Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Self Leadership Begins With Self Discovery

Expert Author Fitzgerald Mujuru
Self - discovery otherwise known as self - awareness precedes self-leadership. You can't master, neither can you lead what you don't know. In the process of leading our lives we need to come to a full understanding of ourselves. I read it in a book somewhere that "know thyself" is the deepest and best advice ever given to mankind. You can either overestimate your abilities or underestimate the power you possess when you do not know yourself. It starts with self-discovery. No one is going to come up to you and say, hey, it's time to discover yourself.It is a "do-it-yourself" job.I share some nuggets on how you can get to know your true self.
Many "ordinary" men and women walk our streets daily and die un-lived lives because they have never taken the time to discover who they truly are on the inside. It's time to discover the hidden talents, abilities and natural endowments. Everyone can be a somebody. Self - discovery starts with an honest self - evaluation and audit. It's about getting to "know you", who you are at the core, what you believe in and what makes you tick. It's not about who you pretend to be or who you think you are but who you really are. You can fool others but you cannot fool yourself. It is also not about who others think and say you are. Many people live frustrated lives because they are trying to fit into a mould that they were never designed to fit it. Self - discovery may be a life-long journey for some but it is worth it. The sooner you embark on it the sooner you begin to engage in effective living.
Some people accept the reality that they are given instead of creating their own reality. If you do not know who you are your parents, your school teacher, your village will give you an identity. If they can give you an identity they can determine what you can and cannot do. Yes, they love you and they mean well, but self - discovery is your personal responsibility. The biblical King David would have remained a shepherd boy all his life if he had given in to the desire of his father and brothers yet he was destined to be a king. Even if there is a king in you couldn't ascend to the throne if you allow what others think about you to become too important.
I would have become an academic if I had followed through with my parents' dream for me. I would have probably been a success at it yet there were multiple gifts and things I needed to discover for myself. I discovered that I have a desire to inspire others through writing, speaking and singing when I did this exercise for myself. I also discovered that whilst my background was in sales and marketing I had a passion and desire to develop and inspire others to reach their fullest potential; this article you are reading is one of the manifestations of that desire.
Maybe you are limiting who you are to what you do. You are not your job or whatever it is you do for a living. You can be more and do more. You could be one of those folks that once read something and was inspired to "come up higher", but the challenges of life happened and caused you to backtrack and back slide. Maybe you lost income, dropped out of school, lost motivation, downsized your dream or simply gave up dreaming. Do not allow circumstances and setbacks to define you. Yes, you failed but you are not a failure.
You may have had the intention to start developing a skill or reading good books. It is not late for you to begin. I understand the average CEO imbibes at least fifty books in a year. That is almost a book a week. You can also do it if you intend to have an advantage in your career or business. Leaders are readers. In 2003, I discovered the power of reading, I imbibed twenty books in that season and I have become an avid reader since then. You don't have to start with twenty, start with a few chapters a day. You don't have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great. The journey of fifty books a year starts with the first page, chapter that you decide to sit down and read. Do not limit yourself to physical books, reading also incorporates listening to audio books especially when you are on the "go".
I hope in my own way I have been able to set you on a path to discover your true self. You have the capacity to take charge of your life and self-lead. It will take initiative; you owe it to yourself. It doesn't matter how old or how young you are. This is a reminder that there is more to you. Discover it and you will thank me for it.
Here are a few questions you can use to self - audit. Feel free to add your own.
  1. What are my gifts and talents that I was born with?
  2. What would be my ideal job if I was unlimited?
  3. What would you be doing right now if you did not need to earn?
  4. What are your values, that is, what is important to you?
  5. What do I believe I was born to do?
I hope the questions above will help you get on a path to become all that you are meant to be.
Fitzgerald Mujuru has 2 decades experience and expertise in marketing and sales, management for top global brands.Has given numerous seminars to various companies, entrepreneurs,leadership groups.He has appeared on a number of radio programs discussing various leadership and personal development topics. He has written 3 books (Power Thought for Today Success Motivation, Winning Ways-Precept Upon Precept,This Christian Life), and several online magazine articles. His motivational,training, sales/ marketing and leadership seminars have been well attended and highlighted as thought -provoking and value -adding.He is a sales trainer, business consultant specializing in marketing.

