Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Power of Forgiveness & Absolute Acceptance

Forgiveness is one of those words and the deed many people turn away from because of the meaning they give it. Often it is thought of as a religious act. This can be off-putting even for those who call themselves spiritual and even worse for people who have no conscious spiritual beliefs. Prayer can also have some negative connotations attached to it. As we shift our perception we can see that the power of prayer, giving and receiving of forgiveness can radically change lives
How else can we get past the hurts we have cast upon others and those cast upon us? We know we can't change what happened. This means acceptance, doesn't it? And is forgiveness the same as unconditional acceptance?I think so.
Often, the delay in asking for and receiving forgiveness comes when we don't think we deserve to ask or are worthy of being forgiven. I came to realise that, it isn't the problem that's too big to be forgiven, but our worth is too low. As we raise faithwe allow that to become the powerful driver behind the prayer, the words we use become less important and the works become more powerful.
When you come from faith you become more comfortable to ask or to say what feels right for you. The other great advantage of raising faith (and lowering fear) is that you can spend more time living and less time forgiving. As you overcome the accumulation of all those so-called unforgivable things of the past you are left facing the present and the Presence which means transformation takes place much quicker and easier.
Recently, it felt as if every unresolved issue was being presented to me to be resolved and often through prayer and forgiveness. Much of this wasn't about anyone else, or about any so-called sinful act but about my own self-imposed doubts and feelings of unworthiness. I came to realise that asking to be forgiven for doubting and worrying was a good start. And asking to correct those incorrect ideas of being unworthy was huge. When you look at these alone, you will see they are the link which chain a whole bunch of other sins, problems or hurts together. I say 'hurts' because when we are not hurting we won't 'do hurt' nearly as much. Only those who are hurting can hurt them self and others. Those who love, do so unto themselves and others. As we ease the hurt, we ease the hurtful things we do.
I don't call my self a Christian but I still feel a strong connection to the Love of Jesus and still look inward for my direction, mentoring and healing. So I still use prayer and the power of 'letting go' to release any hurts. As far as I am concerned there is no reason why we can't use new-age and old-age, religious and non-religious remedies, rituals and healings together. Surely, if it all works for the good of the whole then it has to all be of God, right?
We often let ourselves down by hanging on the hurts done to us or hurts we did to others. Having acknowledged thoseso-calledwrong-doings, we can simply cast them all upon the Christ within. As you cast them make sure you LET GO. We can state what we are letting go of separately or having acknowledged them, we can package them all up and declare our release. So this is what I said:
'I cast this heavy burden upon the Christ within. It no longer belongs to me or burdens me and I go free to fulfil my purpose and love in Life'. Thank you it is done.It took me a long time to get that letting goof the burden allows God to take it up. This relieves me and raises me up more in faith.
Being present throughout the day allows us to quickly become aware when we have an unkind thought, or we say or do something inappropriate. We can also, out of the blue become aware of someone we are still holding a grudge against. I have come to learn that when this happens, it's me,not them who needs to ask for forgiveness, because holding a grudge in its self is unhealthy and inappropriate. I see all of this as God revealing to me what needs to be undone and corrected. In these circumstances, I simply take a few moments to stop, and say a prayer along the lines of:
I'm sorry Jane, please forgive me, Thank you, I love you'
The basic ingredients of this prayer can be found through an old Indigenous Hawaiian healing practice of reconciliation and forgiveness called Ho'noponopono, which means correction.
You will find that sometimes this is enough and you can be confident that the undoing and the correction has been done. Sometimes you may need to give more time to acknowledging and releasing what it is you are sorry for.
I'm sorry Jane, please forgive me for holding onto this grudge and unkind thoughts. Even though you said some things which were offensive, I am less than if I can't forgive. Thank you for making me a better person, I love you'
I am reminded of the simplicity of it all when we focus on those powerful things, that make up the prayer. Acknowledgement, forgiveness, gratitude, and praise. I'm sorry, please forgive me, Thank you I love you.
This prayer combines both the casting upon the Christ within and asking for forgiveness:
God, I'm sorry for not having the faith to step out and be bold. I cast this doubt, worry and unworthiness upon the Christ within and I am free to faithfully answer my calling. Thank you, I know I have all the support I need and I stand tall and in complete faith that the unfolding of your will through me is already being done, I love you.
I remember someone saying once "Don't go to bed with a grouch - along side you or inside you" How true this is. That's a lot of hours to be holding a grouch or a grudge, right? Doesn't it make sense to be rid of it before we go to sleep? We develop a healthy ritual of cleaning our bodies and our teeth every day, often twice a day. What about our mind? Surely as we spend a little time in prayer we can ask to be forgiven and have our hearts and minds cleansed of any or all wrong-doings. Then's it's all forgotten before we go to bed. At the same time, if there is someone we need to forgive we can ask, and let them off the hook too. This way we all go to bed clean and peaceful, right?
Recently I was made aware of a grudge I held against some people 25 years ago. I had no idea it was there. When brought into the light I could see and feel a lot of unresolved hurt and grief around this experience which I believed hindered my life from that point on. However once I allowed the grief to shift through me, I could see the main damage was done in me holding onto that belief and the unforgiveness for all those years. Having gone through the process of forgiving them I had to ask to forgive myself for holding on for sooooo long.
Do you remember the Lord's prayer? I learnt this by heart as a kid and have never forgotten it even though I haven't used it much since. Today, as I am able to leave religion out of the equation, I find a much deeper meaning and feelings of gratitude through this old but simple prayer. It no longer feels as if I am asking, or just repeating words. I's as if I am affirming what is available for us every moment of every day. And when you look, you will find this is very much attuned to other rituals and prayers because it is still based on acknowledgement, forgiving and giving, thanks and praise.
Let's be brave and mix the old and the new, the religious and non-religious together to create wholeness, shall we? As we are all forgiving and forgiving all, we can all rest in Faith and absolute love.

