Sunday, September 27, 2020

5 Ways to Improve Your Motivation to Exercise

Expert Author Phillip Ramphisa

There is something very interesting about exercise. With most things in life, although we are in an information age, there is a lack of widely accessible information. For instance, most of us wouldn't easily access accurate information on how to install satellite television or how to read a financial statement.

When it comes to exercise things are different though, there is information everywhere and everyone knows in some way how to exercise. The lack of motivation towards exercise shows that we do not do what we know. We do not do what we want either because most of us genuinely want to exercise but we don't always do it. Clearly in order to exercise we need to do, not just what we know or want but what we are motivated to do. In this article, I want to share with you a few strategies that will help you become motivated to exercise.

(I) Have a vision about your self-image

The truth is most of us have a certain picture of how we would like to look. Some people were born skinny, they picture themselves skinny and have accepted that self-image. Some people were born with a bit of weight, they picture themselves that way and even buy clothes that suite that image. Most of the time this is something that we are not always conscious about.

I remember a time when my wife had spent 3 months without looking into her body in a mirror. Women can't live without mirrors, she did use a facial mirror but not a full body mirror during that period for some reason. We went shopping. She saw herself in a full body mirror to discover that her body shape had changed because she gained weight. She freaked out and screamed "Wow I am fat". Surely, I must have not been honest to her at home in answering her most frequent question "Do I look fat?"

It was true that my wife had gained weight. But what really disturbed her was that her body was different from her ideal body shape or body weight. This disturbed her and motivated her enough to exercise and lose extra fat within two weeks.

Without vision of our ideal body shape or weight we are doomed to just pump food into our bodies and not make an effort to lose weight. I am telling you this because I would like to urge you to examine your vision of your ideal body weight before implementing the rest of the strategies that I will advise you to use from this article.

Some people wish to be skinny but in reality have a fat body image that holds them back. These people buy clothes that fit this image and accept how they look. Subconsciously they sabotage their efforts to lose weight. If you wan't to be skinny, it would help you to think yourself skinny. If you think yourself fat, you might struggle to achieve weight loss. I am not saying you should not accept yourself the way you are. I am saying even thought you might, have a vision about your healthy self-image. Just accepting yourself the way you are might mean you do wish to change your self-image when it comes to being fit or weight loss. This is great for your emotional well-being but it will also not really help you towards achieving your fitness goals. If you accept yourself with a tummy, why would you want a flat stomach?

(II) Care less about your body comfort

The main reason people do not exercise is because they prefer bodily comfort over the pain of exercising. Bodily comfort is harmful in a long-term because it leads to a sedentary lifestyle. So the more you careless about your bodily comfort the more you will subject your body to the physical strain of exercise.

Ironically, what you will find is that once you start exercising you begin to find pleasure in exercising even though your body gets strained during exercise. People who have overcome their need for bodily comfort and pushed themselves to exercise begin to feel awkward when they have not exercised for a couple of days. The feel unacceptable strange when they have not gone for their run or have not cycled or have not lifted weights.

The first hurdle to overcome however before getting the level where exercise becomes a "must" and not a "should" is to let go of bodily comfort. Constantly, in your mind, argue against your body when it seeks for comfort. Naturally your body will seek comfort. Your task is to push against your body and subject yourself to the physical strain of exercising. Do not consider your mind and body as a unit. Your body will seek comfort but argue through your mind and remember your exercise goals.

(III) Assign an hour of exercise everyday

If nothing is labelled for exercise on your day then you will most probably never exercise. To exercise you need to have an hour in your day that you set out to exercise no matter what happens. Clear the hour of exercise and do not let anything disturb it. If you planned to run and it rains, the hour of exercise should not be spent watching a series on TV, it should be spent doing home exercises. Do not allow anything to stand between you and the hour of exercise.

(IV) Forget fitness rules, do what you like

As I have said before, there is too much information about exercise. It is easy to get trapped into what many experts think what exercise should be. What I have learnt in life is that things do not get done because of fixated rules. Things get done when we have fun and are excited.

Forget what other people think exercise should be. What are you exactly into? Are you into running, walking or cycling or are you into kick boxing. Whatever you are into, let that be your exercise.

Once you pick momentum and move away from a sedentary lifestyle then you can beef things up a bit and put formalities into place. The reason most of us learnt to successfully ride a bicycle when we were young even though falling was painful was because we did what we liked. Do what you like when it comes to exercise to overcome what you perceive as pain in exercising.

(V) Do not eat for taste

To keep motivated to exercise you need to see results. Muscle gain or weight loss or toned body. If you do not see results, you are likely to give up.

To see results you need to eat well. Remember if you want to lose weight or gain muscle 80% of exercise results depend on your diet and 20% depend on your physical effort.

I have set you up to become motivated enough to exert effort. Do not let diet undo what you have done.

Most people fail when it comes to diet because they eat for taste. When it comes to taste, most of us would agree that KFC beats a dish of steam cooked vegetables. So when we eat for taste we set ourselves up for failure because most healthy food doesn't taste as good as junk. Unless your wife is a great cook or you have a professional chef in the house.

To see results from your exercise, eat for nutrition in your body. Tolerate the bitter taste of veges or whatever your vegetarian diet is. Diet plans fail when we eat for taste because soon we find ourselves failing to resist the taste of a birthday cake. Commit to eat differently, for nutrition rather taste. occasionally you can thank yourself with a small piece of your favourite tasty food.

Remember to remain inspired, to remove all obstacles standing in your way of success and do not dare give up on yourself or your dreams.

Phillip Ramphisa is the most sought after South African Motivational Speaker and Philanthropist. He helps people and organisations achieve their goals faster than they thought possible. His life mission is to end suffering and help people thrive in their lives. Phillip speak in conferences and events. 

