness here since he had tuberculosis. He recovered despite medical treatment not working and put it down to his thinking.
Science is claimed to support the law of attraction too and the double slit experiment is used to explain it. The double slit experiment shows that electrons act differently according to whether they are being observed or not. So the mind entering into something changes it on an atomic level. Without being observed, electrons as seen to act as a wave. While being observed their behaviour changes and they act as particles.
But does this explain the law of attraction and how it is portrayed in the film The Secret? Perhaps you've seen The Secret, and spent the afternoon imagining all those dreams you previously gave up on. I know when I first saw the secret, that's exactly what I did. Then, after a while when nothing happened, I decided that it was complete rubbish. Only when I returned to the idea, and began studying it did it start to make more sense.
The Secret is an overview of the law of attraction and although many have seen it in a poor light, it is not a deep investigation into the idea. It can be said to be a little 'fluffy'. The presenters on the film have all experienced The Secret from the perspective of success. But what about us mere mortals who are struggling to get by? Why can't we manifest those large things into our lives? Can we?
Joe Vitale, (one of the presenters on The Secret), for example wasn't always a success. He states in his books that he was in fact struggling for many years and even homeless. He discusses the topic and also says he 'created' struggle into his life because he believed that's what writers have to do!
So, is the law of attraction fake?
Here's another perspective. There's a thing called confirmation bias which can explain many things in life. Confirmation bias is the natural inclination to look for evidence which backs up our existing beliefs. So, if you're a fervent believer in something, you're unlikely to look for evidence to the contrary. Instead, you look for evidence which backs up your existing beliefs.
The placebo pill can also explain the law of attraction. If you believe in a fake pill so much, you trick your mind into making yourself well. Placebo pills which are nothing more than sugar have been shown to produce amazing effects in people simply because they believe so much in what they are told by a doctor. Checkout Derren Brown's TV show "Fear and Faith" for an amazing insight on this.
If the law of attraction works, perhaps it's because we believe it will. Certainly if we don't believe in it, we will never apply it in our lives.
There's also the depth of understanding of the law of attraction which matters the most. On a superficial level, you can easily discount the film the secret as some marketing fluff. But on a deeper level, I believe we are all manifesting our lives based on what we believe. The placebo pill proves this. So if this is already proven by such as simple experiment as a placebo, surely there must be something more to the law of attraction?
Another similar idea is that of being lucky. In his book The Luck Factor, Richard Wiseman throws some light on the subject of luck. He shows that it is those who believe they are lucky who create their own luck. Those who think they are 'lucky' tend to be more outgoing, take more opportunities to meet people and do things, and therefore create more opportunities to encounter what they believe to be "luck". Hence, they think they are lucky!
Those who believe they are unlucky do the opposite. They associate bad things happening instead of good with more interaction. So they avoid going out and meeting new people. They tend to take less risk and venture out less. As a result they find less experiences, come across less opportunities and therefore create the feedback 'loop' of them being "unlucky". The cycle continues and they are proved 'right'.
So, is the law of attraction fake? You choose. But given this evidence, be careful what you decide!

Tim Halloran is a stuntman, martial artist and online entrepreneur. See his site here:

Article Source:

Jim Rohn - Psychology of Wealth Thinking (Jim Rohn Pesonal Development)