Positive Thinking and Motivation Classic Zig Ziglar

Monday, June 29, 2020

Bob Proctor | TRANSFERRING VIBRATION | The Law Of Attraction

The Importance of Personal Development in Self - Leadership

Expert Author Fitzgerald Mujuru
"Men are anxious to improve their circumstances, but are unwilling to improve themselves; they therefore remain bound." (James Allen)
On the self - leadership journey it is important to address the importance of personal development. It all starts with being unhappy with the way things are. There is no one alive who can claim to be a finished product. We are all a work-in-progress. Personally, I am not where I used to be, but I am certainly nowhere near where I ought to be in terms of all that I can be. It takes humility and honesty to admit that you are not, "all that" and you are not, "all there". We have good intentions and sometimes the right motivation but this alone is not good enough. There has to be a willingness to put in the necessary work in order to achieve the goal. It is wishful thinking to imagine that you can change anything of importance without improving yourself. Let's look at some of the areas that need work.
  1. "self - talk" (positive or negative things you constantly tell yourself)
  2. "self - image" (how you see yourself)
  3. self - motivation (what drives you).
  4. "self - discipline" (restraint, being strict with yourself)
These are all part of the self-leadership puzzle and when they come together life just becomes beautiful. Sometimes the desire to change and develop may be strong, but what if the obstacles and reality are speaking louder than the desire you have? It is not prudent to proceed without knowing exactly what you are dealing with. Let us identify some obstacles one needs to overcome in order to begin the self- development process:
  1. Unwillingness to change - "I am set in my ways"
  2. The power of the past - "It's hard to say goodbye to yesterday"
  3. An inflexible mind-set - "I have always done it this way"
  4. Associations - "I can't let go of some of my old associations"
  5. An idle mind - "It is too much work; I have a right to be lazy"
I urge you to conduct a self-assessment on the basis of the five areas mentioned above. There may be more depending on your particular instance. You will begin to notice that you need a shift mostly in the mind. That is the "battlefield" where most wars take place. Where the mind goes, the man follows! There are pre - conceived ideas, attitudes, habits and negative associations which need to go. If you are content, then you might not need to make any changes. If you don't like what is going on or the results you are obtaining you can always change and it starts with a decision to become someone you have never been before. Albert Einstein said," We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them. "Do not wait for next year to change your thinking. The time to make the changes is NOW!
We live in a time where there is much learning. It is possible to learn all the new skills and even spend a fortune yet yield no results. Acquiring new knowledge without a new mind is akin to putting new wine in old wine - skins. Change your mind!
Settling the mind issue positions you for real transformation. Personal development does not happen by itself. Physical growth is an inevitability; personal growth takes decisive action. If you are not growing, then you cannot achieve greatness. What skills are you going to attain to remain relevant in your chosen field? It has now become easy to be "self - taught, thanks to free online courses of which there are a lot on offer. Ivy league universities such as Harvard, Preston, for example, have resources on their websites which you can easily access. With YouTube, we can learn virtually anything, anytime by spending as little as thirty minutes per day on tutorials. You can read at least one book in a month. It is time to grow!
I remember when we were trying to develop different concepts for an advertising campaign. We seemed to be stuck and no creative ideas were coming to mind. That is when the director told everyone to stop and go online for "stimulus", that is, exposing ourselves to different concepts in order to stimulate the mind. What does this have to do with self-development? You need the right environment, the right exposure to nurture your quest for improvement. A child who grew up in a poor home, in a poor neighbourhood will never aspire to anything different until by reason of exposure she sees that it is possible to create a different, better reality. Jealously guard your environment; the people, the places and ideas you expose yourself to are important. There are a lot of good inspirational movies out there. If watching movies is not your thing, surround yourself with stories of people who have triumphed over adversity and achieved what you are trying to do. Seek them out, take them out to lunch, download their testimonies from the internet. It will save you time to learn from their mistakes.
Fitzgerald Mujuru has extensive experience and expertise in marketing and sales, management for top global brands.Has given numerous seminars to various companies, entrepreneurs,leadership groups.He has appeared on a number of radio programs discussing various leadership and personal development topics. He has written 3 books (Power Thought for Today Success Motivation, Winning Ways-Precept Upon Precept,This Christian Life), and several online magazine articles. His motivational,training, sales/ marketing and leadership seminars have been well attended and highlighted as thought -provoking and value -adding.He is a sales trainer, business consultant specializing in marketing.