John Kehoe: Quantum Beliefs (Just My Luck!)


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Keep Trying, Don't Give Up, Failure Is Just Part of the Process!

Expert Author Duncan Kelly

Most of us on this planet are trying hard to increase our income to support our families and help siblings or friends that are really battling, or we may be fighting to conquer a habit or an addiction, and it's hard going. We try and we fail. We try again and we fail again. We give up for awhile then we try again and we fail again. After a while of this, we tend to get discouraged or even depressed. The thing is, this is very normal.

Failure is a normal part of the process of reaching success. We tend to hear of those people who start a home business and immediately rake in the cash, but these are the freaks of the success spectrum. I happen to know a lady personally who is like that - everything she tries immediately turns to gold. But she's not normal. The massive majority of us have to battle through many failures before finding success, so don't give up, keep trying!!

I am not writing to you as one who has attained huge success by perseverance, but rather as a fellow soldier in the trenches with you, failing as you have, and encouraging you not to give up. Our time will come! In fact, I tabulated all my attempts at home businesses, side hustles and wangles, and found that over the last few decades I have attempted sixty one, let's call them "business ventures." Some cost me a lot of money relative to what I had, to get going, and a lot of them made zero return, absolutely nothing. Others were mildly successful, enough to buy my wife a vacuum cleaner and take her out to dinner a few times, but I needed money to get my kids to university, and that really never happened.

But the thing is to not give up. Sooner or later we must get it right. But fail we will, as we go along, but we must just accept it and move on.

I was talking to a friend of mine today. He made little folding wooden tables that fold down flat so people can pack them easily in a caravan or camper, or even in the back of a car, really nice little tables, clever design, quality wood, good workmanship. He had taken them to a craft market on Saturday and had sold none, hardly even any interest shown in them. But apparently, that particular day the craft market was very poorly attended, and mostly by people who didn't have money to spend, so he just went on a bad day. So I encouraged him to persevere, and that he had a good product.

And in the same way I encourage you: don't give up. Keep trying. Believe in yourself - we all have something worthwhile to give. I'm going to keep on trying, and you should too!

Like my writing style? Check out my short book "How to Drive Properly:... and not like a moron!" Kindle Edition on Amazon at

Article Source:

Comfortable Not Knowing | Eckhart Tolle


Friday, September 25, 2020


Expert Author Tina Tessina

Many of my clients have come in complaining of a lack of motivation; from not being motivated enough on the job, to not being able to diet, quit smoking, or get out of bed in the morning. They desire to achieve both positive and negative motivations-positive motivations and being motivations toward doing something; negative motiviations being toward NOT doing something (not smoking, for example).

Almost invariably, the method they have tried before (unsuccessfully) has been to beat themselves into it. This happens through a negative inner dialog, such as: "You lazy person, you'll never get anywhere;" "you have to do this whether you like it or not;" or "no one will ever love you until you do." Sometimes, they have tried bribing or persuading themselves, which works for a while, but fails sooner or later. Sometimes, they have gotten another person to push them around, such as a motivational group, hypnosis, a parent or parent substitute, who will insist that they have to behave.

This third option works quite well for some people for a long time. However, the nature of this persuasion is to overpower the client's natural process, and the people who come to me come because they have rebelled against the authority of that person or group, and find that now they can't do what they would like to because of their rebellion! The truth is, that if we believe someone else is pushing us around, we are not likely to respond cooperatively. Especially when the "pushy person" is oneself!!!

The fact is, no matter how nasty and angry these people get with themselves, they cannot get motivated. Together, my clients and I have had tremendous, verifiable success with these problems, and every client who has worked with me has succeeded in getting motivated, both "negative motivation" and "positive motivation". The reason for such success is htat creating motivation is easy.

I maintain that motivation grows out of celebration and appreciation. I like to state it in equation form: celebration + appreciation = motivation

By this I mean that if you can find a way to appreciate yourself for what you've already accomplished, and to celebrate your previous successes (and believe em, you CAN find a way), you will find you are "magically" motivated to accomplish more. No struggle, no hassle-you accomplish out of the pure fun of success! To illustrate what I mean, I will describe two possible employers. The "bad boss" and the "good boss".

The Bad Boss

-Operates through intimidation and criticism...

-Always complains; never praises (you only know you're doing OK because the boss says nothing)

-Gets nasty if you make a mistake

-Humiliates you in front of others

-Never thinks you've done enough

-Assumes you are lazy and dishonest

-Changes the rules arbitrarily

-Is never satisfied of pleased

(get the picture?)

The Good Boss

-Praises Frequently

-Always lets you know when you're doing well

-Asks you what you need whenever you've made a mistake;

-Is very helpful

-Is concerned about your well-being as well as your productivity

-Assumes you want to do a good job

-Helps you feel like part of the team

-Treats you as a valued human being

-Is clear about the duties expected of you.

Both of these bosses have the same goal: to get the job done. However, there is a big difference in the success of their individual management styles. Think about your probable reaction to the two styles of management. The bad boss's office is characterized by tension and anger. People work only to keep the boss off their backs, and consequently goof-off whenever he/she is not around. They are not efficient, because they are not motivated to accomplish anything, merely to avoid the boss's anger. They are operating in a mental state we call "adaptation", which is focused on keeping someone (usually someone angry or nasty) off their backs.

They have little loyalty to anything but their paychecks, and perhaps each other, as mistreated prisoners are loyal to each other when confronting the jailer. Offices which are characterized by inefficiency and disharmony. If this boss requires overtime, he/she encounters resistance.

If you were working for this boss, how would you feel? Would you go to work happily each day? Would you volunteer for extra work? Would you look forward to each new assignment? Probably not. In short, you would not feel highly motivated, would you?

