Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Dreams Don't Die

 Look at your life. Are you where you expected to see yourself? Is this what you had in mind when you once had a dream? Are you living your dream? If your answer to these questions is NO, then get about the business of making your dreams a reality. It is a single decision. Dreams don't die.

If you ever have the opportunity to address a room full of 3rd graders, ask each of them to tell you their dreams. Children always have dreams. They always know what it is they want to be. And they will tell you happily what those dreams are. Now what is the difference between you, a forty or fifty or even sixty year old and one of those 3rd graders?

I will tell you the difference; Life happened!

Life always happens. Life brings with it joy and heartbreak, successes and failures, victories and defeats, setbacks and disappointments. You name it, Life will bring it. And for most of us we believe there is nothing we can do about it. The reason we believe there is nothing we can do about it is because of how we handle the various curve balls Life throw at us. Do those challenges or victories break you or motivate you to go harder and further to attain your dreams?

Good things can kill your dreams. I will say it again. Good things kill your dreams. Marriage is good, yes? Across this planet men and women are considered "successful" if they are married. It is considered an accomplishment. And as wonderful as marriage is, it is a big dream killer. How many young women, full of enthusiasm and dreams have had that enthusiasm drained from her and her dreams evaporate like water vapor? Hold that thought about vapor. Millions of women are in what is considered successful marriages but they are not living their dreams. Many men are in successful marriages and are not living their dreams.

How many have gotten very good, high paying jobs and yet when they look at their dreams they are but a distant memory. They are like something in an alternate universe. Believe it or not, it is often the good things that keep us from being Great. When Life is going "good" we tend to become complacent. We tend to coast through Life. A comfortable life is perhaps one of the most destructive dream killers. You work, you get paid, you are able to pay your bills, but you have a ton of debt. Manageable debt but you are able to make the payments on time and you live comfortably. Life is good. But it is NOT great.

You at your greatness is you doing what you love. It brings you joy. It gives you satisfaction. There are no regrets when you are living it. You living a Great life is not on borrowed money. Your dreams will make way for you to live on your own terms, not according to the terms set by the bank or credit card company.

Now, remember that vapor? You see when water dries up, it does not mean it no longer exists. It simply exists in another form. But, that form can change back into water. We see this all the time in nature. We have all learned about rain. Consider everything in your Life that has pushed your dreams aside. Whatever those events or things or experiences are, let's call them, Evaporation. This is the process in the water cycle that changes water molecules into vapor. But there is another process called Condensation. That is the process that changes that vapor back into a liquid.

Your dreams don't die. With the right energy, your dreams can be revived. It takes just a decision. It takes just you making up your mind that no matter what Life has thrown or will throw at you, you will pursue your dreams. You will never attain that Great life without a dream. It is the creative vehicle that takes you from a mediocre life to one of Greatness. But it takes a single decision. Not many. Just one decision. Change your Mind, and watch how Life unfolds around you. Dreams don't die. So at forty, fifty, sixty or whatever your age, make up your mind that you will pursue your dreams. Stop looking at your age. When water is formed again from condensation, it is not "old" water. In fact water we drink and bathe with has been around for millions of years. Stop worrying about your age. Yesterday is in the past. Live the rest of your Life on your terms. Your dreams are waiting for you to revive them. Do so now!

Copyright � 2020, M.A.Singh. All rights reserved.


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