Unleash the Genius Part of Your Brain to Financial Success - John Assaraf

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Self - Leadership - Be True to Your Values

Expert Author Fitzgerald Mujuru
We often find ourselves in unpredictable situations where we have to choose between right and wrong. This is not the time to decide where you stand. I believe if you are going to achieve greatness you must pre- determine what your value system is beforehand. What is it that really matters to you in terms of moral character, integrity in business and generally having a reference point from which you make decisions? If you are going to be truly self-led and be true to yourself you need to have clear moral, ethical or spiritual values.
I am sure you have heard it said before that when you are in Rome do as the Romans do. It sounds good if the intention is relevance and blending in with societal norms so that you do not become a misfit. It is not good advice if you must now bend your values and behave like a chameleon that changes its colour to suit its surroundings. Character inconsistencies cannot be your portion if you are going to be a self- led person of high integrity. It is important to know what your values are so that you are consistent in your character, making your actions predictable in whatever environment you find yourself in.
I remember how I was once inconsistent as a youth during my boarding school days. There was a time when it was frowned upon to enjoy and listen to secular music in our Christian circles. So we all publicly declared that we would not listen to secular music. Being in boarding school, it was easy to "uphold" this value during the school term. After all, the opportunities for exposure were few and far between. The story would change when it was time for the school holidays. As soon as I got home, I would be the first one to turn up the volume on the radio. My favourite radio station played secular hits all day and I was now in my element and enjoyed myself.
Now, you might be thinking that what I have just shared is peer-pressure for a teenage high school student. How many times have we in our adult lives stood for what we believed in when it was convenient and backed down when it was uncomfortable to stay true to our ethical values? We often go for expedience rather than what we believe is the right thing to do. Therefore, there is need to clarify our values so that they become a compass that directs our path, shapes our decisions and guides what we prioritize.
Clear values are the cornerstones upon which life is built. These are non-negotiable guiding principles that determine what you will or will not do whether someone is watching or not, whether you get caught or not. They are a mechanism for self-accountability. Values will steer you in the right direction in your school, job, marriage or wherever you find yourself. It takes talent to be a success but clear values are the backbone of sustained success. It does not matter which way the wind blows; you are firm, solid and grounded in what you believe in.
Values simplify life because you have made up your mind as to who you are and from then onward you are simply maintaining them. You need to determine what your values are in terms of your spiritual life, family, intellectual life, wellness, fitness, personal wealth, business and your career. When you come unstuck and you do not know what to do refer to your values. I once worked for a business that had a "code of business principles" that they adhered to with all strictness even if it meant shutting down operations in certain countries. As far as I can remember they never flinched. Did it cost them some opportunities? Yes! They suffered major setbacks in terms of the operations of the business but the company survived the terrible times.
You may be challenged to bend the rules and cut corners for instant gratification and temporary gains particularly when the times are tough economically. It's possible that you will not get that big order, miss the opportunity to make quick, easy money, that's alright! I was once fired from a job as a sales manager because I was not producing sales results. I never seemed to be able to close a sale because the buyers with the big "bucks" expected to be bribed. It was against my values and I lost out because I stood my ground. Be true to your values, let the opportunity pass and I guarantee you will survive and emerge on the other side with your integrity, reputation and values intact. You will be able to attract opportunities where that kind of integrity is a requirement for success.
Fitzgerald Mujuru has extensive experience and expertise in marketing and sales, management for top global brands.Has given numerous seminars to various companies, entrepreneurs,leadership groups.He has appeared on a number of radio programs discussing various leadership and personal development topics. He has written 3 books (Power Thought for Today Success Motivation, Winning Ways-Precept Upon Precept,This Christian Life), and several online magazine articles. His motivational,training, sales/ marketing and leadership seminars have been well attended and highlighted as thought -provoking and value -adding.He is a sales trainer, business consultant specializing in marketing and personal development and coaching.