Marie Brunger is an accomplished and inspired author, speaker and healer. Her latest book "I AM a Spiritual Approach to Mental Health is a result of a decision she made over 20 years ago to heal her life and to help others to do the same. Her time spent working with people with mental health issues has substantiated a need to include Spirituality as an important role for the prevention, intervention and recovery of mental wellness
Marie has supported thousands of people through their personal and life threatening challenges to find the freedom to choose who they want in the drivers' seat of their life - Love or fear.
Her philosophy is simple. Instead of searching for what's wrong, and fixing the perceived problem, we look to find all that's right. She says: "I am committed to restoring Faith and making it the foundations for a life of well-being. These strong foundations allow me and you to venture safely and more naturally through the fear to enjoying a higher level of living, loving and achieving. [

Article Source:

Best Methods to Build Rapport - Anthony Robbins

Friday, February 28, 2020

Inner Courage - The Key To Living Without Regrets

While most of us aspire to live a life we won't regret, many do express regrets at the end of life. If we could address the things we may regret now, we can focus on living the remainder of our lives with greater satisfaction.
I believe that regrets really stem from a lack of courage. We tend to regret the thing we did or did not do, because we lacked the courage to do it. We may have been too afraid of consequences, or the unknown, or what others may think. And so we settled for less, compromising our potential to live small lives of quiet desperation, as Henry Thoreau said, dying with our song still unsung within.
Regret-free living takes courage: it is as simple and as difficult as that.
Our lives are shaped by either courage or by fear. When we live a live true to ourselves, there will be others who judge us; voices that criticize us for stepping out of the box or label us as crazy. Fear of this dissonance often holds us back. To live fully and without regrets, we need the courage to follow our hearts, even when others may not understand our choices.
In fact, it is none of their business! Each one of us is fully responsible for our own lives and choices. When we choose to go beyond the comfort zone of the collective in order to grow and realize our full potential, that is a courageous decision that deserves support, not criticism!
It is this courageous process of stretching that develops elastic in our souls so we can extend further, believe more, and accomplish better outcomes. Courage to commit to our unfolding path is essential for a satisfying life. And nobody knows better than you what that means!
We need courage to break with norms, to expand beyond the confines of our tribe, and to let go of external expectations and pressures. Courage empowers us to fully live from our hearts, and to stay in touch with our true compass and purpose.
People at the end of life can teach us valuable lessons about living from their perspective at the end of the road. Bronnie Ware, an Australian caregiver who worked in hospice care, identified five core regrets among dying patients which can teach us a lot about living well.
  1. Not staying true to self
Look at a person disempowered and miserable about their life circumstances, and you will most likely find someone who never had the courage to break away from dysfunctional family dynamics. And if we lack the courage to make that primary break away from dysfunctional caregivers, we will end up staying put in jobs we dislike, putting up with abuse and lack of respect in relationships; we will ultimately abandon the opportunity to fulfill the purpose of our lives. To break free from any dysfunction, the discomfort of doing what is needed to be true to oneself must always outweigh the illusionary comfort of avoiding risk.
  1. I wish I had not worked so much
People who work all the time develop no identity outside of work. Workaholics have no time to develop in other areas of their lives and when their work drops away, they have nothing else left. Developing healthy interests outside of work allows us to refresh ourselves; it also brings renewed energy to our work lives. Finding that space outside of work is an essential, enriching aspect of life often seen only seen in hindsight.
Deriving status and identity from our work can trap us into a role defined by society rather than by our individual truth. My mother was convinced that I should become an actuary - can you imagine how miserable I would have been in a profession that would have locked me into my left brain?? Another trap is buying into the scarcity thinking of the ego and never feeling as if we have enough money to follow our dreams or step away from a job we despise. Do you have the courage to let go of what does not bring you joy, so you can move toward what does?
