Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Finding Your Creative Self

Expert Author Paul Moses

Creativity lives inside of every one of us. For those that think that you do not have a creative bone in your body I am going to disagree with you. I just think you have not found it just yet.

Have you tried every creative activity to see if there is a hint of enjoyment in it. I know one lady who thought the same about herself. She tried everything. Finally, she gave painting class a try.

She found there was a liking to it.

She went back again and again. She became better. She started feeling an inner calling to paint. She felt purpose for the first time in her life. Her painting teacher was amazed at her ever increasing skill level.

The interesting thing was she was in her sixty's. This talent stayed dormant until she decided to try a few things. Now she is selling her painting for thousands of dollars. You may want to give up the search for your creative self.

Give it another shot.

There is someone who is searching for that very thing you can give the world. However, you will have to start digging. I can assure you if you turn over every stone. You will find something. It doesn't have to lead to financial bliss.

The bliss you feel will be right in your heart. You will have found happiness and those around you will appreciate you also. "But I have tried everything." You may be thinking. I thought the same thing

Then I started writing. I found a whole new world opened up for me. Freedom of expression. It' s not easy most days but when I force myself to start, something within me begins to flow. Which brings me to my question for you

Have you ever given writing a shot?

I mentioned a story earlier in this post about a woman who discovered painting in her sixty's. There is another story about a man who was diagnosed with a terminal disease. He was given a few months to live. He picked up his pen and started writing as he thought it would be a good way to support his family when he was gone.

Six months went by. Then a year passed by. He completed four books. He did not die. The books became best sellers.

Sometimes it takes for us to backed against the wall to find out what we love and then do it. My final suggestion to you is if you can't find out what you love. Do something creative until you love it. I can assure you it will leave a lasting impact those around you.

This article was written by Paul Moses. If you would like more helpful tips you can read more on []

Article Source:

John Kehoe: Connect With Your Subconscious | The 6 Laws of The Mind


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Unleash the Power of Intuition

Expert Author Obaid Bilgarami

Power of intuition
Perceptions are the binoculars through which you usually see things. At times, the way things look is not the way things are but they are sighted to you the way you see them just because of your earlier perception based biases. Perceptions are deceptive as they tend to bend with incidences one goes around with.

However, there is one force deep within you that surpasses your perception and alters the feel into a stronger sense that is actually closer to the factuality; i.e., Intuition.

Intuition is a sense of alarm that helps our perception to direct the focus to the actual façade of the situation and enable you to form the positive judgments or decisions to act or remain inactive. The irony is that this is a forsaken trait by people and usually an individual who not only look for the earthly facts but also neglects the natural signaling which is the guided system to help you steer clear of upcoming dangers but also gives you inklings to the underlying goodness of an incidence.

Here the question arises that what we could do to get a handle on this boon. First of all, we must learn to pay heed to those inner voices within us which could either be the voice of your conscience or a pang in your stomach or whatever the shape it takes, it must be put forth to you before we could form an opinion or make any decision. Once we habituate ourselves with this act of listening to the sensory tiny voice, we would find ourselves in a better situation to analyze a situation and to evaluate the pros and cons of our reaction to that particular state of affairs.

What lies next to give our intuition a shot. Why call it a shot? As it may sometimes go off the hook or may go against your expectation as opposed to the prevailing paradigm of "A universal guidance system", but again this sense needs some time and experiments with its allowed proportion to failure in order to get strengthened up and let it establishes the best possible notions on the basis of which, it alters its course of inference so as to reach as close as possible to the reality-based decisions and map your mind into the right dimensions of psychics.

When this gut feeling is all nurtured up, it embodies the structured criterion within your mind to assess a case in point before getting down with a firm opinion or stronghold conclusion. So, now this is the time that you reaped what you harvested. You have successfully awakened the natural mechanism within yourself who mentors your true defined living standards, work patterns, habits forming or behavioral administration and that is the point where your maturity takes off the edge.