10 Work From Home Productivity Tips

Saturday, June 27, 2020

Leading By Example: Why It's Essential For All Leaders?

Expert Author Richard Brody
After, over four decades, of involvement, in nearly, every area of leadership, from identifying and qualifying, to training, developing, and consulting to thousands of actual, as well as potential leaders, as well as serving, as a leader, for a variety of organizations, industries, not - for - profits, for - profit businesses, and, also, working on several political campaigns, I strongly believe, one of the keys, to someone, making a difference for the better, is, leading - by - example! Unfortunately, these days, we seem to have, somewhat of, a dearth, of genuine leaders, in organizations, as well as, in public service. Whether, we examine civic, corporate, not- for - profit, or public leaders, this trait, and behavior, is important! With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, why this matters, and how, we all benefits, when a leader, behaves, consistently, accordingly.
1. Someone's always watching: It's important to, consistently, behave, and conduct oneself, as if, someone's always watching, because, these days, that's often, the case! We need ethics, morals, empathy, and someone, who always puts the best interests of constituents/ stakeholders/ others, ahead of any personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest! Remember, others are far more willing to listen, and follow, someone, who, consistently, leads, by example!
2. Leading by example: It's one thing to claim, he is leading, by example, but, quite another, to actually, do so. A true leader must step forth, and, consistently, seek to make a quality change, for the better, in a relevant, sustainable, well - considered way! When we witness someone, who proceeds, in a manner, which indicates, he believes, you should, do as he says, not as he does, why would anyone, want to listen, and/ or, follow?
3. Absolute integrity: Leaders must be held to higher standards, especially, in terms of proceeding with absolute integrity, ethics, morals, and empathy! If you want others to believe in what you recommend, your approach must be, to do everything,possible, to provide, true transparency!
4. Genuine empathy: Others are inspired and motivated, when they feel, their leader truly cares, and possesses genuine empathy. For example, although President Donald Trump maintains a core of strong supporters, polls indicate, he is among, the most unpopular, most mistrusted Presidents, ever! Besides his personal politics, rhetoric/vitriol, and other behaviors, many claim, what often concerns them most, is his apparent lack of empathy!
5. Common good, instead of personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest: What example is someone setting, when they seem to be putting their personal/ political agenda, and/ or, self - interest, ahead of the common/ greater good! If people don't believe, you are serving and representing their best interests, and setting an example, we need, and respect, they will probably, be unwilling to follow!
Whether, we are considering a leader, in the public, not - for - profit, and/ or, for - profit, sector, unless/ until, that individual, clearly, leads - by - example, he probably, is not the right individual, for that position! Demand better and more, and choose wisely!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website http://plan2lead.net and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook http://facebook.com/Plan2lead

