Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Life Is Not About Finding Yourself But Creating Yourself

Life is how we make it. Be that as it may, but many people are experiencing their lives along these lines. Regardless of whether deliberately or unknowingly we disengaged from our capacity, substance and soul to wind up feeling at some degree lost. Possibly it happens when we appear to have all that we need superficially; cash, assets, achievement, yet we need satisfaction at the most profound level.
At some instances, we feel lost and confounded along these lines, it is our awareness to wake us up to the truth of who we truly are; divine limitless creatures that are incredible, unfathomable. The saddest part is that individuals may never tune in to this call from soul. A significant number of us are so molded, so sleeping to our own stunning force that it's excessively startling. Rather than grasping our capacity, we deviated our cognizance.
On the other hand, when we are open and responsive to revealing our fullest potential, we increase an awesome chance to gain proficiency with the embodiment of what it genuinely intends to make our life. The way we pick here is the thing that decides the course of our future, and influences our capacity to genuinely venture into our most noteworthy conceivable articulation. The single greatest change we can grasp now in our lives is to assume radical liability for who and where we are now.
From this point onward, we become open to development, extension and the fixing of the entirety of the constrained perspectives and being we have utilized before. Assuming liability for your life along these lines takes HUGE measures of mental fortitude. It might be awkward on occasion to decide to be the sensible maker of our reality, since it implies there is never again any other person to blame for the things we don't care for. What is unmistakably increasingly awkward however is carrying on with an actual existence path underneath our potential since we never had the mental fortitude to assume liability for our lives.
Every individual holds a different perspective about life due to our distinct way of thinking and attitude towards life. I believe it's up to us to create our role in it. Life is all about discovering our true self. It is high time to stop finding yourself and go ahead to creating yourself.
In fact, we lose our true essence because we want our society to accept us, so we change, and compromise. But when we spend few moments to reflect, we realized that it is important that we create our own identity. Every choice we make matters. To shape our lives like the way we want it, we need to make bold choices to achieve our goals even if it means taking the road less traveled. We need to make decisions that bring us closer to our goals of creating a name for ourselves.

We are the directors of our life and it's up to us to decide what role we want to follow and create an incredible story.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10229207


NO EXCUSES - Best Motivational Video

Monday, March 30, 2020

How To Create More Money FAST

Do you ever find yourself thinking, "I know I should be making more money"... and yet it just isn't showing up? There's a level of income you're trying to create, but the universe seems to be on its own slower-than-slow timeline. You wonder whether you're putting blocks in your own path, or exactly what's happening?
Riley Diess is a decorated veteran turned motivational speaker. She has a natural talent for inspiration, and whenever she delivers a keynote speech, people are lined up for blocks to talk to her. With her rave reviews, and stellar referrals, she wonders, "I honestly couldn't work any harder, or any more diligently! But isn't there a way to make this money-thing go faster? Am I somehow blocking my own success?"
A lack of revenue could be for a million reasons... from our marketing message to our advertising budget to the employees we engage. It could also be from outside forces, like the market conditions we experienced back in 2008 and 2009.
If we're freelancing for other companies, a lack of a strong income could be from economic conditions like election years or foreign policy concerns... or it could come from something closer to home like mismanagement or a lack of vision of the company we work for... it could even be that we're under-qualified or over-qualified as compared to other freelancers or competitors.
So a lack of revenue can get down to a number of different reasons. But underneath it all, there's really only one reason we don't have affluence:
It's because we're focused on LACK.
If we're thinking about what we don't have, that vibration of what we don't have creates our reality.
The more we focus on prosperity thinking, the more prosperity will find its way to us. That's about as simple as it gets! This is what Riley started doing quite successfully, and you can too. (In this podcast episode, we'll even learn how to hold on to the "bigness" of a money goal, but not create a vibrational barricade to receiving it.)
Suggestion: When you're feeling stuck, it's never the situation that has you stuck... it's your energy that's become stuck, by the trigger of negative emotions that can come from past situations or events.
In other words, it isn't the pain of the situation; it's the pain of not being connected in the natural energy of who you really are... of being connected to that magical part of you that's a creative vibrational being who can use positive energies to create what you want and bring it into physical manifestation. Part of this process is to allow your manifestations to materialize, and not get stuck in the negative vibrations that block them.