On the other hand, the employees of the good boss tend to care about themselves and their jobs. They feel proud of their accomplishments, and eager to learn more and accomplish more. If the boss is gone, the work still goes on, because people are in a mental state of motivation, and are being gratified by their sense of accomplishment. When this boss requests overtime, he/she will be met with a cooperative response.

Again, take a moment and picture yourself in this situation. How would you feel? Would you feel eager to please this boss? Would you look forward to his/her reaction to your latest work? Would you be willing to help out, if extra work were necessary? Most likely, you would-you would feel enthusiastic and motivated, looking forward to work each day.

Notice the difference in your energy in the two situations. Which boss would you rather work for? Hopefully, it's as obvious to you as it is to me. I would prefer the good boss (just the names I have chosen for the two styles have probably made that obvious.)

In the daily tasks and situations of our lives, we become our own bosses; whether we are aware of it or not. We have a choice about which kind of a boss we wish to be to ourselves. If you decide as most of my clients (and myself) have, you will choose to become the good boss to yourself. This means you learn to treat yourself with kindness and understanding, be very generous with praise, and gentle with corrections. Then you will accomplish your goals with a sense of pride and achievement, and a great deal of pleasure. You will feel motivated, and wonder why you never realized how easy it was.

All of this can be accomplished through the two "magic motivators": celebration and appreciation. Most of us know how to appreciate others. However, when it comes to ourselves, we feel embarrassed and uncomfortable if we are too generous with praise.

Years of being told not to brag or to be stuck up when we were young have taken their toll, and self-appreciation comes awkwardly. However, if motivation is a desirable trait, then self-appreciation becomes necessary and desirable too. The good news is that you can learn it.

If you would like to learn self-appreciation and it is difficult for you, I recommend practicing in several ways. Many of my clients have found it fun to buy small gold foil star stickers (just like in grade school) and award them to themselves for jobs well done, or any achievements they wish to celebrate. Pasting the stars on a calendar daily can be very effective. Go ahead, award yourself lots!

Other kinds of stickers are readily available. One of my clients rewarded herself for being successful in her eating program with small stickers representing jelly beans, chocolates and ice cream cones! She got her dessert in praise instead of calories.

Also, it can be effective to remember back to childhood parties and celebrations. One of my clients was told never to make noise because her grandmother was ill. However, shewas allowed to play her accordion as loud as she wanted to when she practiced. To this day, playing her accordion feels like a celebration and a chance for her to sound off. Early birthday parties or holiday outings that were special can also be tapped for ideas. If Mom always cooked a turkey for a big occasion, or set the table with the best china, or a bottle of champagne was served, then those ingredients can indicate celebration and accomplishment.

Crepe paper streamers, banners, candles, balloons, flowers, special clothing (your fanciest shoes, a new hat) gatherings of friends, trophies, diplomas and awards can all indicate achievements worth celebrating. Try using one or two of these items on occasions for which you wish to generate motivation.

If you are nervous on the first day of the new job, celebrate completing the day with sparkling apple juice or diet cola served in your best champagne flutes, and candles on the dinner table. Put a few gold stars on your calendar for getting through a difficult homework assignment. Buy your little girl a trophy engraved with her name for cleaning up her room for a whole month.

There is no such thing as too much praise or celebration. Is there too much motivation? Of course not-the more the merrier. Fresh flowers on the table just to say how much you appreciate yourself can do a lot toward making you happier any day. A new trashy romance novel can be a great reward/celebration for reading your required technical books.

The important point is that celebration of what you have accomplished already will create motivation to accomplish more.

Get creative with your celebrations, have fun. Celebrate a cherished friendship with an impromptu lunchtime picnic, and a balloon. Above all, have fun. That's the objective!

If you find yourself around someone who takes command and tells you what you should be doing, or comments unasked about how you are doing things wrong, or otherwise appoints him/herself as the boss in your life, you may find your newly-created motivation flagging. Remember to fire them as your boss. It's YOUR life, and you are doing whatever you are doing because you WANT to. You need to give no better reason to anyone but yourself.

Once you have fired this self-appointed boss, then you may need to remind yourself of how much you have accomplished without that kind of help. Celebrate your independence, your spirit, your willingness to be responsible for yourself.

It is also possible to set up informative books, articles, television authorities, gurus, etc. up as your boss-in which case, you will again find your motivation flagging. These informational aids can be useful, but only if your keep them in perspective.

Remember, the boss gets information about how to run things, gets educated, goes for help when necessary, BUT the boss is still in charge. The information is there for your use, but no expert, (no, not even a therapist) can know if the information is right for you.

If you remember who the boss is, then you will use the information wisely and judiciously, rejecting whatever there is that does not suit your style or personality. You will use it to support and further your goals, and to aid in the celebration of your accomplishments.

Whenever you find your motivation flagging, look around for how you are doing at being your boss. Are you using a motivational, supportive style? Have you let someone else take over your authority? Is there some appreciation you need?

Take a few minutes with yourself every day just for appreciation. It's easy, fun, and very effective. Imagine living every day energized and motivated!!

Article Source:

Robert Kiyosaki’s Business Secrets - Robert Kiyosaki


Thursday, September 24, 2020

Is The Coronavirus Affecting Your Results?


We are in a place we have never been before and our brain is having trouble assimilating all the new information and the confusion is causing some real problems with many people.

Only a short while ago we were all being swept along on the usual hustle and bustle of life rushing to fit everything in and wishing we had more time to do things and now we are leaving doing things because we have all the time in the world to get them done, which proves that we are always kidding ourselves about reality.

In a culture that seems to admire hard work we have created a mindset that tells us doing something is preferable to doing nothing so we tend to have trouble relaxing because we feel subconsciously that we are being lazy.

The problem with this programming is that it very rarely stops long enough to judge what results you are getting and in almost all cases we find that although we are flat out our achievements are somewhat lacking.