How To Overcome Procrastination - Lisa Nichols

Friday, June 26, 2020

How to See Better to Lead Better

Expert Author Zoe Routh
Most mornings I go for a run in the nature reserve behind my house. It's hilly and tough going. After a long slow grind up a steep bit, I am rewarded with glorious views. It's a revelation every time. The moods of the city and shrubbery change from day to day. Sometimes shrouded in fog, sometimes bright and blistering in dazzling morning sun. It's always an opportunity to pause and take stock. What's good in the world today? Isn't it amazing how nature carries on even while the toil and troubles of humanity churn away at its feet.
I'm a believer that big views give big insights. I can always see more of a problem when I get high above it. What looks like an obstacle close up gets avoided after a climb to see beyond it. Mountains are amazing for this reason: the struggle to climb them is worth the path they reveal at the top.
As leaders, we need to work at gaining elevation.
"Perspective is the catalyst for all change.
When we see things in a different way, we can do things in a different way too."
Central to the ideas in my new book, People Stuff, is the practice of perspective. We need to expand and include as much as possible to make sense of the world around us.
If we are looking at the issues around institutionalised racism, and how we might be unwittingly contributing to it, we need to zoom right out. How much history can we look at? How about 65,000 years of Aboriginal history? That's many times more than modern history. There is volume and depth of cultural lore that exists in the very cells, the DNA, of a First Nations human being. It looks different to the much shorter history and cultural lore of European humans. If we have different heritage and cultural practices shaping our experience, we see the world differently.
If we get curious about that, it's a start.
Expand perspective.
And now zoom in. Look below the surface. Like a tree has roots, problems reach deep beneath us.
If our First Nations people are being incarcerated more than others, what is contributing to that? Poverty, isolation, and frustration. Go deeper. What is contributing to those issues? Loss of land, Stolen Generations, persecution. And again, deeper, what is contributing to that? Desire for a better life and competition for resources from European arrivals. And what caused that? Poverty, crime, persecution.
Persecution turned into persecution.
We are more the same than not. We are the same and different.
When we can look each other in the eyes and feel our living, beating hearts, then we've got a start.
All of us have a heritage. It shapes who we are and how we see the world.
Like climbing a gnarled and craggy mountain, when we see more of how we got here, we might see a better way down from a tough and treacherous peak.
We've got work to do.

Someday You'll Lose Everything -Robert Kiyosaki

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Is There Any Such Thing As Perfect Timing?

Expert Author Joan M Newcomb
Today I'm musing about timing. I've been having things come into form that have taken ten years to manifest. My first book, originally written in April of 1996, was self published in 2006. I'm getting a handle on money issues that have been around at least that long, if not longer. I'm in a relationship that's everything I've always wanted - and have been consciously praying for and energetically working on manifesting since the early 80's.
Then I think about manifestations from my earlier years - my two kids were planned pregnancies that occurred without effort, with quick births, yet they had their own timing for being born.
Why do some things happen quickly and some things take forever to show up?
When I was a teenager I lost 50 pounds, simply by charting what I ate, limiting calories, and walking to school and back every day (about 5 or 6 miles). It took most of a year to do this, and was tremendously transformative and empowering.
Buoyed by this experience, I set my sights on a relationship, which took about five months to get the guy to go out with me. It was initially wonderful but then heart breaking.
As I look back over my different life experiences, some consciously manifested, some unconsciously attracted, and there has been a sense of what I used to call Divine Timing in all of it.
"The Universe gives you what you can handle" is one way I used to look at it. You attract what you're ready for, is another way. I've resisted what I thought the Universe was giving me; at times I'd say "it thinks I'm too friggin' capable".
But now I have a different perspective as Consciousness, reframing my experience of timing, and also of manifestation.
It's not the Universe giving me anything, it's me as Consciousness creating everything I experience in the physical.
Someone once mentioned that reincarnation didn't make any sense to them because everything was happening at once. I got the instant understanding that there is no time or space as Consciousness, so from the perspective of Consciousness, all past and future lives are happening 'at the same time' this one is. There is no linear link from past to future, it's not like going up grades in school. And if you can grasp that in Consciousness there is no individuality, then there's really no one spark of light going through a series of experiences (like grades in school). As aspects of Consciousness we just jump into the pool of life, splash about, and then jump out into the All-That-Is.
As I reconcile it taking me so long to get to where I am at, I realize that it really took no time at all. Each lifetime is just a blink of an eye. And what I've accomplished in this one is just a glimmer of the great Spark of all of creation.
As I relax into a perspective of creating as Consciousness, it really doesn't matter how much or how little I have achieved. It's all about Creation. It's all about playfully creating in the physical. I either manifest something, or I don't. It either happens now, or later, or not. I create this, or I create something else. And I can choose to create happy thoughts, happy experiences, or challenging ones.
When I shift to navigating life as Consciousness, what shows up is bigger than my little mind can imagine.
And when you add the awareness of Parallel Universes into the mix, you realize that you as Consciousness are simultaneously experiencing other possibilities within this storyline. There's a parallel self that has experienced success earlier in life, there's a parallel self that is already experiencing whatever I want to create right now.
Whatever you want to create, it already exists, you just need to step into the Universe where you already have it.
It becomes a much more fun way to experience life. And I can welcome all these wonderful things coming into my life and enjoy my time with them Now. Which is really the only time there is.
Revised 2017, original post from 2009
Joan Newcomb, CPC, helps people navigate the Consciousness Shift with more ease and grace. She offers do it yourself trainings in Consciousness Techniques, free YouTube videos, a weekly radio show podcast and weekly newsletter/blog. If you enjoyed this article and want to know more, go to Joan's website http://joan-newcomb.com.