The power of intuition is infinite in nature and if further reinforced with advanced neuro-linguistic tools, it channels a sprout of energy in your self and assists you being an individual with extraordinary abilities which is commonly found in the world best leaders, founders or change agents as they possessed a firm control over their intuition and led a life filled with outstanding marvels, well-admired maneuvers, acknowledged services to the mankind.

For more motivational and personal development tools, researches and articles, please log onto [] and do like our Facebook page

Article Source:

Tony Robbins: How to Stay Focused ( Tony Robbins Mindset )


Monday, October 12, 2020

Developing Your Creative Genius

Expert Author Dr Alicia Holland

Do you wonder why it is important to understand our true birth identity? Do you know your spiritual gifts and talents? The answer to these two questions might spark an interest in getting to know more about the creative genius in which you are. You are born with the ability to create and manifest and you may have noticed that in elementary school. There are three strategies that can help you develop your creative genius.

Connect to Your Intuition

The first strategy is to take the time out to be still and quiet your mind in some form of meditation and mindfulness practices. This will allow for you to connect to your intuition, which is your higher self, or creative force that allows you to connect with your inner child. It's the part of your soul that allows you to create and imagine all the possibilities in which you can take to carry out your dreams. Your intuition gives you divine guidance on which step to take next and how to present your creative works in the form that works for your gifts and talents.

Take Time Out to Practice

The second strategy is to take the time out to practice your gift. It's not the time to perfect it, but it allows your creative juices to flow and allow you to create work much more effective and within less time. You may discover during this practice time that more gifts are revealed to you that will help you finalize any of your creative works. For instance, as you are in creative meditation, you may discover that you should also add in a new layer to your chosen creative works as practice allows for your intuition to be in sync as you are creating.

Serve Humanity with Your Gift

The last strategy to developing your creative genius is to share it with the World. Your gifts and talents will make room for you and it is important to have the confidence to share your creative works with the world so that it can help them. People will also give you constructive feedback about your creative works and their feedback will continue to help you refine your gifts and talents. Before you know it, you will be achieving a new level of creative genius.

It is your divine birth right to live boldly and intuitively! After all, You are a Creative Genius!

Alicia Holland, EdD, also known as ArizonaAlise, is an Intuitive Life Coach who has been having prophetic dreams since she was 7. She works with people of all walks of life through her intuitive life coaching at the 501c(3) Not for Profit, Alise Spiritual Healing & Wellness Center. Dr. Alise teaches others how to connect to their intuition to tap into their creative genius. Check out the latest book, "6 Steps to Tapping Into Your Creative Genius: How to Manifest Your Dreams Using Intuition, Creativity, and Meditation. To work with Dr. Alise, please visit

Article Source:

Become The Master of Your Life | Bob Proctor


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Imagination Is The Engine That Drives Life

Expert Author Joshua Clayton

Thinking outside the box is the most powerful thing in the world. But, how many people get out of their self-imposed walls in life? Not too many, and with the billions all over the place, too few get out of that box. For anyone willing to read or listen, I am ready to spill those beans on how to knock down those walls and be imaginative. So, here is a little advice to start off with: Stop caring what others think and start thinking genuinely for yourself.

Now, I did not say do not take advice if it is not good, but to get out of "the box", you must be genuinely selective, realistically creative, and honest with yourself to the core. The best lives follow a self-made pattern anyway, right down to trusting intuition mostly over the advice of others "who know better" and being genuinely selective about taking any advice. Indeed creative and synthetic imagination (in that order) is the driver of life. Creative imagination because there is a better way to do things than the established way waiting within reality waiting to be discovered, and synthetic imagination in that more can be done with what already exists when we look a little beyond it in productive and creative ways.