  1. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings
Many dying people long to express their feelings to loved ones, yet never had the courage to do so. Fear held them back. They were crippled by fear of rejection, fear of being misunderstood, or fear of being vulnerable... The list goes on. We need courage to speak our truth - and when we do, we free ourselves to live from our core truth, regardless of how others may react. Having the courage to be honest with oneself, is vastly more important that how others receive it because it gives expression to our vital life force. Suppressing our truth ultimately suppresses our life force.
Expressing our truth in a compassionate and kind way, creates space for healing and compassion. We don't have to make another wrong just for us to be heard. We simply need to express our truth - not for justification or to attack others, but for our own healing. Everyone is at a different place on their journey; at times, it may be helpful to write out feelings to another because it allows us to distill our truth while giving others the opportunity to revisit our expression when they are ready.
Expressing ourselves also requires us to become good listeners, because communication is a two-way street. Our honesty and vulnerability can allow others to feel safe enough to express their feelings. Being present with others in a kind, non-judgmental way allows them to share without fear. Can we listen deeply to the people in our lives? Can we find the courage to say the things that need to be said?
  1. I wish I had stayed in touch with friends more
At the end of life, memories of happy times and friendships enrich one's life. And yet, most people's lives start narrowing down after kids leave home. The comfort of confining themselves to the same routines, friends and circles can lead to stagnation. Stepping out of earlier roles such as parenting can be a stepping-stone toward broadening relationships and connections, rather than narrowing them. If we expand our friendship circles throughout life, we can offer enrichment to one another even as old friends and relatives drop away.
Sometimes, the desire to maintain a safe personal comfort zone prevents people from getting involved in the messy business of true connectivity. I have seen people withdraw from opportunities to help because seeing another in a difficult situation, made them feel too uncomfortable with their own tenuous sense of stability. Life is messy and true connectivity requires the willingness to get one's hands dirty! True joy is found in real life connections; not on social media or from the comfort of our easy chairs. When we have the courage to connect with people face to face, we ultimately experience enrichment and joy.
  1. I wish I had let myself be happier
This regret stems from not understanding that happiness is a choice. We often look for happiness outside ourselves with self-imposed conditions: if I lose 10 pounds I will be happier; if I could just find the right partner, or make enough money, I'll be happy. The truth is that happiness is a choice. It is an empowering internal decision that we can make regardless of where we're at in life!
When we choose to honor the truth of our Being, we will find happiness.
We are in this life for a limited time only. This life is going to end, and it is the only life we will ever get to live as these unique beings that we are. This life is precious and sacred: how can we then live to make it really count?
Our greatest joy, highest power and ultimate fulfillment lies in facing the fears that hold us back. We can muster our courage and live from the truth in our hearts. Imagine how much we lose out on while operating from fear and other people's rules!
To live a courageous life, we've got to stretch in ways that may be uncomfortable. Perhaps you've heard this from a fitness trainer or yoga teacher, because it's true in all areas of life: we need to stretch to grow, improve and get strong. And growing in courage means taking risks in the very areas where we feel afraid.
Everyone already has times in life when they've been courageous. You may have displayed great courage in a relationship or a job. Perhaps you didn't recognize it as courage at the time; you were merely doing what had to be done. Yet in every situation where your acted courageously, you valued the discomfort of change more than staying in the comfort of the status quo. You might have been terrified, but you did it!
You can take courageous action again. Once you know what motivates you, you can do it again. Let your core values motivate your courageous actions. Practice letting your courage ripple out into more and more areas of your life, and you will live a life without regrets.