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Pursue Your Purpose

It's the journey of our lifetime... finding and being able to pursue your purpose, isn't it?
And for those who find it early in life, the rewards that come with it are endless.
It is a life of almost living free of trouble, of the complexities that usually come with that struggle we face, day to day, just to keep up with 'stuff'.
This 'stuff' I mention is the constant battle of daily living. Getting up at the sound of an alarm bell, to race through breakfast, to sit in traffic, to get to a job we dislike or do for the sake of making ends meet.
While waiting in traffic our minds wander to what we would rather be doing. On what brings us joy and fulfillment. On what gives us that 'buzz' and spring in our step.
You've met these people who do what they love and love what they do. Those who pursue their creativity. Be it painting, drawing, sculpting, singing, playing an instrument, writing music or poetry or books.
Or other artistic pursuits such as flower arrangements, making jewellry, making clothes. And then there are those that teach. Be it yoga or meditation or anywhere where it allows us to be more present and in the NOW.
I have always aspired to be one of these people. My life, at least the first five decades of it, was dedicated to making ends meet. As a single mother I could not afford the luxury of what I termed ' following a dream'.
I had to be practical. I had to be sensible and realistic. And for most of us, this is LIFE. We may have responsibilities that we can't just abandon. Wether we take care of ourselves or we are taking care of children, the elderly, a spouse or family members, we need to be realistic.
However, in today's world, finding a way to stay committed to our responsibilities and pursue our dreams is far easier now than it ever was.
With the birth of technology, more and more people can find time to pursue their interests and passion.
Today, anyone can be an author. Its true! 30 years ago when I pursued becoming a published author it was incredibly difficult and almost impossible.
My first book was written on a typewriter. No spellcheck, no back-spacing to go into and edit.
I can't tell you how much paper I wasted or how much liquid paper and erasing I did. Photocopies upon photocopies of manuscripts were made and sent out to publishing houses.
Sometimes the copies came back, mostly they didn't. Letters of disappointment rolled in one by one, or letters of encouragement, saying 'title did not suit our publishing house'.
For those who wanted to self publish, a printing house was needed and a minimum of several thousand copies would be required or it couldn't be done.
It was expensive to self publish, but many did it in the belief and hope they could recoup their costs by selling their books.
Then there came the marketing. Well that's a whole other story. Without a marketing campaign you couldn't sell your books.
And so began the task of making appointments to local newspapers, local radio and television networks in the hope they would give you an opportunity for a story in their paper, magazine, or television program.
As a young author, this took up my days, my weeks, my time. Time I didn't have. I was a young single mother and the bills needed to be paid and children to clothe and feed. The writing, that creative part of me had to be put aside for the need to be practical.
The writing came to an end until technology and the internet came about and this was the birth of a new way of living, and opportunities for people to maintain a foot in the world of making a living for practical reasons, and being able to pursue ones purpose.
We live in a world where more and more people can do this without sacrificing moving out of the home.
Today, artists, musicians, writers, poets and nearly anyone who wants to pursue anything creative can do so from the comfort of their own home.
You hardly have to move. Writers can write knowing that they can produce a book, load it up to the internet, and sell ( paperless copies, I might add!) without moving from the comfort of their chair.
Having purpose is part of our souls journey. It gives birth to a better us, who can in one lifetime have several careers. The more we are on purpose, the more opportunity we have to nurture this part of 'who we really are', the better human being we become on every level.

Nancy Wylde is an author and speaker in the field of self-develoment. Her earthy, practical and humorous style speaks to men and women of all backgrounds. Nancy has appeared on national television and radio. Nancy devotes alot of her time to charities, helping raise awareness for Breast Cancer after her own diagnosis of Advanced Breast Cancer several years ago. You can find out more about Nancy Wylde on

Article Source:

Daily Habits of Successful People | Brian Tracy

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Scarcity Vs. Prosperity: How to Get More of What You Want in Your Life