Doing a bit here and a bit there, rushing from place to place, starting and stopping projects, ignoring breaks and downtime is the most inefficient way to achieve anything.

There are two types of action and they are ACTION and EFFICIENT ACTION appearing busy produces a lot of action and your programming thinks, I must be achieving something because I am working so hard yet in reality your results are very poor.

Efficient action however allows you to think a situation through and take the best possible route to the result and one of the most efficient actions is to start and finish a task in one go rather than keep doing small bits.

The other problem with dealing in lots of small trivial bits is that we keep finding excuses not to tackle the more important issues and in an effort to suppress something that is worrying us we tend to do more bits to keep it at bay.

The solution is simple, firstly remember hard work and money are not related and the less you can do to achieve your results is a good thing not a bad thing.

Stand back and look at what you are doing and get in the habit of making sure that your actions are efficient and just see how much more you can achieve with so much less effort.

Do less and earn more!

Croz has been coaching and mentoring young entrepreneurs for many years. He talks regularly to groups and individuals, spreading his valuable message in an entertaining and humorous way. His website is

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Zig Ziglar's Top 10 Rules For Success


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dreams Don't Die

 Look at your life. Are you where you expected to see yourself? Is this what you had in mind when you once had a dream? Are you living your dream? If your answer to these questions is NO, then get about the business of making your dreams a reality. It is a single decision. Dreams don't die.

If you ever have the opportunity to address a room full of 3rd graders, ask each of them to tell you their dreams. Children always have dreams. They always know what it is they want to be. And they will tell you happily what those dreams are. Now what is the difference between you, a forty or fifty or even sixty year old and one of those 3rd graders?

I will tell you the difference; Life happened!

Life always happens. Life brings with it joy and heartbreak, successes and failures, victories and defeats, setbacks and disappointments. You name it, Life will bring it. And for most of us we believe there is nothing we can do about it. The reason we believe there is nothing we can do about it is because of how we handle the various curve balls Life throw at us. Do those challenges or victories break you or motivate you to go harder and further to attain your dreams?

Good things can kill your dreams. I will say it again. Good things kill your dreams. Marriage is good, yes? Across this planet men and women are considered "successful" if they are married. It is considered an accomplishment. And as wonderful as marriage is, it is a big dream killer. How many young women, full of enthusiasm and dreams have had that enthusiasm drained from her and her dreams evaporate like water vapor? Hold that thought about vapor. Millions of women are in what is considered successful marriages but they are not living their dreams. Many men are in successful marriages and are not living their dreams.

How many have gotten very good, high paying jobs and yet when they look at their dreams they are but a distant memory. They are like something in an alternate universe. Believe it or not, it is often the good things that keep us from being Great. When Life is going "good" we tend to become complacent. We tend to coast through Life. A comfortable life is perhaps one of the most destructive dream killers. You work, you get paid, you are able to pay your bills, but you have a ton of debt. Manageable debt but you are able to make the payments on time and you live comfortably. Life is good. But it is NOT great.

You at your greatness is you doing what you love. It brings you joy. It gives you satisfaction. There are no regrets when you are living it. You living a Great life is not on borrowed money. Your dreams will make way for you to live on your own terms, not according to the terms set by the bank or credit card company.

Now, remember that vapor? You see when water dries up, it does not mean it no longer exists. It simply exists in another form. But, that form can change back into water. We see this all the time in nature. We have all learned about rain. Consider everything in your Life that has pushed your dreams aside. Whatever those events or things or experiences are, let's call them, Evaporation. This is the process in the water cycle that changes water molecules into vapor. But there is another process called Condensation. That is the process that changes that vapor back into a liquid.

Your dreams don't die. With the right energy, your dreams can be revived. It takes just a decision. It takes just you making up your mind that no matter what Life has thrown or will throw at you, you will pursue your dreams. You will never attain that Great life without a dream. It is the creative vehicle that takes you from a mediocre life to one of Greatness. But it takes a single decision. Not many. Just one decision. Change your Mind, and watch how Life unfolds around you. Dreams don't die. So at forty, fifty, sixty or whatever your age, make up your mind that you will pursue your dreams. Stop looking at your age. When water is formed again from condensation, it is not "old" water. In fact water we drink and bathe with has been around for millions of years. Stop worrying about your age. Yesterday is in the past. Live the rest of your Life on your terms. Your dreams are waiting for you to revive them. Do so now!

Copyright � 2020, M.A.Singh. All rights reserved.


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7 Tips for Better Sleep | Jack Canfield


Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Discipline - The Vehicle of Success

 We have all heard 'Practice Makes Perfect'. Practice is doing something repeatedly in order to do it well and once you learn to do it well, you practice to do it better. Whether it is shooting a basketball or preparing for a speech, practice is your best ally. But what is it that keeps you practicing? It is Discipline.

Our society enjoys sports. We gather in bars and fill stadiums to watch athletes execute almost perfectly. Whether it is a fighter or a football player, we are in awe and entertained by their almost super human skills. But those skills we so admire do not happen overnight. When a boxer steps into a ring or a basketball player steps unto the court and they execute, what you are watching is the culmination of 1000's of repetitive moves and hours of dedication. What kept them repeating the same move over and over again, day in and day out, hardly letting up, is Discipline.

Naturally we are not a disciplined species. We love what feels good all the time. We run from discomfort. Anything that is outside our comfort zone, we shy away from. Discipline is like an internal drill sergeant that yells at us to get our asses up when we want to roll over and enjoy more sleep. It tells us that it is not time to go home when everyone else have retired for the night. Discipline tells you not to eat that slice of cake or drink that Coke. Whatever your objective is, Discipline is necessary to stay on the right track towards it.