Join us for this podcast episode and many more at http://unlockyourhiddenpower.com. Remy gives you engaging and award-winning roll-up-your-sleeves exercises to help bring about the transformational powers of alchemy that so many are praising... and as a listener, you can experience it first-hand!
You can also reserve your ticket for an upcoming Success Circle Workshop. Our programs fill up fast, and seats are limited,

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9974719


How to spot a liar | Pamela Meyer

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Fear, Get Out!

"The plague took about five thousand as promised, fear took millions and billions through paranoia." There is a lot I do get, and a lot that I do not get. When panic sets in for many, I get that. So, here is the nature of survival in a nut shell or short, simple format: Courage. If we face life with it, we are better off, even if we do die or whatever may happen bad or good (in that order). Even Viktor Frankl said that one with his Logotherapy trainings, as well as most self-development people, speakers and all of that.
So, I really start this article with a corollary saying: "Courage makes survivors ultimately." I understand that courage comes from genuinely and soberly understanding what needs and wants (in that order) to be faced in life and existence, not avoiding it in a paranoid or blindly fearful way. Paranoid preparation without full understanding is the ultimate "castle in the sand that washes to the sea" to speak in the terms of old Jimi Hendrix songs that make too much sense to the left or rational brain of a human being. What I mean is, paranoia and fear ultimately accomplish nothing but lessening chances of rational survival and actually increasing the chances of irrational death.
Here is what I mean by the above increase of the chances of irrational death: In the senseless rush and survival panic, you ultimately in that panic end up "a sheep going blindly off the cliff with the other sheep". My point is, think for moment and do not follow the crowd of people in a panic. Sure, I could make it more complex and fearful. What is the point to that? We have to think for ourselves creatively and courageously if we want to survive genuinely and rationally. What is the whole point of Viktor Frankl, Adam Smith (A genuine supply and demand rational economist) and Ayn Rand philosophies other than this fact anyway if you read everything they write. Plato, Immanuel Kant, John Maynard Keynes and the hereafter are not factors for the here and now, they basically say "In the long run we are all dead, and we will be herded into the hereafter anyway, so forget the here and now." Some may say a fearful "Yeah, right!?" or "No!" Know the reality though, if we want to rationally survive, reality has to be considered always in a rationally creative way, we cannot follow the crowd, the herd or fear reality and recoil at it all. We must rationally look at the facts and then act on them always. So, I end with a simple Thomas Paine quote that is also a title of a treatise he wrote: "Common sense".

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10266245


Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy

Saturday, March 28, 2020

The Purpose of Data Science

In this article, you will read about the role of a data scientist and the way different companies use data science to their advantage. This will also help you get a better understanding of the importance of data science. Let's get a deeper insight into the matter.
Data Science purpose
Primarily, the purpose of data science is to identify data patterns with the help of different statistical techniques. The idea is to analyze data and get a deeper insight into the given information. The process includes different stages. Some of them include data extraction, wrangling, and processing.
Data scientists make predictions based on the given data. Also, they makes important business decisions based on the entire research. Let's get a deeper insight into the role of a data scientist.
1. Better Marketing
Most companies use data in order to analyze different marketing strategies for creating better advertisement campaigns. Sometimes, businesses spend a lot of time to market their products. Therefore, they try to study and analyze customer feedback as well. Companies achieve this purpose through the analysis of customer behavior.
Aside from this, keeping an eye on customer trends can help the company get a much better idea of what the market wants. Therefore, companies are in need of data scientists. After all, they want to make strong business decisions as far as marketing champions are concerned.
2. Customer Acquisition
Another role of a data scientist is to analyze the needs of a company in order to get more customers. Besides, this helps companies customize their products based on the needs of their target customers. It is the data that helps companies get a better understanding of the needs of their clients or customers. Therefore, the purpose of data scientists is to help different types of businesses understand their customers.
3. Innovation
Since companies have access to a lot of data, they are in a better position to create innovations. These professionals can help create innovative products by analyzing the conventional designs. They analyze customer reviews that help businesses create products that will meet the needs of most customers out there.
We can say that innovation is quite important in today's world. Without creating innovative products and services, businesses of today can't beat their competitors in the world of business. Businesses that don't use the services of these professionals cannot make progress and stay far behind their competitors.
4. Enriching Lives
Healthcare industries use customer data in order to introduce products that can make their customers' lives better. In these industries, data scientists analyze the personal data as well as the health history of patients in order to introduce products that can improve the lives of patients.
To cut a long story short, if we consider the instances given above, we can say that every company makes use of the given data in a different manner. Based on the company requirements, data is used in a specific manner. Therefore, we can say that the purpose of these professionals depends on the needs of the company.