Jim Rohn Getting Rich is Easy

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Diving Through The Collapsing Wave

Expert Author Joan M Newcomb
Diving Through The Collapsing Wave ©2020 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC
After a year and a half of commuting to New York to care for my brother who's had a stroke, the exhaustion caught up with me and I put a pause on my regular ezine/blog posts and you tube videos. I felt like I was saying the same thing over and over again.
I thought I'd start up again in February but the Coronavirus swept across the world, and it seems I was in front of it. The first reported cases in the US were in the Seattle area in February, and I attended a large gathering at the Seattle Center on February 22nd. Then I flew to New York City just as a single case was reported there. On March 1st I flew to Spain, and over the seventeen days there I got to witness the city of Madrid shift from being rarely casual about the outbreak ("there are only 400 cases in a city of 4 million", to completely locking down on March 14th - people were not even allowed out to exercise. Only one person in a car. You could be fined 50-600 euros for being on the street if you weren't going grocery shopping for essentials.
I flew back to NYC on March 17th and self-isolated for 14 days. I thought I only had a cold but now with better awareness of the symptoms am convinced it was a mild version of COVID19. While in NYC my sister in law came down with much more recognizable symptoms, and I was there a full month helping her recover and doing my best to keep my disabled brother from catching it.
I've been on Vashon Island since April 16th (did not leave the house at all for the first 14 days) and feel like I'm only just getting my head above water.
It's been an intense few months and it ain't over yet.
Regardless of what city I'm in, the fear is palpable whenever I go out. I've been hesitant to give a spiritual perspective on what is happening, feeling that neutrality could be mistaken for being disconnected or in denial. Also, if I'm so good at what I do, why am I in this parallel Universe? Why haven't I changed, fixed, or manipulated this hologram?
Here's the thing - this is all part of the Consciousness shift. What is breaking down, what is disintegrating in our lives whether physically or emotionally, is because greater Consciousness is coming into form.
Now I used to resist the doom-and-gloomers who said, 'not everybody is going to make it'. And yet, wow, we're seeing an awful lot of death in a short period of time. But a way to look at it is, there is no death, our loved ones have just left their physical forms for the loving embrace of greater Consciousness. There's no good or bad about dying or the amount of time you spend in one lifetime in physical form. Also from my "5D" perspective, there are parallel universes where their bodies are still alive. And as Consciousness we're always connected, whether we're together in body or not.
My interpretation of "5D" isn't that we're all going to shift into it, one of my favorite astrologers thinks that means death. What I have found is, as I experience myself as Greater Consciousness coming more into my body that my reality feels lighter and more fluid. Time is malleable. Grounding is different. Physical reality is less dense. It's like going from dialup to wifi.
As Consciousness, I'm in total agreement with what is going on, even as my personality rages against it. It's not about superimposing a rosy vision on what is. It's more like observing as a city or neighborhood or world goes through an upgrade. Telephone poles get taken down, sewers gets dug up, squalid tenements get condemned.
Right now it's very glaring that this is a world of opposites. The loudest and weakest are in power, the old paradigms they're fighting so hard to continue imposing are fading away. What is emerging, I see, is a new, internal sense of empowerment, that we are all inherently and uniquely valuable. As we expand in our awareness, the old definitions are fading away as well, in terms of gender and sex.
It ain't easy, and it won't be over in a minute or a month, this transition will continue to unfold.
A while back while playing in the waves at the beach, I learned not to turn my back to the ocean when a giant wave came towards me. You just dive through it to the other side. As these waves of change come towards us, face them, take a deep breath, and dive through them. Reality will be a lot more fun on the other side.
Joan Newcomb has been helping people with growth and change for over 35 years. For more articles like this one, go to https://jmnewcomb.blogspot.com