So how does one attain Discipline? Like most good qualities in life, Discipline can be developed. Think of the first thing you do when you get up in the morning. What is it? Do you reach for the TV remote? Head straight into the kitchen? Here is an idea for how you can begin to develop discipline in your life. Since each day is a new opportunity for you to live the rest of your life start with something that will require Discipline at first; Make your bed.

That's it. Make your bed. Make your bed every day. There will be days when you don't feel like making your bed. Do it anyways. Start your day having accomplished a task to improve your life. A made bed is a very good way to start your day. It is an accomplishment. At first it will take Discipline to keep you doing this if you have not been used to making your bed. Eventually you will do so out of habit. You have created a good habit. Congratulations!

Now, what are you after? A better paying job? Making a team? Winning a championship? Whatever it is, understand the Discipline that made it possible to accomplish that first task in the morning is not limited. It is there to help you with whatever your goals are. You just need to heed it, not ignore it. The more disciplined you become in various areas of your life, the more structure you will find in those areas of your life.

Whatever your goal is, think of yourself as an athlete competing to attain it. Put yourself in the mindset of an athlete. Then employ Discipline to keep at it to make yourself better. You will reap if you do not grow weary.

Copyright � 2020, M.A.Singh. All rights reserved.


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Financial Success During Adversity

Goals: - 6 Ways To Be Inspired To Go For It

 I really don't know if you have any interest in this sport, but I hope you do take the time to see what you can capture from this story. The 2013 NFL football season is now underway and there is a lot on the line.

Approximately 74,000 fans packed Miami Dolphin's arena on Sunday February 7th 2010 to see the Indianapolis Colts battle the New Orleans Saints for Super Bowl XLIV. In addition to that, millions viewed by television, and on the internet.

These two teams went after a major title in the sports world, but only one came out on top. Both of them did well throughout the regular season but it wasn't necessarily easy as each week they had to fight off opponents.

Now it was one more opponent standing between them and this major goal of becoming champion. Both of them realized that in order to win they had to show up and play their hearts out. I believe as game time drew near coaches and players motivated and encouraged their team by saying "It's Time To Go For It." I'll get back to that in a minute.

I press on toward the goal to win the [supreme and heavenly] prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward. - Philippians 3:14 (Amplified Bible)

As you embrace the times ahead, God has placed some major goals before you. But are you going to take advantage of the opportunity. From that biblical quote, that word "press" means that you will have opposing forces.

In the midst of opposing forces I tell you "It's time to go for it". If you set it you can get it. Your greatest enemy is not the devil, co-workers, family, or even your boss. I don't regret telling you this but YOU are your greatest enemy. Why do I say that? Because any time God put something in your heart You make up excuses, You procrastinate; You say I'll do it later, You say I can't get no help. Then when You don't perform or get it You blame everybody else.

I want to help you with 6 things that can help you Go for it:

1. Readjust- There are times when you just have to take another approach and shift, change direction, try another method in order to get the results you need.

2. Reset - I'm sure you are familiar with losing power at home which means that you have to reset your clock. This is important if you are going to keep up with the timing of society. Even more important spiritually is to be able to keep up with God's time flow.

3. Reflect - look at where you came from. This is what gives you the strength to face the challenges you now face because if God did it before he can do it again.

4. Refocus - With so many distractions and temptations around you need something that will help you get back on course. There is nothing better than the Word of God.

5. Renew - Yes that same feeling you get after taking a bath or shower. It makes you feel new, clean, fresh and ready to go again. The renewing of your mind is important to get your thinking on the right track.

6. Rejoice- In order to keep your joy in life you have to celebrate. Life will have many disappointments but you have to stir up the strength and find a reason to rejoice.

Meanwhile back to Super Bowl XLIV, New Orleans Saints first time in and a new opportunity to make history for their city and State. Initially down by 10 points and not being the favored team can be a challenge. You have to love the fighting spirit of this team as they didn't let a slow start stop them. A great team effort from The Who Dat Nation lead by quarterback Drew Brees. So it was the New Orleans Saints that overcame the favored Colts 31 - 17.

So what exactly am I saying? I expect God to bring you into some first time opportunities. I believe you can get some great results if you just know how to keep you goals on track. When the opportunity comes "Go 4 It", everyone will know your name when they ask the question "Who Dat?"

FREE Sample of Inspiring Quotes Plus Book. *ORIGINAL* Inspiring Quotes You Never Heard or Seen Before!: Inspiring Quotes Plus Book

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The Speech That Changed The World - Oprah Winfrey 2019 - Motivational & Inspiring