If you want to know the data science course fee in Bangalore or you want to find the best data science course in Chennai, you can check out Datamites.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10247663


How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure

Friday, March 27, 2020

4 Ways To Save Time In Your Business And Get More Done

Do you want to save time and get more done? You're not alone. Being organized makes everything easier; it improves focus and productivity.
Here are four strategies that can help you keep your business clean, organized and simplified for fast growth.
1. Organize Your Workspace
To get started, make sure your workspace and office are neat and organized. This will improve your performance and eventually, your productivity. The organization of the whole company depends on how organized your workspace is.
Keep everything in a specific place. Then, clear the clutter in your computer desktop. A clean and streamlined computer screen can motivate and make you more creative. Take a few minutes every day to delete unnecessary files and store new ones into relevant folders.
2. Create a To-Do List for the Next Day and Use It
Creating to-do lists is very popular in the business world. However, only a few people actually follow up their lists. So what's the point of creating to-do lists if you don't use them as references for your task priorities?
List everything you need to get done. Then list group-related activities which you can do together. Number the activities according to their priority level and rearrange them. Base priority on correspondence, time-sensitivity, and productivity.
And remember to mark things off once they're completed.
3. Monitor Customer Support
Loyal customers are the backbone of a company. And keeping them happy with your products or services is the best use of your time and resources.
With a program such as Groove, you can reach your customers effectively. This program can help you manage your customer tickets efficiently. You'll be able to spend less time managing customers and more time focusing on other crucial areas of your business, such as product development.
4. Plan Your Social Media Marketing Campaigns in Advance
Are you running your social media campaigns on a budget? Then, you need to reduce the time you spend online.
Avoid publishing posts every few hours. This is time-consuming, and it wastes a lot of time. Instead, schedule posts in advance. You'll save countless hours, which you can use to improve your efficiency and productivity.
Also, use online tools such as Buffer or MeetEdgar to publish social media posts. With this tool, you can write social media updates once, and post them later. This is a great way to organize things, avoid repetitive tasks and update your social feeds regularly.

Putting systems in place makes things quicker and gives you more time to focus on growth and new ideas. You must work smarter and not harder to improve business efficiency. To learn more about managing business growth and productivity download my free checklist, A Guide To Business Systems And Automation at https://jonallo.com/biz-systems

