Saturday, February 8, 2020

Timely Tips for A+ Accountability Buddies

Having an accountability buddy helps you stay focused and on-track when it comes to accomplishing your goals. It's a productive partnership that, at its best, helps everyone involved.
Here are 5 focused tips to help you and your accountability buddy grow strong roots and produce an abundant harvest!
1. Crystal Clear Objectives Prime You for Success:
Invest time to identify your objectives in advance. Write them down and refine them. In fact, ask yourself the following questions before even lining up an accountability buddy:
  • What outcome are you working towards?
  • How will you know when you're there?
  • Specifically, what do you want this partnership to provide?
  • What must you do on your end to work successfully with your accountability buddy?
2. Clear Objectives Grow Out of Clean Motivation.
Wishful thinking is famous for leading people on wild goose chases! So examine your motivation in advance. Is it grounded in reality? Keep in mind that your daily accountability exchange involves no more than a few minutes and is meant as a quick check-in. This isn't where the actual work gets done!
3. Select Your Accountability Buddy with Care.
Now that you have defined what you're looking for as realistically as possible, ask yourself:
  • Whose follow-through is reliable?
  • Who is a good listener?
  • Who will offer feedback only when asked?
Perhaps you will be selecting a buddy from a group you are just getting to know (such as in a class). In that case, choose someone with similar interests to create a base.
4. Identify What Feedback, If Any, You'd Like to Receive.
An accountability buddy's primary role is simply to be there when you check in. If you feel that your buddy could enrich your efforts by sharing her impressions, then give some thought to what feedback you do or don't want. When you feel clear, communicate your wishes to your partner in a straightforward way.
5. Allow Successful Connections to Evolve Organically.
Accountability buddies offer interesting potentials. Satisfactory
partnerships may conclude when objectives are met. Yet connections may grow in unexpected and rewarding ways, too. Remain open to the possibilities.
Perhaps you and your buddy will consider new goals when you reach your first due date. You might extend your original agreement, augmented by deepened trust. Or a cordial relationship may evolve into a virtual friendship.
For example, two years ago, I joined a boot camp. Our first assignment was to find an accountability buddy. An artist from Georgia who shares my love of nature and farming contacted me.
We supported one another for the duration of the boot camp.
Afterwards, we broadened our connection, and still enjoy visiting by phone every 2-3 months. I so appreciate my ongoing connection with my friend and accountability buddy!
Keeping these relationships at once true to their goals and dynamic presents worthwhile challenges. It is key to maintain focus and respect the boundaries that you establish together. Then, as trust builds, you might enjoy giving these supportive connections room to grow and mature.

And to move toward your Heart-Based Time Success, sign up for our free gift, The Finding Time Success Kit, which includes "The New Finding Time Boundary Template: 9 Simple, Sequential Steps to Find More Time and Recharge Your Energy!" Using a workbook format this powerful and practical time template helps you progress beyond disappointment and frustration. Discover that 24 hours really are enough!
Just click this link to get started:

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