Monday, September 21, 2020

Knowing Thyself and Being True to Yourself

During difficult situations and circumstances that are insurmountable, lying to ourselves may become a coping mechanism to psychologically heal inner wounds. It gives a false sense of reality and becomes comfortable as it supports living in a state of denial to prevent facing difficulty and hurtful situations. Cognitive Dissonance, is a psychological term associated with having mental anguish due to contradictory beliefs, ideas, and or values. Due to conflicting perceptions, people may tend to ignore issues to deceive others or themselves by pretending a problem doesn't exist. Our childhood, beliefs, societal norms, personality, and religious factors can influence our behavior in becoming susceptible to falling victim to cognitive dissonance. If you are an individual whose childhood experiences were seeing your parents in an unhealthy relationship or marriage due to strong religious or societal beliefs, then you would be more vulnerable to encountering similar experiences as an adult. You may even take on the same strategies you watched your parents take in resolving domestic matters. Children learn and develop perceptions based on observational learning. Telling a child do not do this or that may be somewhat ineffective. This is because what you observe, and experience is more likely to stick with you unconsciously and consciously. So you end up finding yourself in very similar situations that mirrors what you observed from your parents once you are an adult. As the saying goes, girls marry someone like their father and boys will marry someone like their mother but not always. An article, How Violence Against a Mother Shapes Children as They Grow by Allison Cunningham & Linda Baker (London Family Court Clinic, Inc.) highlights various case studies, surveys, and myths of effects toxic marriages and relationships have on children. One myth highlighted was children will recognize their mother as the victim in cases of domestic violence if this was the reality. However, this was a misconception and was identified as a myth. The reality is children can blame the mother as much or more than they blame fathers as young children do not recognize power imbalance. Especially, when fathers play the victim role. Women who watched their mother be abused while growing up are more likely to be vulnerable to abusive relationships. Keep in mind that abuse comes in many forms such as mental, emotional, and physical.
Accepting toxicity comes easy although consciously aware that the situation doesn't serve any good. Hence, cognitive dissonance may come into play. Rigorous religious structures that are widely interpreted differently based on childhood experiences can play a part in not living life to the fullest. In other words, you become stagnated in knowing yourself due to fear of breaking away from what you have known life always to be. Yes, Mama and Papa did things this way, but you have ultimate freedom and control to create your own traditions and best life. Sometimes what is not said is of more significance then what is unspoken. Preachers will often reference remaining in a marriage without mentioning situations that are unhealthy to do so. This becomes an imbalance and alters perceptions and prevents you from living life to the fullest.
You may become so focused on doing well on the job and pleasing others that it becomes easy to lose sight of your full potential and what is healthy for you. You constantly over perform or try to sell your creative ideas only to find someone claims rights to it and gets the credit. In these types of situations don't deceive yourself. Know who you are and have confidence in your abilities. You are in a temporary situation. Being true to yourself is knowing that your ideas are too good to share with those you know do not have your best interest at heart. Instead find another trusted partner who will support your business decisions. It's time to identify where you can be free from restrictions to reach your fullest potential. While its wise not to quit a job without having another one just knowing that there is light at the end of a tunnel can keep you motivated.
I believe that God is loving and forgiving. Never would God permit his children to live in constant toxicity based on any scripture or rigid man-made beliefs. There is always a clarifying scripture, ram in the bush if you will that provides a way of relief. The biblical scripture, states Mathew 11:30, "For my yoke is easy and my burden is light". Here, God is telling us that we can find rest and safety from life woes through faith in his word. Too much toxicity and negativity are not in the alignment with the universal source which is the strongest force, love. What makes us feel and become fulfilled? What causes us to continue our spiritual path to complete our purpose? This is the road we must stay on to knowing ourselves. Just like a finger print your individual life map can never be replicated. Therefore, if someone tells you what your purpose is heed and be cautious! Even God is gentlemen enough to allow us to discover our purpose on our own. Be confident that you have an inner knowing of who you are. Stay connected to how situations and circumstances make you feel as clues. Life has a way of pointing us in the direction we are to take. Know thyself and remember, this is the life you create
Cognitive Dissonance, is associated with having mental anguish due to contradictory beliefs, ideas, and or values. These conflicting perceptions, deceive others as problems are perceived as if they do not exist.

Article Source:

4 Fears Holding You Back (and How to Overcome Them!)

Sunday, September 20, 2020

How A Vision Board Can Help Turn Your Present Wishes Into Your Future Reality

Expert Author Cassandra Mack
Have you ever thought about creating your own vision board? Well 2019 will be here sooner than you know it and a great way to jumpstart the new year with a bang and finish this year strong is by creating your very own vision board that speaks to your most heartfelt desires and dreams.
A vision board is a creative tool that helps you focus on the desires of your heart by placing a pictorial representation in front of you of what you want to do, be and have in life. They help you to visualize your desired future and it places your aspirations, dreams and goals in plain sight so that you can see where you want to go on a daily basis. This helps you to keep the desires of your heart in the forefront of your mins so that you can begin to align your life with the things that matter most to you.
Think of a vision board as a creative space to capture the things that you want to do, be and have in life. Having a creative space that captures what you want to manifest in the near future enables you to focus on your personal goals even when life gets hectic and you have competing issues pulling for your attention.
The reality of our lives is this: Whatever we focus on grows. And if we expend the majority of our time and energy focusing on past mistakes, missed opportunities and the disappointments that we all accumulate as we encounter failures and adversity, then life will pass us by without us every having truly lived. One thing that a vision board does to help people combat disappointment is it provides you with a clean slate to design your life moving forward.
When you create a vision board and place it in an area of your home, job or office where you can look at it daily, you end up engaging your goals, dreams and desires in an intentional way and on a regular basis throughout the day. The primary benefit of engaging with your goals, dreams and desires in a targeted and proactive way is this: The more you focus on what you want out of life rather than what you regret or missed out on, the more you're able to get in the driver's seat of your life from a place of clarity and perseverance in order to create the kind of life that brings you the kind of joy, happiness, companionship, wellbeing, success and peace of mind that you are seeking.
The process of visualizing what you want will literally force you to start examining the desires of your heart and zero in on those things that truly matter to you in this season of your life. Whether you choose to create one master vision board or several smaller vision boards that focus on different aspects of your life, the limited space on your board engages your mind in a process of choosing what you desire and letting go of what you no longer want; so that you can devote more of your time, energy and attention towards bringing your most heartfelt desires into fruition.
To understand why visualizing your desires is so powerful, we need to look at how the mind works. The mind is the tool that creates our world and our minds are designed to help us unlock our potential and live out our definition of success. With every action we take, our thoughts are the driving force behind our choices. When we visualize a goal in vivid detail our minds take a mental picture of our desired future and direct our thoughts, actions and habits towards the attainment of that goal.
The mind is so powerful that every goal that you want to fulfill, every dream that you desire to pursue all emanate from the vision that you have in your mind of your preferred future. So a vision board brings to life, the picture that is already in your mind. And this sets a process in motion, if you stick with it, to help you clarify your goals and map out the necessary action steps to manifest the things that you desire to do, be and have in life.
When you visualize yourself living in your dream home, your mind directs your attention and your actions to start creating that reality. The process of choosing what to put on your vision board is simple and yet often underestimated. However, the simple selection process of deciding what images, words, quotes, affirmations to put on your vision board narrows down your focus and personalizes your board with specific dreams, goals and wishes that matter to you. It's about understanding the power of choice and the momentum of focus.
To get the most from your vision board, it should not only contain pictures and words that represent the things you want to have, but it should also encompass how you want to feel. It's great to include the material things that you want to manifest in your life. But if you also include how you want to feel, you will ensure that you focus on bringing things into your life that only serve you well and that align with the things that give you peace of mind and joy.
There is only one major rule to creating a vision board that works, and it's that there aren't any rules. Don't be afraid of messing up your vision board. You cannot mess up your vision board because you are creating it to reflect the things that you want to manifest in your life. It's your vision board, so have fun with it.
If You'd Like To Create Your Own Vision Board, Here's What You'll Need:
• Any kind of board. You can use large poster board paper or a cork board from the dollar store. Some people use photo albums for their vision board and create a vision board album
Instead. It's totally up to you.
• Scissors, tape, push pins if you are using a cork board, and/or a glue-stick to put the images that you cut out on your board.
• Plenty of Markers, both thick and thin. You can also embellish your board with stickers, or anything else that you can think of to make your vision board feel like your own.
• A variety of magazines that you can cut images and quotes from.
• Additionally, have pictures of things that you want to look at every day like: Photos, quotes, sayings, images of places you want to go, reminders of events, places, or people, postcards from friends and just about anything that will inspire you to manifest your heart's desires.
• Give yourself about an hour or two to create your vision board.
• Check out YouTube to see examples of other people's vision boards in order to get inspired to create your own.
If you would like to join me at my Vision Board Party in New York City on Saturday, November 3, 2018, get your tickets at Eventbrite the following link:
Cassandra Mack is the author of "Speaking Life Into Your I Am," "Grab A Girlfriend & Go Take Your Life Back" and "Master Your Mind, Mood & Attitude In The Workplace" She is also the CEO of Strategies For Empowered Living Inc., a training, coaching and consulting firm that helps individuals and organizations maximize potential, build capacity and facilitate success. For more information go to:

Importance of Community - Lisa Nichols

Saturday, September 19, 2020

The Future You Desire

What is the future you are hoping for and the life you hope to achieve? Everyone wants success, of course, and no one wants to fail. Yet failures come into each life, and sometimes successes are few and far between. What makes the difference in the outcome?
What you believe has great impact on what is possible for you to achieve and become. You can and should use the power of your mind to make the future into whatever it is you desire. Believe with all your heart and soul that you can do it, whatever it is to you.
Sudden changes may be difficult and uncomfortable. Sometimes it takes answering the call to do something differently than usual to find success. The willingness to embrace change can work in your favor. Inspiration can come in a myriad of ways which may not seem feasible at the time. Seize the day and do whatever it takes to spring into action. Find the success you desire by believing in yourself and going for it.
It is not always easy to make lemonade when life throws you lemons. There are times when it seems that the challenges are insurmountable and that the future is extremely dim. Circumstances can come into a life over which the person has no control. Sometimes it requires just going with the flow, but success will likely come from not giving up hope.
There was a time when there was little hope among a large group of people who were persecuted and who lost their freedom through no fault of their own. Around 120,000 persons of Japanese heritage, most of them citizens of the United States of America, were forcibly removed from their homes on the West Coast and placed into American concentration camps during World War II. The constitution failed them. It did not protect them from an unjust incarceration simply because of their ethnic background.
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii by the Imperial Navy of Japan, citizens and immigrants of Japanese descent in the United States were suspected of being spies for Japan. They were reclassified as enemy aliens or non-citizens. They had faced discrimination before that action happened, but the racism escalated against these innocent people.
They not only were forced into an unfair imprisonment behind barbed wire with armed guards keeping watch over them, but they lost virtually all their earthly possessions. They lost their jobs and their livelihood. They lost their homes and their savings. Life was uncertain and dismal. The future looked extremely grim.
After the war with Japan ended, these Americans and immigrants of Japanese heritage faced an uncertain future. They had spent over three years in the confinement of the camps. They were released finally with $25 and a train ride or bus ticket. What could they do? They needed to keep having hope in the future and faith to forge ahead.
Most of these people survived and made a decent future for themselves. They worked hard and kept the faith that they could find success. Life was not easy as they faced much racism and discrimination even after the war had ended, but they kept trying. They made their own future by believing that they could do it.
Life will always have its ups and downs. The future is not assured by any means. It can be better through faith and hope along with a good dose of hard work. Make the future you desire by not giving up and always keep trying.
This book of speeches and articles about the Japanese American and Asian American story includes facts about the mistreatment of Japanese Americans during World War II. This was a period when the Constitution did not protect innocent citizens and immigrants who faced severe prejudice and racism. The book covers civil rights issues and is available on Amazon. Information on the book and other related books may be found at the website:

Article Source:

Tony Robbins Guided Morning Routine (Watch This Video EVERY MORNING)

Friday, September 18, 2020

Is There Magic In Your Life?