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10252337


The surprising habits of original thinkers | Adam Grant

Thursday, March 26, 2020

How To Live Your Full Potential Every Day

Many people, who seek assistance to improve their lives reveal fear is one of the most prominent reason. Fear oftentimes leads to regrets. In fact, regrets can be carried from previous incarnations along with other feelings that weren't resolved.
Regret is the final hurdle that people need to resolve after fear. Transforming or Transmuting any regrets will bring a new perspective, including regrets from previous incarnations.
Even when I've helped people to get past the fear, there were some who still didn't live the life they deserve. The reason is they're living in regret about something either in this incarnation or previous incarnations.
"Shoulda done this sooner."
"Woulda done this differently."
"Coulda done this better."
What are your shoulda, woulda, coulda regrets?
When you hear those words in your head or you say them out loud, you're living in regret. Dwelling in it means you are holding yourself back from the brightness in your life that wants to shine through.
It's like closing the blinds on the beautiful sunshine, while you lament missing today's sunrise.
Regret keeps you living in the past. It stops you from standing in your full power at the moment.
This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life. You have the power to make new choices. And you deserve to have all the opportunities those new choices will bring.
When you find yourself living in regret, recognize it as an opportunity to take action and make a different decision, so that the next moment brings you closer to the health, wealth and opportunities you desire and deserve.
Three tips to eliminate the shoulda, woulda, coulda:
Ask yourself if this is reality or an emotional response. Both are equally valid and important to access. If it's reality, examine the situation and consider each step you took on the path that brought you to this regret. How can you avoid taking the same steps in the future? If it's emotional, dig in and figure out which emotions are being triggered and how they are impacting you.
Ask someone to help you find a new perspective. When you are in the middle of a tough situation, particularly an emotional one, it's difficult to see other options. Napoleon Hill said, "Out of every adversity comes a seed of equal or greater benefit." When you're standing in front of a tree with your nose against the bark, you can't see anything else. If you have someone who can pull you back, only a little bit, a new perspective will reveal a whole forest of possibilities.
Take action. Once you have uncovered your regret, how you got there and what's driving the emotion that's causing you pain; and you have a new perspective that allows you to make a new choice in your life; it's time to take action. What steps can you take to turn the adversity of regret into your seed of greater benefit? Outline your steps and then take that first one!
When you take the steps above to turn your regret into positive action, you will start living a bigger and bolder life. That means you will face change, which can be uncomfortable for a while. However, in the final analysis it is well worth the effort.
This moment is the first moment of the rest of your life.
Are you willing to take the steps required to claim your happiness, success, fulfillment, and empowerment? Will you take advantage of the opportunity to create a new reality for your life?
It's time to SHIFT and get prepared for what's coming up for your life... so I want you to put your heart and soul into paying close attention to how much mental, emotional and physical pain you are in. Then, step by step you can make the transformation gently, easily, and without having to deal with the mental and emotional pain and stress of not knowing what to do, not feeling your best, and all the other OLD WAYS that are holding you back. You might need to ask for assistance to clear out the self-doubt, fear, guilt, shame or unworthiness.
This is an investment in your health, happiness, success, fulfillment, and empowerment. Following the principles in this process will change your life forever and I want you to experience it yourself as soon as possible. Remember only you can take care of your happiness and mental, emotional, physical health and professional success.
You can do it! Call me if you need assistance to transmute any symptoms no matter how dire, how long you have struggled or other things you have done.
Henry Ford, who created the Model T automobile in 1908 and went on to develop the assembly line mode of production, which revolutionized the automotive industry stated, "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't you are right."
For your convenience, I offer a 20-minute *FREE* no-obligation phone conversation to answer your questions and discuss how you can discover and create personal and professional success. And you will receive value in the 20-minute conversation.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Metaphysician - Certified Hypnosis Practitioner, Author, and Speaker. Dr. Dorothy facilitates clearing blocks, fears and limiting beliefs. You can live the life you desire. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's thoughts and feelings. http://www.drdorothy.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10268227