When I think of creativity and imagination, the first thing I think of is the word "different", not the word "better". Because, "better" is a value judgement that says hey this is better than this and there is not any better way to do it, that is it, this is where it ends. The word "different" can open up possibilities instead of ending them with value judgements. "This is better than that" makes false assumptions about reality, "we can do this differently" opens up more possibilities really. Different is the open road that leads to new and better places, better is a dead end. So, that is where creativity really starts, with that distinction. Creativity in those senses is the ultimate "gray area" in realistic thinking, better makes "black and white" absolute value judgements like "this is better than that", when it stifles creativity or betterment, that is unrealistic thinking and action, really.

So, start thinking about reality in different ways, not so much better ways, because it is through that difference that reality genuinely improves. For example, I remember when my Dad used to take his own car engine apart twice and putting it back together before starting it after he fixed it to see how he could improve its functioning with his knowledge of how to fix a car, and he actually succeeded at getting it to run better, that is an example of productively different thinking. Buying a "better" new car is not always the answer, is it? Sure, this end example is a basic example of how creativity works in reality. But, it shows what I mean by creativity is "different", never "better". New ways of looking at reality are the differences that makes things better anyway.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Article Source:

Build a Good Life : Develop a Lifestyle | Jim Rohn


Saturday, October 10, 2020

Timely Tips for A+ Accountability Buddies

Expert Author Paula Eder

Having an accountability buddy helps you stay focused and on-track when it comes to accomplishing your goals. It's a productive partnership that, at its best, helps everyone involved.

Here are 5 focused tips to help you and your accountability buddy grow strong roots and produce an abundant harvest!

1. Crystal Clear Objectives Prime You for Success:

Invest time to identify your objectives in advance. Write them down and refine them. In fact, ask yourself the following questions before even lining up an accountability buddy:

  • What outcome are you working towards?
  • How will you know when you're there?
  • Specifically, what do you want this partnership to provide?
  • What must you do on your end to work successfully with your accountability buddy?

2. Clear Objectives Grow Out of Clean Motivation.

Wishful thinking is famous for leading people on wild goose chases! So examine your motivation in advance. Is it grounded in reality? Keep in mind that your daily accountability exchange involves no more than a few minutes and is meant as a quick check-in. This isn't where the actual work gets done!

3. Select Your Accountability Buddy with Care.

Now that you have defined what you're looking for as realistically as possible, ask yourself:

  • Whose follow-through is reliable?
  • Who is a good listener?
  • Who will offer feedback only when asked?

Perhaps you will be selecting a buddy from a group you are just getting to know (such as in a class). In that case, choose someone with similar interests to create a base.

4. Identify What Feedback, If Any, You'd Like to Receive.

An accountability buddy's primary role is simply to be there when you check in. If you feel that your buddy could enrich your efforts by sharing her impressions, then give some thought to what feedback you do or don't want. When you feel clear, communicate your wishes to your partner in a straightforward way.

5. Allow Successful Connections to Evolve Organically.

Accountability buddies offer interesting potentials. Satisfactory

partnerships may conclude when objectives are met. Yet connections may grow in unexpected and rewarding ways, too. Remain open to the possibilities.

Perhaps you and your buddy will consider new goals when you reach your first due date. You might extend your original agreement, augmented by deepened trust. Or a cordial relationship may evolve into a virtual friendship.

For example, two years ago, I joined a boot camp. Our first assignment was to find an accountability buddy. An artist from Georgia who shares my love of nature and farming contacted me.

We supported one another for the duration of the boot camp.

Afterwards, we broadened our connection, and still enjoy visiting by phone every 2-3 months. I so appreciate my ongoing connection with my friend and accountability buddy!

Keeping these relationships at once true to their goals and dynamic presents worthwhile challenges. It is key to maintain focus and respect the boundaries that you establish together. Then, as trust builds, you might enjoy giving these supportive connections room to grow and mature.

And to move toward your Heart-Based Time Success, sign up for our free gift, The Finding Time Success Kit, which includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format this powerful and practical time template helps you progress beyond disappointment and frustration. Discover that 24 hours really are enough!

Just click this link to get started:

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Friday, October 9, 2020

How To Keep Going If You Don't Know What's Next

Expert Author Chad Nedland

Getting started isn't enough.