The Merriam-Webster definition of magic is the use of means (such as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces. Other definitions explain magic as some type of force which uses trickery or special powers to make things happen that would usually be impossible. Then there is the magic of the person called a magician who performs tricks to entertain people. Magic may produce marvelous effects through some means of extraordinary, unexplainable power.
Is there magic in your life which helps you to achieve good things? Is there some power which is making self improvement and success an easy matter? Sometimes things are not easy to explain. They may not be magic, but they could be magical as they cause good things to happen.
Magical new beginnings and endings can happen in a person's life. Changes may come which are hard to explain and which do not seem rationally possible. Good things can happen when they are totally unexpected. It may seem that something magical has caused good results.
A magical time in your life may be when things just work out well through some means other than your own doing. A guardian angel may be looking over you. It may not exactly be magic, but it may seem like magic.
There was no magic when 120,000 persons of Japanese ancestry were forcibly removed from their comfortable homes on the West Coast of the United States and placed in the American concentration camps during World War II. They might have wished for some magic to prevent their expulsion from their places of residence, but no magic came. Some people indicated later that they were herded like cattle being taken to the slaughter. In fact, some people thought they were being loaded on to trains to be taken out to the desert to be shot.
Instead, they were first taken to assembly centers at race tracks and fairgrounds where their living quarters were horse stalls which had been vacated by the horses with some remaining smells and hairs of the former occupants. This was before the camps were ready. The camps were being built in remote and desolate areas of the country.
Through no fault of their own and only because they were ethnic Japanese, these American citizens and immigrants could find no magic or indeed no help and support to avoid being imprisoned unjustly behind barbed wire enclosures. Armed guards watched over them from the towers placed in the camps. No one came to their aid.
It may seem like magic that people were able to survive that ordeal. Although these people were not treated with the same horror that faced those who were placed in the concentration camps of Europe where people were tortured and killed, it was a difficult thing to lose almost all their material possessions and to be held captive. Life was difficult, but somehow they survived the mistreatment of being unfairly incarcerated when the Constitution did not protect them from the mass racial profiling which occurred after the start of World War II. There may have been some magic in play as they endured the trials of incarceration.
Magic can come into our lives when we least expect it. Happy beginnings and endings to situations can seem like magic. It doesn't have to be mystical or supernatural sources which cause good things to happen. It may seem like magic, and we may all deserve a little of what appears magical. Life can be good, and we should appreciate it even if it is not real magic.
This book of speeches and articles about the Japanese American and Asian American story includes facts about the mistreatment of Japanese Americans during World War II. This was a period when the Constitution did not protect innocent citizens and immigrants who faced severe prejudice and racism. These people endured trials but somehow survived and eventually found some success. The book covers civil rights issues and is available on Amazon. Information on the book and other related books may be found at the website:

Jim Rohn's Top Book Recommendations - #FavoriteBooks

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Where Do You Find Recognition?

Expert Author Susan Leigh
Just a thought on the 'bigger picture', and how much we've come to value our medical & frontline services, especially during these exceptionally testing times. There's no doubt that they're doing outstanding, extraordinarily selfless, life-saving jobs, working all hours, constantly putting themselves in harm's way, desperately trying to save lives.
Whilst they're the ones on the coal face, let's not forget to also recognise the carers, teachers, farmers and many others still trying to hold it together. Not everyone will receive the same level of 'recognition' and that's fine. Many people do their jobs because they're happy to play an important role, love what they do and don't begrudge others the recognition. Whilst many don't work for the appreciation or gratitude it's important that they sometimes be recognised for their efforts.
Many in this present crisis are doing a sterling job; the delivery staff, shop workers, cleaners, carers, tutors, transport providers, home workers, parents, news reporters, even government officials. They may feel their roles are not appreciated by others.
We're all indebted to the medical staff and whilst recognising their exemplary efforts need also to remember to give ourselves credit for trying to hold it together. All jobs deserve recognition for a myriad of reasons; yes, our work may involve helping others, but it also provides money, satisfaction, routine, a reason to get out of bed in the morning.
Every one of us has in some way been affected by the present situation. I know I've had suicidal clients, couples whose relationships are potentially on the rocks, clients despairing of their futures. Losing our job or business is devastating. Appreciate your strength, the role you've carved for yourself in your life, your family and the bigger picture.
How do you give recognition? Yes, there's a massive outpouring of gratitude and affection for the many front-line workers during this corona virus pandemic. We're all bowled over by their selfless dedication, preparedness to risk their health and to work as many hours as required, sometimes volunteering or returning from retirement to do so.
From now on let's start to remember and recognise the many other people in our lives who we may not normally think to appreciate or be thankful for. This could be a good time to remedy that. There are often several areas of our lives that run seamlessly, so seamlessly in fact that we don't pause to consider how, for example, our dinner regularly appears on the table, how there are always clean clothes or fresh towels when we need them. The behind-the-scenes support is often why the other areas of our lives function as well as they do.
Pause to value the money that has to be earned in order to replenish our food cupboards, to keep a roof over our heads or to pay for our home to be heated. Acknowledging and appreciating the people in our lives is important, both to them and to us. Knowing you're valued helps fuel and sustain our relationships. So, complimenting someone for taking the time to look nice, thanking them for a piece of work they've done or for caring enough to be helpful truly matters.
After all, we can't know how much effort was required by the other person to do something which for us may be a relatively easy ask. Our partner, children, friends or co-workers may be going through testing times or have personal struggles that we're unaware of. A simple, uncomplicated, 'thank you, you're really helped me', could lighten their load, relieve their stress and bring a smile to their day.
Where do you find recognition? Over time we've no doubt come to realise that in life appreciation and gratitude aren't always forthcoming, so sometimes we have to look elsewhere. It may mean that we have to be prepared to reflect on our self-worth and find recognition within. Instead of the 'thank you', we were hoping for we may even instead attract criticism and negative comments about what we 'should' or 'ought' to have done.
But when you're able to pause and know that you've done all you can, are able to be at peace with yourself and maybe look at your team at home or work and say, 'we're in this together, we've made a great effort', you can find satisfaction and recognition from those who really matter, your inner circle. Receiving recognition from others may be a 'nice' extra, the icing on the cake, but it doesn't define your worth or the quality of effort you've made.
Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.
She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.
To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit

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