The future we're building -- Elon Musk

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Improving your day

In troubled times as of today, how do you stay positive? You are confined indoors and feel bored to death. How can you improve your day?
As you can understand, the coronavirus is spreading all over the world, which is highly contagious. The only way to be safe and also save others is to stay indoors with family.
But that doesn't mean you have to let yourself get bored. There are a number of things you can do today to improve your day. Here are a few pointers:
  1. First of all, you cannot or may not focus on the c-virus all the time. This may paralyze you with fear and panic. Instead engage with your family, play with your children, watch movies and have fun inside of home.
  2. You need to take a first little step to keep you moving towards creative ideas inside of home. You may paint a picture or author a novel, first starting with a draft. You may or may not incorporate the c-virus in your writing. Go with the flow.
  3. Help your spouse with cooking and cook a dish too. Then enjoy dining at the table with your family.
  4. Do you love indoor hobbies like stamp collecting or coin collecting? When was the last time you concentrated on these? Now is the time to note which countries' stamps or coins you already have and arrange them.
  5. Do you love poetry? You can write poems on anything around you that interests you. It can be your pet, spouse, child or anything else for that matter. You may even write a poem on c-virus.
  6. How about putting on light music and dancing with your spouse and children and having fun? Do you enjoy dancing? If yes, it will do your body a lot of good instead of sitting slump on the living room couch.
  7. How about being online? Do you have a Facebook account? If yes, you could chat with friends, post new ideas and like your friends' attractive posts. This way you could elevate your mood. But do not while away all the time behind the computer. It's important that you keep your family happy and involved as well.
  8. Of course you have work to do from home. Your company has given you orders to work from home instead of going to the office. So concentrate and be up-to-date with that part as well. Email your coworkers, team leader and/or your Boss for the matter.
Summing up, you have a lot on your plate. As my article shows, you can fight boredom while staying safe and get entwined with a number of indoor activities to improve your day and stay positive.

Rosina S Khan has authored this article. For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories and academic guides, amazing self-help eBooks, articles and blogs, all authored by her, and much more, visit: https://rosinaskhan.weebly.com. You will be glad that you did.
Alternatively, for a different layout of free resources, visit: http://www.facebook.com/RosinaSKhan.hub. You won't be disappointed and remember to like her Facebook page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10270222

Jim Rohn - FOCUS ON ONE THING (Jim Rohn Motivation)

Monday, March 23, 2020

How to Correct Someone Without Embarrassing or Angering Them

Do you know someone who is blundering some way? Do not pinpoint his mistakes directly. Why? Because s/he may feel less than or humiliated. There is an art to rectify them. How is it possible? Read on to find out.
Here are some ways:
Do not let him understand the motive of your conversation. Start talking with him generally, about his family, what his family members are doing, how he is finding the projects at work and which ones he is finding interesting. Then casually say that there is something you would like him to improve. His get up is not appropriate for office. Ask him to look at the people around him and what they are wearing. No jeans, no sport shoes. Ask him to emulate them right away.
Then tell him everything else is okay with him. You think he is a good and efficient coworker. Buy him lunch and continue your conversation in a light tone until he is comfortable back in his skin. Your objective behind your conversation is fulfilled without embarrassing or angering him.
Another example could be that you are not satisfied with the formatting of a document done by a coworker. The best way to approach him would be to say something good about him at first. For instance, he is always punctual about submitting his work. You let him know that. Then tell him gently what it is about the document you find unsatisfactory. Given the initial praise, your coworker would take in the criticism more openly and happily.
The same applies to your family and kids. Your spouse may be erring somewhere in the household, which you may not like. Don't let her understand what your intention is behind striking a jolly conversation with her. Let her know politely what she is doing wrong with a household appliance.
Share coffee together and add other topics to your conversation. Then your spouse will be happy to take your advice with no grudges. She will hardly understand the motive behind your conversation and she will be delighted to handle the household appliance in a way you like the next time she uses it.
Teenage kids are hard to handle. Your son may be watching too many movies and cartoons on the TV more than giving time to doing homework and studying. Sit beside your son. Tell him all the good qualities about him- the way he lends a helping hand in the household activities, the way he loves both his parents and grandparents and the way he picks up his friends.
Then in a delicate tone after the good dose, let him know that you are disappointed in him that he neglects doing homework and studying which is an important part of his life. Now is the time to build his foundation in knowledge. If he doesn't pay attention to school, he will always feel inferior and less than in future. Ask your son if he got your point and whether he will promise to be more regular with school.
Summing up, the two strategies I mentioned in this article are great ways to convince people to do things in a way you like, correcting them with no hard feelings on their side.