Scarcity and prosperity are two terms I had not heard of until I entered the coaching world. At first, I felt they were worldly concepts of the common pursuit of wealth and possessions... connected with the overused term: Abundance. Soon I learned about the truth found in these concepts and saw the huge impact our perspectives of them have on our life, events, people, money, and everything.
First of all, Scarcity vs. Prosperity is talking about your perspective on the world. Scarcity focuses on what you don't have and cannot do. It is negative and dwells on how you are limited, held back or unable to move forward as you would like. It shows up like this:
* Business owner: I can't do any mailings because it costs too much.
* Mom: I can't get out of the house because there is no one to watch the kids.
* Unhappy professional: I can't change jobs because I need the stable income.
* Executive: I can't hire more people; sales are down.
Prosperity is the flip side of scarcity. It is looking at what you DO have. It is positive, upbeat and solution-focused. Prosperity finds what IS good and what IS possible. It asks "What CAN I do?" I might sound like this:
* Business owner: Mailings are expensive, but I have a small list of 100 names from the chamber that I CAN do a series of target mailings and test their effectiveness.
* Mom: I can get out of the house and take the kids to the park. My spouse is home Friday nights and I can plan to do errands then.
* Unhappy professional: I need a stable income and CAN take a few classes to explore other interests while working at my current job.
* Executive: Sales are down, but I CAN hire short term contract help to pull through this slump. I can also come and work on the floor for 5 hours a week to support the team.
Your view on scarcity or prosperity is very important because:
1) It impacts how you see the world. As explained above, each side promotes either positive or negative thinking. People are naturally more negatively wired (They are. There is some statistic about 75% of all adult conversations are naturally negative - just listen the next time you are out.) Positive people live longer, are less stressed and enjoy life more. So, if you desire less stress and a long and enjoyable life, start thinking through the eyes of prosperity.
2) It impacts what you receive. Some are skeptical about this, but it is the law of nature. When you live in scarcity and cling on to everything, afraid of loss, you get little and things seem to run out. You attract scarcity. Others who don't have. People who don't have money (i.e. clients who can't pay). People who also are stuck or unable to do. It is uncanny how this works, but it really happens. People get attached and cling to money, time, possessions, and for whatever reason, it is not something that can be held on to. The harder you fight for YOURS and cling to it, the quicker it dissipates. When you live in and give from prosperity, on the other hand, it is incredible what comes into your life. I choose to see it as blessings from God. It is amazing. When you let go of your agenda and serve others, you are served. When you stop worrying about money and are responsible yet generous, you have plenty. When you volunteer freely of your time and energy you are uplifted and blessed. There are many old adages about this: "Givers Gain", the Golden Rule, etc. When you can stop and look at what is good, what is right and allow yourself to live in the blessings you have been given, appreciate them and give back, the process continues to flow. When you get caught in fear, negativity, and pessimism, life gets tough, fast.
Once you are in the scarcity mode, it can be a challenge to get out. You can get out, though. You just need to be intentional about listening to the tape that is running in your head. Listen to yourself talk and hear what you are saying. Are you saying CAN'T, WON'T, NEVER, ALWAYS, DON'T, etc.? These are signs you are looking at life from scarcity. Stop and ask yourself, "What CAN I do?" "What is true?" "What is possible?" Then do what you can. If you continue to always do what you can, you will start to embrace prosperity thinking and living.
Don't believe me? Try it. It is amazing.

Article Source:

The Girl with 1,000-Plus Letters In Her Name | The Oprah Winfrey Show

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

A Proper Attitude Can Bring Success!