Ada Porat is a kinesiologist and pastoral counselor who founded Stillpoint Holistic Services, a center for healing and transformation that serves clients around the world. She is passionate about helping clients live their best lives. Ada can be reached at

Article Source:

MORNING MOTIVATION - What Successful People Do In the First 8 Minutes of Their Morning

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Developing Your Potential: Your Greatest Responsibility

We live in a brilliant age of civilization where we get to experience all the benefits of living in an advanced society.
These benefits are made accessible to us to ensure we have a high standard of living and high quality of life.
These benefits include:
  • efficient processes in our society, lifestyles, and business.
  • modern technology to fast track most things we do, along with all the integrations that modern technology brings.
  • having all our basic essentials readily available for purchase, use, and consumption.
  • the luxuries and excesses that are so accessible at very affordable means.
However, there are many situations where some advancements have actually brought us to a point where they have reduced our need to develop our strengths and abilities.
Strengths and abilities such as the need to stay alert for opportunities as well as risks; the need to be vigilant in ensuring our disciplines do not get compromised; or even our ability to focus further than a day or a week; many of these has been dulled.
Our Conditioning
We have become conditioned to play it safe, stay in our comfort zones or worst of all... not put our true potential to the test unless it's really, really urgent!
As human beings, in our day and age, we are never pushed to the limits of our capabilities!
  • Everything is geared towards the weakest link.
  • We don't have to put in a significant effort to stay comfortable.
  • The basics are received with minimal effort.
The dangers that these advances bring to us is: that our inherent human capabilities that ensure our optimal survival, are being diminished.
Human capabilities such as innovation, thinking, foresight, intuition, real-world intelligence or perception, to name a few.
All of the inherent gifts, given to us free at birth, that contribute to our development and progress skill set, that makes up our potential.
The Ultimate Gift
Our potential is given to us as a gift. A gift that consists of skills and attributes that are given to us so that, we are able to create and influence our circumstances and situations to allow us the experiences of phenomenal success.
This gift of our potential allows us to be resilient, so we can adapt to the dynamic society and circumstances we are a part of.
It consists of a wonderful capability to increase our innovation we can take basics elements and create or innovate awesome devices (tangible and intangible).
Our potential allows us the inherent ability to handle more than the average. We are able to lead people to better outcomes as well as to take care of many!
We are also able to increase our ability to provide a greater level of service and in so doing experience a higher level of fulfillment across all aspects of our lives.
It is those that work consistently and with a laser-like focus on developing their potential that are able to advance their own situation, and bring along those around them.
This is where our potential becomes linked with responsibility... the responsibility to increase our mental, emotional, spiritual and physical carrying capacity so that we can carry more of those around us!
Opportunity Knocks...
Now despite the stagnant trend of the society around us, the outlook for us should be massively optimistic.
The world is calling for more and more people to demonstrate, through understanding and application; the importance of stretching and growing; the importance of developing new skills gifts and talent; the importance of being the leader to those around us!
Our society is primed to take advantage of this massive opportunity. For the progressive and abundant mindset individuals to fill this void!
This is what you become when you concentrate on letting a desire to develop and increase your potential, becomes a part of your lifestyle.
So ask yourself: what are you doing today, compared to what you are capable of doing?
What changes can you bring about that will change your results from good to great?
What are you doing to bring significant influence to your family, friends, and society as a whole?
You are capable... don't hesitate! Start to develop your potential now!