Lot of experts and writers in the personal development area say one of the most important things to do is, "Just get started." I would have to argue with that and say one of the most important things you must do isn't getting started - but to continue what you've already begun. You see anyone can become a basketball player or a baseball player or a singer or a writer or a videographer. But the only way to become successful in any one area such as that is to continue working on the craft.

But how do you continue when you don't know just what direction to go? The first step is focus on the immediate day. So much of the anxiety that we have in our lives comes from our uncertainty of the future. When we are unsure about what our future looks like, we begin to become anxious. The very best thing that we can do is focus on the immediate action that we need to take right now. To quote someone, "Do something with today and forget about everything else."

Make sure that the goals you set are within your control.

The only times things seem impossible is when we look at a goal or an outcome that we cannot control. The key is to focus on only the things that we can control. Improving yourself is your main business. So make the best of today, be a great person, and do what is in your best interest to move forward.

When necessary adjust.

Every time you begin something new you are stepping into the unknown. Very quickly you find out it won't go as planned and what happens doesn't necessarily come out the way you planned. Yet so many times I see people struggling to force an outcome. It just shouldn't be!

In fact, if what we assume to happen doesn't pan out the we want, we begin to teach ourselves be afraid of trying.

Don't be afraid but instead make bold decisions and adjust to all outcomes.

As an author and speaker, Chad Nedland ministers as God leads. Teaching of the fullness of a life with God and edifying the body of Christ is his life's definite purpose.

His greatest passion is encouraging and challenging other believers to walk in the fullness of their calling and identity in Christ. His goal is to never have a conversation or interaction with someone that does not change something within them, drawing them closer to God.

Learn more at Chad Nedland

Article Source:

Top Tips For Becoming a Powerful Speaker - Lisa Nichols


Thursday, October 8, 2020

Not Following The Crowd

Expert Author Joshua Clayton

The only way to achieve anything genuine is to not follow the crowd and come up with something creatively original. With that dramatically simple statement, I start this article off. The greatest dreamers that ultimately got "somewhere", started off seemingly insane, "nuts" or worse and ended up prophets of reality that won everything right down to the invention and patenting of the electric light bulb, motor car, wireless cell phone and forever beyond creativity, simple or complex.

So, we all love to win, even the best and worst of us. Who loves to pay genuinely at all creative costs for what they win though? That is why the very concept of cheating exists as a reality in the minds of most people. "Follow the crowd, steal what you can and get it 'all' quick and easy without the work" is the subliminal reality presented to us all in society.

The underlying genuine reality still remains there, though. To win you must journey the full journey of the originator ultimately, whatever the temporary disappointments to really get the real goal. All cheating leads to false escapes and disappointments that are permanent in that sense anyway. In that sense, I can honestly, and factually say that only the weakest people are genuine cheaters and the strongest people create value from the ground up regardless of what others, including the cheaters may do. Violent losing always comes down to a gun shot or a first fist raised in violence. Genuine triumph always comes down to creativity and rational self-defense from the ground up in a genuinely working way that creates and preserves instead of destroys and steals. Indeed, initiating violence and destruction for gain is the ultimate form of cheating and if we are destructive in that way destruction will ultimately and genuinely end us.

Nobody is a winner who cheats with the destructive essence of cheating and full understanding of it. The real achievement is essentially being creative realistically, not trying to escape responsibility through stealing or cheating. So, at the end of this article, I quote one of my favorite Dan Penn/Wallace Daniel Pennington and Lincoln Wayne "Chips" Moman songs, "The Dark End Of The Street" with an understanding context that lays the reality there for all to see clearly as a wonderfully honest metaphor:

At the dark end of the street,

That's where we always meet.

Hiding in shadows where we don't belong,

Living in darkness to hide our wrong.

You and me, at the dark end of the street

You and me.