Positive Gratitude Affirmations

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Being Likeable

"Be somebody who makes someone else feel like somebody".
To me this quote perfectly embodies the concept of likeability
Think about a moment when someone said or did something to you that made you feel wanted, loved, valued or needed. How wonderful is that thought?
I'm convinced that everyone wants to be liked and truly makes an effort to be likeable.
It's amazing how the act of doing something for yourself (being likeable) actually reaches out to someone who themselves may be doubting their own likeability. It helps them feel validated. The human psyche is actually dependent on this. Everyone seeks validation. Expressed or not, attention is what motivates us to take the next step.
Being likeable is honestly much more complex than you give it credit for. It takes a certain amount of conscious effort. It's the choice of being 'the crowd' versus being the 'face in the crowd'.
In this article I share with you six ways you can try to up your likeability quotient. None of them is rocket science. It's always been there right in front of you, very much visible and yet can be lost in sight due to life's complications and priorities.
This is just a reminder that they are always there for you to use.
Let me add a few disclaimers here!
Firstly - being likeable isn't necessarily universal. What I mean by that is - sometimes 'much liked people' can still often be disliked by others? It's OK. It's a normal scenario. Likeability is not a qualification, competition or a graded skill. There are no good, better, best levels for achieving this. The reaction of others is very dependent on their environment which not necessarily reflects you or your efforts. You already are liked.
Do keep in mind also that your likeability quotient is dependent on how you focus and handle 'dislike'.
Secondly - you're effort should be meant with the intent it is aimed for. Being likeable is not about a one way achievement for yourself. It has to mean something to the receiver. It's not just a lesson as much as it works as an emotion shared. It's just an act otherwise. It takes out the very likeability factor from the effort. Be real. Be genuine.
So let's start with the first:
As the phrase goes: ''Lift the corners of your mouth'' - Smile.
Smiling is the starting point for likeability. It puts people at ease and draws them in. It's also contagious.
Did you know that in 1924 a grad student Carney Landis from the University of Minnesota conducted an unusual experiment that made us learn there are actually 19 types of Smiles?
Amazingly just 6 of these were happiness driven. Others were just masks to hide inner feelings.
Smile from within.
To start with, smiling makes you look good.
When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you feel more confident and ready to handle even the most arduous of tasks. When you smile, more often than less they smile back. When they smile, they look good. When they look good, they feel good. It's as simple as that. The wonders a smile can do.
Normally I am the smiley, cheerpy kind of guy, however on one of my more serious days when I was probably pre-occupied in thought - one of my colleagues asked me if I was angry? I was not.
Surprised... I told her so. She simply said: "then you might want to let your face know that because it looks like you are mad. It's intimidating and everyone are nervous."
Especially if are in a position of influence - your smile too is an influencer.
It is said that in a study of 'making the right first impression' - 7% accounted for the words spoken, 38% was the tone of the voice and a large 55% was attributed to Body language - Your smile included. It makes a world of a difference in any communication.
A Penn State University study confirmed that when we smile, we not only appear to be more likeable and courteous, but we're actually perceived to be more competent.
Smiling makes you instantly likeable. If you see someone without a smile - give them yours. You have plenty in stock.
This isn't easy for many. I know this. It is one of my personal struggles. I remember faces, but I am terrible at remembering names. I guess it's an age thing in my case but it's something I can least afford in my line of work. Not only is it embarrassing but it's plain rude, especially if you know and have met the person before.
In the Digital Era of current times, we have grown more and more reliant on machines and the Internet as a substitute for flexing our memory. A research has shown this has greatly impacted our 'recall' mechanism. Just run through out loud, the number of phone numbers of your immediate family member you can recall?
My Grandfather lived in the days without Mobile phones and Internet. Right uptil the time he passed in his mid-90's, not only did he remember phone numbers but names as well. And I mean not just those of family, friends or colleagues, but even that of our local barber, grocer or pharmacist. He always addressed them by name.