At invinciblemind, we believe in the unlimited potential of the mind and are striving to share the life-changing effects of a renewed mind!
Learn how to Unleash Your Ultimate Potential with invinciblemind... Your future self will thank you for the immense decision!

Article Source:

The One Thing Only 1% of People Do | TRY IT FOR 21 DAYS and Success Will Come!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Procrastinaton: Time Management Problem OR Emotion Regulation Problem?

My initial thought when considering myself and procrastination was, "I'm not much of a procrastinator." Being a "J" on the Myers Briggs personality assessment, I like closure. I like things complete. In college, I would complete a paper way in advance of its due date. However, there are some things I procrastinate with, especially if insecurity, self-doubt or anxiety involved.
According to Dr. Tim Pyschyl, "Procrastination isn't a unique character flaw or a mysterious curse on your ability to manage time, but a way of coping with challenging emotions and negative moods induced by certain tasks - boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, resentment, self-doubt and beyond. Procrastination is an emotion regulation problem, not a time management problem."
To reduce the negative feelings that come up with a task you don't want to do, but know it's important, you go into an avoidance pattern. You may or may not be aware of this, but it is driving your decisions. Avoiding the unwanted task feels good in the short-term. However, in the long-term, procrastination makes us feel worse because we're aware its negative consequences.
So, what's happening in the brain when you're not taking initiative? While your prefrontal cortex is really good with making decisions, the amygdala, however, is designed to help us react quickly when there's a threat. It doesn't know how to tell the difference between a real physical threat (like a tiger attacking us) and an imagined threat, like rejection. In moments of stress, the amygdala gets hijacked, which can lead to procrastination.
Some techniques for overcoming procrastination include:
•Break tasks down into smaller tasks and then reward yourself in some way. This helps in releasing the reward chemical dopamine in your brain which in turn will cause you to want to repeat that action.
•Try the "5-Second Rule" created by life coach, author, and TV personality Mel Robbins. As soon as you find yourself doubting or questioning what you are doing or want to do, and your amygdala is telling you to do something else, like check your email, count, Five, Four, Three, Two, One in your head or out loud. This is enough to break the amygdala response in your brain and allows your prefrontal cortex logic to kick back in, to get you back into action.
•Journaling can help you break free of procrastination by using it to process your thoughts, feelings, and blocks. It offers a place to vent, release stress, and process emotions that may cause procrastination.
Which of the above techniques are you going to try?

Joan Runnheim Olson is passionate about learning and understanding how the brain works and uses that knowledge to empower and inspire her clients and students to transform their lives from stuck to unstoppable and live their best life ever. She also offers a course titled, "Introduction to Brain Based Coaching: Leveraging Neuroscience for Greater Impact with Your Coaching Clients." This course is designed for those who want to understand how the brain works to facilitate positive change with their clients and themselves through improved thinking.

Article Source:

SELF DISCIPLINE - Best Motivational Speech Video (Featuring Will Smith)

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Top 7 Things to Consider Before You Start Investing