I know time is gonna take its toll

We're have pay for the love we stole

It's a sin and we know it's wrong

Oh but our love keeps coming on strong

Steal away, to the dark end of the street,

They're gonna find us,

They're gonna find us,

They're gonna find us, oh someday

You and me, at the dark end of the street

You and me.

And when the daylight hour rolls around

And by chance we're both downtown

If we should meet, just walk on by

Oh darling, please don't cry

Tonight we'll meet

At the dark end of the street.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Article Source:

Oprah Winfrey | 5 Minutes For The NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE


Wednesday, October 7, 2020

6 Steps to Take Action Right Now

 I wish I didn't play it too safe" said my father then he continued "you're young, so get out and take risks, fail and learn". That was enough for me to take action towards my goals. Just think about it, you work for your goals and you achieve them, wouldn't it be amazing? Easier said than done, right? If you don't give a chance to yourself, it will never happen.

What is worst, we all tried to do something to make our lives better. Especially, in new years, many people have that 'new year, new me' mindset. Weird enough, they and also you pursued the same habits to achieve different goals. It's like eating chicken and expecting the taste of beef. After all of the failed attempts, you become hopeless and start to believe that you don't have what it takes. The good news? You do have what it takes!

However, first things first. The main reason you failed in the past is this: you set a goal in your mind, you read, listen, watch and gather information about it. And you forgot the most important part; the execution. Let's say, you want to play violin, have a hot body, or start a business. What do you do? You go for it! You spend too much time learning 'about' your goal that eventually, you run out of energy for the actual goal.

Hesitation is another issue; you think like should I go for it? Will it be beneficial? Am I going to be successful? What others are going to think? I've got a question for you; how on the earth are you going to know the answer without trying? The only thing you should get out of this; you spend too much energy about your goal rather than the goal itself.

Procrastination, I had this problem in the past, I feel you. I generally put off working on my goals; I'll start working on it after watching this episode. Alright, I'll just listen to one more music and get started. Guess what happened? Nothing, I killed my valuable time. And I've had enough of it, you've had enough of it too. Here's how to take action right now:

First, understand your fears. Yes, fears and yes, the ones that you deny. If you wish you can write them down on a piece of paper. But generally, we're scared of these: failure and what others will think about what we do. The bad news, you're going to fail, I know from myself, I did it whole lots of times. The worse, it will hurt, yet I've got good news as well. Every time you fail, you learn how to get back up. Certainly one reason that you're afraid of failure is because you don't want other people to see it, that's why you don't want to fail.

It's funny, because you're not their priority, so they don't think about you as much as you think they think about you. Suppose that one your friends started training martial arts. He got serious about in his new hobby and after training a couple of months participated a tournament. Let's say, he got destroyed in his first match. How much would you care? Are you going to make fun of him or if yes, for how long? As you can see, there's no need of fear of failure that comes from worrying about others' reactions.

Second, you should accept failure. There are many ways to embrace failure, in my opinion, changing the definition of failure is the easiest one. How? Instead of 'failure' you can say 'stepping stone', 'lesson', or 'opportunity for growth'. The more you fail, the more 'opportunities for growth' you will have. Trust me, one of those opportunities will work for you, afterwards, you'll rise like a star. You don't fail because you take action, you fail because you don't take action.

Third, you learn on the way. Your worst is your first, remember that. Do a favor to yourself, have low expectations in your first try. No one was born as professional athletes, wonderful writers, or singers. All of the successful people put tremendous amount of effort on their work. There's no secret, you have to do the same if you want to achieve your goal. It's perfectly okay to think, read, listen and gather information about what you want to do, however, make sure you'll have enough energy to put necessary efforts into your goal. Otherwise you'll not be going forward.

Fourth, run away from temporary desires as your life depends on it. Temporary desires ruin your life. While you think of one more episode, one more music or one more night out, the other person out there working is winning. If something that you do doesn't help you, then don't do it. For instance, I love listening to music, therefore, I listen to music before I work. It starts with that sentence 'just one more' or 'alright, this is the last one', trust me it is more than one more or last one. When I started to write instead of listening to music, I found myself writing till 2 a.m. So, just get started!