Success begins with attitude. Various attitudes provide different end results. A weak state of mind results in adverse outcomes. A favorable state of mind causes success. While your experience, education, learning, and abilities can matter a great deal, your frame of mind can make all the distinction.
Thankfully, any individual can establish an attitude for success. It's absolutely less complicated and doesn't take as long as grasping a complicated technique!
Produce a way of thinking that develops success! Consider these parts in your attitude:
  1. Thankfulness, aka gratitude. Be happy with what you have. Enjoy the success of others. If you cannot rejoice for others when they succeed, your very own success will undoubtedly be restricted.
  2. Assessment of danger is an incentive. Competent individuals are masters at reviewing risk as well as benefit. Not so successful individuals either refuse to assess any kind of hazards or handle ways to mitigate the threat for the prospective incentive. Neither is an effective method to move towards a positive, successful life.
  3. Concentrate on psychological, [and also] physical health and wellness. Compromising your health and wellness for success isn't a real success. What do you truly obtain if you accomplish your objectives yet compromise your physical or psychological health and wellness at the same time? Know the risks before going after success.
  4. Wealth. How much you are worth is not a viable goal in a 'success' mindset. Just look around at people with plenty of money and lots of things, and you'll find most of them worry about losing it, acquiring it, how to hoard it and get more. Wealth is about nurturing contentment in relationships while doing the greater good. It's not taking, it's giving!
  5. Embrace your failings! Actually, that's the momentum test of life. Failing is ensured to take place; count on it. Gain and be nurtured in your errors, mistakes, and blunders. Treat them as opportunities for yourself and others around you. Whatever you do, don't play the blame game. If you do that, you've just lost the momentum test in this situation. In weakness, you become stronger.
  6. Development. A successful mindset is a healthy appreciation for self-learning; being teachable is a great way to pick up new skills. You cannot attain new ideas without expanding on an old thought in a unique situation. It could come from your abilities, perspective, self-control, or guts that sees that opportunity to develop. If you are presently stuck in a rut, relish it and feel confident; you are feeling the teachable growing pains zone.
  7. Determine to be uneasy. Being in a comfort zone is definitely not your friend. Development isn't pleasurable. There will undoubtedly be some pain as you create your own paths, fall short, as well as making errors. Also, success can be unpleasant. Exactly how uneasy are you going to be to come to be effective? The fear of being uneasy is the restricting success aspect for the majority of people.
  8. A favorable perspective. I call this a positive mental attitude, but before you can acquire that, you need to be relaxed and smart. So, how you approach the tasks of your day and the mundane things determines your success. If you're grumpy, bored, and aggravated, well, your day is going to be miserable. The other choice is to look at your day as a grand adventure. Each task and its function becomes a nugget of opportunity to be polished and nourished, providing an unimaginable wealth of greater good.
  9. Preparation. Success for every individual is a specific objective. You're not likely to strike it on the first go-around or for that matter, several go-arounds. Without a particular plan in mind, preparation, and continually tweaking as you're arriving, you are counting way too much on good luck to sensibly anticipate success.
  10. Be your own coach. The prevailing thought is to hire an advisor that has actually accomplished the success you want. There lies the rub. You have a unique idea; it can't be fitted into someone else's application. I cannot imagine the tech founders of the computer era having a coach; I think the computer would have been delayed by decades. Frankly, virtue is in the eye of the beholder. Embrace the challenge, be skillful, decisive, and don't stop nurturing forward.
Consider your existing attitude contrasted to the present outcomes you're experiencing in your life. Can you see an endless loop, or do you see a seamless link?
If you really feel that you have the abilities to be effective, yet still lose, it could be time to have a look at your state of mind. Each individual has a choice in their way of thinking. There are no conditions for having a pleasant state of consciousness; you can simply choose. Put your faith in yourself by choosing to be successful!

Do you want to curiously and bravely face the unknown? We invite you to take the first step by taking a challenge "Can You be Kind to Yourself on a Rough Day?" Just click the link: Having a Rough Day?, and be on your way to being kinder to yourself!
To find out about CONFIDENCE, SELF-ESTEEM & LOLLIPOPS, visit our website at LATHAM MEDIA SERVICES. Or, email me Tim Latham:
God bless you and your family.

Article Source:!&id=10205659

Robert Kiyosaki 2019 - The Speech That Broke The Internet!!! KEEP THEM POOR!