Be it investors, potential investors or general public who is looking to start investing, everyone gets excited the minute they have extra cash on their hands and one of the usual plans is to invest it for quick profits. People want to start making their money work for them and that's a very understandable and rational thought but sure enough one needs to be practical about their finances as well. There is a lot of due diligence and groundwork that goes into understanding the financial markets before one must start investing and it's for their best as well!
An investment making company will generally help you get started with your investment and offer you end-to-end insights into how to make more money and how to invest money to achieve your financial goals. However, there are a few things you as an investor must consider before approaching any Asset Management Company or getting started on your investment journey.
Here are the top 7 things one should consider before they start investing to make more money:
1. Pay Off Prior Dues
No investment can start without you actually being done paying off your dues and clearing your credit. A clean slate for all your debts is very essential to begin investing stress free and focusing on returns.
2. Create Cash Emergency Fund
Before you start investing it is very important for you to have a separate cash fund prepared just in case of emergencies. There is no questioning the volatility of the market and you can't really depend on redeeming from market when in dire need. Having an emergency fund lets you start your investment journey with a bit more ease.
3. Create Financial Goals
One of the most important questions often asked is how to invest money and earn quick profits! However, there is much more to investing than just expecting returns. It is equally important to have your financial goals set it place and invest accordingly. Be it buying a dream home, car or saving for retirement, an investment making company will know exactly how to help you get started.
4. Understand Financial Instruments
There are tons of financial instruments in the market which offer numerous benefits. The bigger question often is what you as an investor wish to achieve, quick profit, long term stability, lesser risk or just saving for the future? It's not tough to make more money with your investments as long as your priorities are already quite clear.
5. Due Diligence on Investment Options
Asset Management Companies have a variety of financial instruments that an investor can pick from and ensure that they make more money. If you want to know how to invest money wisely on the other hand then it is best if you do your due diligence on all the financial products in the market and then make an informed decision to earn quick profits.
6. Research on market trends
How to invest money wisely is indeed a question every investor should be asking themselves or the investment making company who is helping them build a portfolio. Keeping updated about the market, staying on top of news in the world markets and knowing the current business trends makes it easier for the investors to pick their financial instruments for investment.
7. Evaluate your risk bearing capacity
Every individual has their own risk bearing capacities. An investment making company will often ask you the risk level your profile fits in as an investor as it helps them decide where and how to invest money and earn quick profits. How to invest money is often a question answered at the expense of how much risk are you willing to take for the same,
As simple and lucrative investing and making quick profit sounds, the truth is that unless you have a foundation in place and thorough research to build up, your investment portfolio won't be solid.
Asset Management Companies are there to help investors with their portfolio, right from researching and investing to managing and reinvesting investors' wealth. If you are new to the world of investing then these pointers will make sure that it doesn't seem intimidating anymore!

Megacoinwealth is a leading Asset Management Company. Our top professionals guide you on making sound investment decisions to help you achieve your financial goals.

Article Source:

"Look at CHALLENGES as OPPORTUNITIES!" - Jack Ma - Top 10 Rules

Monday, February 24, 2020

Tips to Enhance Communication Skills

Effective Communication Tips: -
For any effective communication following factors must be considered: -
• It is important to make worthwhile contribution to the conversation so have clear purpose and objective of the conversation.
• Develop effective non verbal communication skills. Right smile, eye contact, posture, handshakes do create a positive impact.
• Make appropriate gestures with hands and face.
• While speaking and listening making an appropriate eye contact and looking into the eyes of the person with whom we are conversing can create a significant impact and make the interaction more successful as it coveys interest and courage.
• Being confident is vital.
• Try to break down barriers that exist in the communication process.
• Be clear and concise.
• Be firm about your opinions, views, ideas and suggestions so that it can be confidently conveyed.
• Ensure that your words, gestures, facial expressions and tone match with each.
• Analyse the audience before communication.
• Conveying right message to right person is important because what is critical or worthwhile to one individual may not be to another.
• Develop effective probing skills by asking the right questions.
• Take initiative yourself. Don't wait for suppliers, customers, buyers etc to call you. Instead call them, take the initiative to start the conversation. It helps to build healthy two way effective communication between both the parties.
• Try to highlight critical points.
• Learn the art of dealing with difficult conversations.
• Ensure that you give and receive appropriate feedback.
• If the message is too lengthy, dis-organised or contains errors it can often be misunderstood, confusing and misinterpreted.
• Practicing good communication skill everyday is important as "Practice makes man perfect."
In addition to the above attributes a good communicator also focuses on the following factors to enhance his/ her communication skills: -
1. Interpersonal Skills: -
• Such skills are used when engaged in face-to-face conversation with one or more persons. For effective Interpersonal skills not only verbal communication and effective speaking is vital but also our voice, on-verbal signals, gestures, facial expressions, body language, our appearance and active listening skills are significant.
• The advantage of having good Interpersonal skills is that it enables us to contribute effectively in groups and teams and become a 'team player'.
• It builds a strong relationship with other members of the group and leads to better communication and building better rapport with others.
• Good Interpersonal skills also help to enhance our problem solving and decision making ability.
2. Presentation skills:
o Although we may use this skill infrequently, but for any management student who intends to become future business leader effective Presentation Skill is critical.
o There will be times in your life, when you need to present information to your customers, employees, buyers, trade unions, sellers, government employees, suppliers, agents or even overall community at large.
o They can either be individual or group of people in a formal or informal setting.
o Effective Presentation Skills requires good planning, preparation and practice.
3. Writing skills:
§ For any manager communication skills are not only limited to face-to-face direct verbal/ non verbal interactions with others but also good Written Communication.
§ It involves the ability to write clearly, concisely and effectively.
§ It involves avoiding grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, knowledge of formal and informal writing styles/ techniques, knowing the importance of structure in any business letter or report.
4. Personal Skills: -
ï It emphasis on improving self-esteem, building self confidence, developing positive attitude, knowing anger management and stress management techniques which helps in maintain a healthy body and mind and develop positive feelings about ourselves and helps to enhance our communication skills.
ï Good Personal Skills also helps an individual to deal with difficult situations like dealing with aggression and communicating in difficult situations.

Article Source:

How to develop your Communication Skills by International Keynote Speaker Simerjeet Singh | CC 8

Sunday, February 23, 2020

GOD Wants You Rich - Book Review

As a cutting-edge entrepreneur, best-selling author, and dynamic speaker, Scot T. Anderson has cultivated an extensive following among the most highly-respected and influential business leaders worldwide (endorsed by Robert Kiyosaki, Larry Winget, & Les Brown). As a pastor, he has developed 150 millionaires in his church.
So many more rich ideas
Scot Anderson has provided fifteen chapters to express the will of God for us to be rich. He covers, the purpose of money (Ch. 3), what you expect you always get! (Ch. 6), Jesus wasn't poor (Ch. 10), one change will produce wealth (Ch. 12), the power of belief (Ch. 14), habits control your world (Ch. 15), and so many more rich ideas!
Thinking and living the rich life
Scot Anderson comes highly recommended; Les Brown says of Scot, "Just ask more than 150 members of Scot's congregation how they happened to become millionaires after Scot introduced them to new ideas and wealth-creation strategies." Scot's style is informative and expressive as he endeavors to introduce many to wealthy living.
Anderson focuses on freedom presented in biblical truth to persuade readers. He explains, "... the Bible isn't about the don'ts, but about the dos, not what we can't do and have, but about what we can do and what we can have."
Using simple illustrations, Scot diffuses false ideas about wealth. He shares, "Money is not evil! A hundred dollar bill has no power. I have one in my wallet right now, and if left alone, it would never do anything-good or evil... Do your own test: take some money and leave it alone in a drawer for a month. Then write down all the evil it did."
Scot is stern in addressing pertinent issues. He pointedly advises, "As long as you think it is wrong to have money, you won't. Until you can break that one thought, you will never be able to step into the abundance that God wants... "
Mr. Anderson uses points from Jesus' life to impress his message on reader's hearts. He shares, "1. Jesus was born in the royal line of David... 5. The Magi brought expensive gifts... gold, frankincense, and myrrh... 8. The disciples were successful businessmen... If Jesus was really poor, successful men would never have followed Him... "
God wants us all to be rich!
Scot Anderson has successfully revealed the desire of God for all humanity; God wants us all to be rich!