The last one, take your time. It is good to visualize your success and it does motivate you, however, you should take only one step at a time. When it comes to achieving something, you cannot start on the top. Don't try to be on the top in the beginning of the journey, as I've said before, have low expectations in the beginning.

If you keep thinking about what you want to do, you'll hesitate, fear and put off more. Which will not bring any positive results. On the other hand, if you start doing what you want to do right now, eventually, you'll have some results (good or bad). More than that, if you keep trying, eventually, you will get your desired outcome.
What are you waiting for? Go for it!

Contact me:

Article Source:

Article Source:

How to Create Enduring Happiness


Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Ten Excellent Ways To Reshape Your Life

Expert Author Dr Marci Bryant

1. Discover your Strengths (If you don't know what they are you need to find out)! What are you doing when you are at your best?

This question is deceptively simple but incredibly powerful. The most successful people in the world have discovered the things they are best at and build their working lives around those strengths.

If you don't know what your strengths are you can purchase a book that offers the test, it called STRENGTHS FINDERS.

2. Do a time diary How do you (really) spend your time?

For one day, write down what you want to accomplish and then use any one of the online tools to keep a record of everything you do. Do some research to find one that is right for you. At the end of the day compare your goals with what actually happened. You can also do this without the expense of spending any funds if you are disciplined enough to do it.

This is an amazingly revealing exercise because it shows you how much time you waste on random, useless activities. How much time do you spend checking email? How much time on Facebook? How much time endlessly browsing the news, feeling productive but not actually accomplishing anything?

As an exercise, see if you can identify the 20% of your time that produced 80% of your results. What can you do to have more highly productive time like this?

3. Set Weekly Goals and Review Progress

What is your #1 goal this week? Setting goals is necessary. They help keep you focused. You waste less time and less money.

This personal investment strategy is similar to time management, but it lasts for an entire week. Oftentimes, we get so caught up in the day to day rush that we fail to step back and look at the things that are most critical.

It's the old urgent-versus-important problem. We spend our time dealing with small, urgent issues, when we should be focusing on important (but non-urgent) tasks. This week, fight back against the chaos by setting one main goal that you want to have accomplished in seven days. You can also pick two secondary goals if you're feeling ambitions, but no more than that.

Look back on how you did at the end of the week. Did setting goals help you work more purposefully and effectively? If you had done nothing but work on your three main goals, what would have happened?

4. Get a Mentor

This is a harder challenge, but the benefits are worth it.

You need to find a mentor .

Make a list of everyone you know who has a lot of experience in your line of business. If you don't know anyone who meets this criterion, broaden the search to people you know who were very successful in another field or with whom you particularly resonate.

Then, rank order your list of potential mentors by preference and start contacting them! Try to set up a regular meeting time and overarching goals for the relationship when you first get together. I'd also recommend establishing a task to work on in between each of your meetings, so you can get feedback and support from your mentor.

Mentoring relationships are a powerful source of knowledge, inspiration and connections - don't miss out!

5. Read a Great Book

Great books are like prepackaged boxes of ideas, painstakingly put together by a brilliant author for you to assimilate. Why not take advantage of this amazing resource?

Here are a few of my favorite business books. I challenge you to read at least one of them over the next month:

Twenty Steps to a More Glorious You

Rich Dad Poor Dad- Robert Kiyosaki

Cha- Ching - Jeffrey Gitomer

Become Rich on Main Street - Rick Pierce

Each of these books transformed the way I thought about business. Reading these books is like hiring a business coach for just a fraction of the cost!!!

6. Start a Habit that will cause you to "stretch"

What is one thing you wish you did every day?

Here are some ideas:

  • Write a blog post
  • Learn something
  • Exercise
  • Reach out to an influencer
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • (think of a productive habit that you would like to do)
  • Guest post
Either take one of the above ideas or come up with your own. You're about to make the chosen activity into a habit that you perform each and every day, using one simple truth.