Monday, January 27, 2020

How To Be Determined and Accomplish Anything

Inspiring people is a great quality to possess that has made me want more out of life.
Along with inspiration came along competition and striving to be the best.
This has made me also adapt the "be hard and disciplined on yourself," philosophy.
Being competitive and number one has it's perks. So, I challenge you to be number one. And if you're not competitive it's okay. It's about being better.
Could you do this for yourself?
To succeed I learned to nourish my mind, spirit and soul. These things are the precious assets I possess. Invest in them. They are the ones that will get you closer to your dream.
I believe you must immerse yourself in your dream. This is the only way you'll stay inspired and overcome obstacles.
My dream is to become an inspirational blog writer. It's an impossibility to some, but a possibility for me. I do not understand why they can't see that.
But it's my stubbornness that also helps me keep going.
And when negativity has enter my heart. I have not let it destroy my dreams. Even when things are discouraging.
You have to keep going everyday. Push yourself to win by seeking new higher levels even if you're scared. You don't know how scared I am to fail. But I am here aren't I?
It's your responsibility to accomplish your goal. Then reap the big rewards that come with your hard earn sweat.
Just do it even if you don't know where to start by grinding everyday.
I haven't reached the height of my success yet and I work on this every day. Work has allowed me to stop thinking about quitting.
Part of life is overcoming the road blocks standing in your way by making a difference in a person's life.
And how exciting would it be if you start with yours?
So, do not give up on yourself. I imagine the difference achieving my goal will make in my life.
And I will not stop until I have let out my last dying breath when I am old and wrinkly.
But before then, I will rise above all adversities by getting better daily. Finding ways to inspire and make a difference in myself first.
The idea of being an inspirational writer, keeps me alive. I truly see a book published having my name. This is something I want to prove to myself.
The art of inspiring is a craft I haven't yet mastered and I am learning everyday. I find space to learn it.
Brendon Burchar once said something similar, "It's your responsibility to achieve your goal when people disagree with you." So, it's best I hold on tight to my dreams and goals.
I am.
Because mastering the art of inspiration will allow me to spend more time with the things I love most like: family and inspirational writing.
I want to use this gift and share it with the world because it has done wonders in me. I have achieved a lot in life by feeling inspired.
What better way to enjoy life doing the things I love most. You get the point? Just get inspired.
Start by being hard on yourself by setting goals.
To make a difference in your own life you must master your fears. They matter in achieving goals.
Adopt a healthy self-improvement journey in your life. Be competitive with your own self. It will take you places never before imagined.
Start by defining a goal and knowing where it will take you. It loses direction if you don't tell it. Your goal should have direction.
Choose a direction filled with happiness and joy. If possible choose a route with mental and spiritual awakening. I have.
You'll eventually achieve your goal along the way. Just remember that it's the small differences in life that will help you keep going.
Also do everything possible to achieve it.
I am doing everything I can. My ultimate goal is to publish an inspiring book that will encourage people to achieve theirs. I am not giving up on that.
I have come this far by setting goals and believing something special out there is for me.
Believe there's something special waiting for you too.
The only thing waiting for me is inspiring people. I enjoy sharing my knowledge with the rest. I do it by pushing myself to grow each day.
It's a great feeling doing what I love doing best in this world. And I want to do that again. So, I took up the challenge to learn how to inspire by setting up a blog and sharing it.
Last week I inspired one person, and it's those little differences that help me keep going.
The more I inspire the further my confidence grew. I know I can do this.
Just work intelligently, persistently and you'll prevail. The more you invest in yourself the more you'll succeed.
Opportunities will open up to you the more you work on yourself. Allow yourself to be open.
I take every opportunity that will help me improve.
I am always on alert implementing new ideas to get better.
"Wow this is a good idea,"
I write it down to and share it.
Despite writing for years I know writing it will replace my day job. As I constantly work on getting better. I feel it getting closer.
I believe words change people. That is why it has caught my attention, how they heal, mold and transform people. As an aspiring writer it's my dream to have my work shared and
make a change in the world positively.
That is why I started a blog.
Nothing in this world is easy. Life is one long struggle and nothing is certain. I am not satisfied. So, I keep writing to change that dissatisfaction.
I wish I can work on your dream, but it would be emotionally draining. It's your responsibility to work on yours.
Even when your family and friends are doubting you. Do not be surprised. You'll come across that a lot. Do not take it personal.
Just keep improving yourself as you share your dreams to disapprovingly faces.
Perhaps they are right, but do not believe them. I don't.
Lastly, don't rush things too; slowly you'll get further. I learned this lesson the hard way.

Article Source:

Lisa Nichols Left The Audience Speechless - BEST SPEECH EVER!

Critical Thinking: Can Someone Project Their Darkness Into The World?

One way of looking at the world would be to say that there are 'good' people and then there are 'bad' people. The former gen...