Rosina S Khan has authored this article. For a wealth of free resources based on stunning fiction stories and academic guides, amazing self-help eBooks, articles and blogs, all authored by her, and much more, visit: https://rosinaskhan.weebly.com. You will be glad that you did.
Alternatively, for a different layout of free resources, visit: http://www.facebook.com/RosinaSKhan.hub. You won't be disappointed and remember to like her Facebook page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10236386


From Drug Addict To Billion Dollar Empire: The Shocking Life Story Of Grant Cardone

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Is Your Story Holding You Back?

A little while ago I was reading something that went into how our story can allow us to lead a fulfilling life or it can do the opposite. This was something that I had heard about a number of years before, but after hearing it again, it reminded me of how powerful our story is and it made me think about it more deeply.
If you are not familiar with the term 'our story', one way for you to understand what this means would be to for you to think about how you see yourself and how you see life. You could even go one step further and write down whatever comes to mind.
Set In Stone
When you do this, you could find that not everything that comes to mind is positive or helpful. However, while what comes up about who you are and what the world is like will be anything but the truth, it will be seen as the truth by your mind.
And, as this is seen as the truth by your mind, it will be difficult for you to see yourself or the world in any other way. So, while the story that you have is not the truth, it won't really matter.
A Deeper Look
When it comes to how you see yourself and the world, you could have a number of limiting ideas. For example, you could find that some, if not all, of the following beliefs come up:
• That you are not very capable
• That you are not very intelligent
• That you are unlovable
• That life is a struggle
• That life is hard
• That the world is against you
The power of Awareness
Regardless of what you learn during this process, the main thing is that you will have started to shine the light on how you see yourself and the world. Up until this point, you wouldn't have been able to do anything about the perception that you had.
Now that you have this insight, you can start to question what you believe and to create a new story; one that will actually serve you. What this illustrates is how much control you have and that you are not a powerless victim or merely an observer of life.
How Can I Serve You?
With that said, maybe I can provide you with that assistance that you need at this stage of your journey. One of the ways that I can do this is through the personalised consultations that I offer via Skype, Zoom, or in-person if you live close by. ​
If you would like to know more, please go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/consultations. It would be an honour to assist you on your journey.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, three hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.
To find out more go to - http://www.oliverjrcooper.co.uk/
Feel free to join the Facebook Group -

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10263815


Calm Guided Meditation to Gain Abundance, Love & Happiness | Bob Proctor

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Four Steps to Success

In my private counseling practice, clients often tell me, "I want to be happy!" We then set about making it a reality. As a psychotherapist, I know that Your habits, your relationships, your environment, and especially what you think about them determine more about how happy you are than your genes do; because I've watched so many people figure out how to meet their goals and create their own happiness. You can improve any part of your life you wish: your relationship with yourself, your relationships with others, your work life, your home life, and even your health. The following steps will help you reach any goal you set for yourself.
Four Steps to Success
(1) Choose the goal.
(2) Break it down into small, non-intimidating steps.
(3) Do something. (If you can't get yourself to do it, you haven't made the steps small or easy enough-go back to step 2.)
(4) Celebrate what you've done (yes, every little step).
For example, suppose you're interested in bringing more physical activity and music into your life, and choose a folk-dancing class. Break the goal down into manageable steps: (1) Call around to find out what classes are available; (2) choose a class to attend; (3) enroll in the class; (4) go to the first class meeting; (5) evaluate the class as to whether it's a good one for your purposes.
Those steps may seem simplistic, but that's the idea. Make it as easy as possible to do each step. That way you won't be discouraged by "I can't" before you start.
Breaking your goal down into the smallest possible steps makes it easier to accomplish the next phase: Do something. Many of us know how to set goals, but not how to achieve them, so we've "proved" to ourselves over and over that we're failures. That's not true at all. The failure lies in not having completed the rest of the Four Steps to Success.
You've just made the third step to your goal as simple as possible, so there are no reasons not to take it. Go ahead, and focus on the third step only: Do something.
After you've taken the third step, celebrate. Recognition of what you've accomplished is important. It also helps to celebrate each step you take toward your goal as you take it. This way you won't run out of energy before you achieve success, and you'll keep encouraging yourself as you proceed.
Your celebration can be just looking into your mirror and saying, "Congratulations, you've just made the first (second, third) step toward achieving your goal" Or your celebration can be more elaborate, such as toasting your accomplishment with a friend or two. It can even be a major party. The important thing is that you do something to make sure you notice you've had some success, however small. It is this celebration that will give you the courage and confidence to go on all the way in achieving your goal.
As you achieve your goal, go back to the Four Steps and choose a new goal; then follow the steps through again. Repeat this until you've created or achieved what you want.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10264898