You can do anything for 21 days. Make it be something that you want to incorporate in your life..

7. Build Your Personal Brand

What does your online presence look like? What happens when someone Google's your name?

The topic of personal branding is too big to cover right here, so I'll limit myself to one actionable suggestion.

Challenge: Create an "Info-graphic Resume."

An info-graphic resume is a small, visually appealing webpage/rack card that provides your bio, contact information, accomplishments and skills.

Next time you need to introduce yourself to someone online, just direct them to your resume page (that wasn't so hard!).

8. Be Thankful

Being thankful is surprisingly powerful.

As Shawn Achor explains in his TED talk, taking five minutes each day to list three things you're thankful for trains your mind to look for the positive. Amazingly, maintaining a positive mindset makes you more productive and effective in your work (as well as happier in general!).

Who knew?

As an aside, I started doing this a few months ago. Within a week of adopting this habit, I had a string of absolutely incredible brainstorming sessions that gave me a vision for Viibrant's development over the next year.

That week was one of the most productive and creative periods in my life... and I wonder if it had anything to do with my new "thankfulness" habit. It may have just been a coincidence, but we'll never know for sure.

9. Find Your Why

Purpose is a powerful thing. It gets you up in the morning and keeps you awake at night. Anyone who accomplished anything great was driven by a strong, deeply-held belief of what is wrong with the world and how it can be made right.

What is your purpose? Why do you work?

Take an hour today to sit quietly by yourself and reflect on what you care about most deeply. What types of "bigger than yourself" activities really get you fired up or make you feel most fulfilled?

Don't skip this challenge. The benefits of knowing your purpose will last a lifetime.

10. The Biggest Danger Is Inaction

Change is always scary, and you may be reluctant to implement these suggestions for fear of what might happen to your business. But experimenting with these ideas will likely go unnoticed by most of your customers, especially those new to your business. If the changes aren't beneficial, you can always revert back to your old policies and pricing.

Without taking action, you'll never know how much money could be added to your bottom line.

Conclusion: Are you ready to get started with these challenges?

No one will do this work for you. How important

Article Source:

How To Create A Processes For Success


How A Person Becomes A Success

Expert Author Ara Vahanian

Success is a quality that most of us desire, yet do we really know what success is? The concept is so broad. Imagine coming to a new country called the United States as a little boy and not even being able to walk on your feet when you are young. Then you require lots of medical attention and spend lots of time in a hospital setting. The very thought of being strapped to an operating table terrifies you. It scares you so much that you start to cry and you wonder when this nightmare is going to be over. After each surgery especially if there are several of them, you have to spend at least a good 8 weeks just to recover.

After all of the required medical attention, you most probably need physical therapy to improve the flexibility and coordination in your muscles and joints. Upon starting school as a child, you may become picked on and bullied by other kids. You may have trouble relating to others on a social level. But in spite of these challenges, you are very gifted and smart academically. All throughout your school career, you become a success and receive many awards for your good grades. You become well-liked by your teachers and many of your classmates. Even a loss in the student body elections for student secretary in middle school during the 7th grade does not deter you from wanting to succeed in school.

Upon graduating from high school, your academic prowess continues and you end up getting an undergraduate degree. You are then able to prove that you can hold a job successfully. Your employer sees your dedication and hard work and he or she also notices your value to the company. And even after you are laid off from your job, you can still see yourself as a success because you worked so hard to get to where you are today in spite of so many challenges and obstacles. Upon being laid off from your corporate job, you begin to explore other possibilities of jobs that you could do. Somehow, you end up studying Accounting, still feeling and believing that you are a success in your life. The story that was just told is a short version of the story of this writer and how he became a success. This narrative account shows what real success really is even if you lose your job and have been affected by a down economy.

Ara Vahanian is a freelance writer, personal blogger and accountant. Ara is also interested in pop culture in Asia and he has a personal website at

Article Source:

How to Set Goals: 80/20 Rule for Goal Setting | Brian Tracy


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