More "rich" ideas; CLICK HERE:
Success Step: Write down areas in your life that aren't going right. Now look to the bible for a new rich expectation!

Article Source:

Teen Millionaires | The kids running successful businesses who say you can too

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Born to Win by Zig Ziglar and Tom Ziglar - Book Review

Synopsis of Content:
This is the latest book by the late master salesman and motivational speaker and writer Zig Ziglar and his son Tom Ziglar. Tom is now the CEO of the empire his father built over the past four decades.
Born to Win is divided into three parts: Planning to Win, Preparing to Win, and Expecting to Win.
In Part 1 Planning to Win there is a thorough discussion of developing your vision for where you want to go or what you want to accomplish and then how to set realistic and useful goals and how to implement them. Ziglar focuses on the importance of our Desire to accomplish our goals. He echoes the work of Napoleon Hill and others who have written about the critical importance of having vision and desire. He also discusses the six qualities he finds essential to winning: honesty, character, faith, integrity, love and loyalty.
In Part 2 Preparing to Win is about preparing yourself to win. It is about acquiring the knowledge, skills and experience you need to succeed. Included in this is the development of the disciplines needed to win and the need to associate with the right kinds of people who will help you and inspire you.
In Part 3 Expecting to Win you learn how worry is a fruitless and destructive emotion that we must defeat. Here you see the logical extension of the work done in Parts 1 and 2 to condition your mind with the correct attitudes and expectations. Here you learn the self-defeating thinking that you must banish from your mind.
Like all good success literature you will not find anything magical or "new" in this book. It is a distillation of the best of what has been written about success but presented through the unique lens of both author's experience and reflection. Through their own life experience and that of others they have worked with they have seen what works and how it works and share that with the reader.
Ziglar emphasizes throughout the book the importance of achieving balance in our lives. This includes paying sufficient attention to our spiritual, physical and emotional needs. He deeply values family and friends and teaches that success is meaningless without spending time and effort in these areas. As he observes, there is nothing more pitiful than a rich man with no family or friends.
Ziglar gives more emphasis on spiritual development than many success writers do. He is a devout Christian and discusses how his faith changed his life and the vital role it plays in winning. He does not suggest you must be a Christian but rather whatever you believe you must feed that spiritual need to thrive.
The book discusses motivation. He observes that motivation is as essential as food. People criticize motivational speakers like Ziglar because they say that motivational works only have a short term effect. Ziglar points out that a meal only as a short term effect. Just as we must eat every day to remain healthy we must seek motivation every day to remain motivated and on the road to winning. I have never seen a better explanation for the importance of continual motivation to feed our spirit.
For Zig and his son Tom success in life must be holistic and a work in progress. No one ever reaches the top really, they just keep getting closer. For the Ziegler's "winning" is realizing fulfillment and success in this process.
This book is very useful to anyone who seeks to succeed in life, in business or in any other worthy cause. You will learn from it and be motivated by it. Each time you re-read it you will get a further boost.
Readability/Writing Quality:
It is very well written. It is well organized and written in a style that is easy to follow. They use good illustrations and examples to show the principles they teach.
Notes on Authors:
Zig Ziglar is a master motivator who has spoken to millions of people worldwide, published 29 books and numerous digital products. He has worked with six US Presidents, world leaders and many Fortune 500 corporations.
Tom Ziglar, Zig's son, is the CEO of Ziglar, Inc. and has worked for many years to carry his father's message to people. He has worked especially hard to carry this message to third world nations.
Three Great Ideas You Can Use:
1. "You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want". - Zig Ziglar. This has been Mr. Ziglar's mission and mantra for decades. He has through his own experience proven it to be true.
2. Remember the formula by Frank Outlaw: Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny.
3. "Being born to win is about planning, preparing and expecting to win. It is also about being the best you can be, no matter your job or profession".
Publication Information:
Born to Win by Zig Ziglar and Tom Ziglar
Copyright 2012 Zig Ziglar
Available as a Kindle book.

Daniel R. Murphy writes on personal development, leadership skills, time management and how you can build wealth and financial independence.
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