How to Take Charge of Your Life - Jim Rohn Personal Development

Friday, March 20, 2020

Thoughts Are Machines

Mankind has invested in machines for many centuries. From the first labor-saving device to what has become artificial intelligence. The world is run by machines and we have given our power away to them. Proof of this statement is evident in the dependency of which we have on our computers and cell phones. Tied to these realities it is difficult to conceive of a world without them, particularly for the younger generations and the children who were born into this world with no recollection or experience of a life without cell phones.
All of these technological advancements, when stripped down to what it truly is, becomes a life-enhancement device. A vehicle for adding to one's life. Joined with other technologies, it creates a social environment of devices that are orchestrated by mankind. Men and women use these to project themselves onto the world stage. Albeit hiding behind these altered personalities. Who lives behind these realities?
Where I am going with this is the idea that this is the same manifestation that has been created by mankind in the beginning. Interesting idea, you ask? Consider the concept of thought and what that is as well as the role it has played in the overall evolution of the human race. We have recorded our thoughts in our minds and have transmitted them to each other through the vehicle of communication. Language passed from person to person froms a continuity of a dialogue that begun in ones own head as thoughts. Saved in the form of written books, the thoughts live for as long as the book does, often superseding the person who originated it. As time goes on, perhaps a face remains and a guess as to who the person was. His or her thoughts remain though.
Like a computer program these thoughts can travel the world, reaching all of its inhabitants. Well, not quite all. These are ones whom I want to focus on, for they are certainly in the minority. People who have not been caught up in the western world of the last fifty years at least are at an advantage if they choose to explore the potentiality. These individuals coming into the western world can make the juxtaposition of thoughts and the information age.
People are able to think faster than a computer does, but the tools of which he or she was taught to express the thinking is limited to its creator. Each word has an association and each association brings with it an image that creates a deeper association depending upon the person's history be it cultural, educational, religious, etc. These boxes, are connected and could be viewed as personal websites. Communication between two people could be seen as websites interacting with each other. As they do information is passed back and forth. Sometimes one challenges it and then it branches out into another website. All of it creating a complex dialogue of interconnected websites.
On the surface it may appear that thoughts and their expressions are unlimited but in truth, like the borders of a website, they are not. The parameters are there and if not seen for what they are then thoughts will forever be a machine that runs in your mind and entangles with your emotions and causes a third entity which given the tumultuous tendencies of emotions and mental entanglements either within oneself or with another person will cause disharmonies or disease within the body. The body is the resting place for thoughts. Consider that for a moment, and then thank your body, or apologize to it.
Machines play out programs, as I've said before. Thoughts play out programs too. What stops a machine? Who has the power to stop thoughts? There was something smarter that created the machine or the computer. There is something wiser that allows the thoughts to run amok in the mind.
By seeing thoughts as machines, you are afforded the opportunity to see them from the limited perspective that they truly have. People get lost in their thoughts because they do not understand their history nor their origin. By relabeling your thoughts into something other than what they are conventionally thought as allows for new light to be shone upon them.
At that moment you can ask yourself, do I want to set my cell phone aside and spend time with what is most important to me, or do I want to continue scanning through the social media page that I have been on for the past half hour? Are your thoughts any different? This is your choice; it is your limited time here. Choose how you spend it wisely. Be the master of your mind, not its slave.

I am a metaphysical author and spiritual healing facilitator. I have written 7 books and have performed countless sessions over the past decade. My website: http://www.josephmachney.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/10201747


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