Remembering and speaking a persons name can make someone feel instantly recognized and appreciated. Dale Carnegie once said - A persons name is to him or her the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
There are actually many documented techniques for remembering names. It is worth your time to look these up and try them. These include repeating names as often as you can. Try not to generalize a person when addressing him or her. Use the name as often as you can in a conversation or communication. For example, if someone introduces themselves to you as let's say 'Sarah', paraphrase the name in your reply, for example: "How may I help you, Sarah?" or "Hi Sarah, It's wonderful to meet you!" As you speak make a conscious effort to commit it to memory.
Psychologists and memory experts point out that one of the main reasons we forget someones name is, we are really not focused on learning it in the first place.
That's the trick - choose to care to remember.
When I was a kid, my little brother and I used to be very fascinated with our postman. Oh Yes - in those days he was a regular visitor to our home. We used to be the ones most excited to see him. He was from Tamil Nadu in South India and had a complicated name which as kids we couldn't even pronounce leave alone remember. It was G.Palanivel. Off-course thanks to our culture in India we always had the ready-to-use name "Uncle" at hand, but as we grew up, we realized it was a tad bit impersonal. Fortunately we adapted his name at an early stage as 'Uncle Pallu' making it easier to remember, recall and address and unwittingly also more personal. As years went by and we grew, that name was one we always remembered. Amazingly, the long-retired Uncle Pallu is still in touch with us even today.
Off-Course in a business or working environment we can't do this, but like this, there are many ways to commit to memory a name and recall it when needed. Just make a conscious effort and as said earlier, choose to care to remember.
Looking people in the eye - communicates interest and worth. People like to get that feeling.
My college professor never looked me in the eye when delivering a lecture. For that matter he didn't do so either at many other students in the class. For reasons best known to him, he characteristically always looked at this one student right through the entire lecture.
Needless to say it made us sometimes get a feeling of being under-valued. Our attention as such was not focused and we struggled to pick up the subject.
Another member of the 'body language family'- "Eye contact", is an easy and powerful way to make a person feel instantly recognized, understood and validated.
In a well highlighted study of some Universities, it was said: "if you want people to remember what you said long after you're done talking, maintain eye contact." It also makes your words more memorable.
Did you know that when using eye-contact with people, it can reflect honesty?
Paradoxically, liars tend to make more eye contact than truth tellers, but when confronted liars tend to look away.
Have you heard the adage "eyes are the windows of the soul?"
The eyes literally tell you more about a person that... well meets the eye.
Amazingly you can actually distinguish a fake smile from a real one simply by looking in the eye. The mouth shape of a smile is easy to fake but the eyes are a giveaway. When we smile truly from within, our eyes tend to crinkle, however when faked - since our focus is more on mouth, we tend to forget that our eyes aren't emoting.
Science actually tells us that actions and observations are closely related; and that we are soft-wired to experience another person's emotions as if we experiencing them. That's why eye contact acts sometimes as a tool to facilitate empathy. It provides us with the capacity to understand and react to others in an appropriate way.
When you speak with anyone, they need to feel the connection. They need to feel your attention is not an act, nor a formality but comes from a genuine interest in speaking or focusing on them. An interesting piece of stats I came by said, an average person typically uses 'eye contact' just 30-60% of the time, wherein one requires close to 60%-70% to be able to appropriately communicate care, attention and respect.
Looking someone in the eye should not be just about what it can do for you, but more importantly what it does for others. In a world our environment is clouded by distractions, sometimes we need to step back and refocus.
When looking someone in the eye there is a complete 'focus of your attention', shown. With that you will find many people actually focusing back into your eyes trying to read you; and in most cases a warmth, truth and tenderness is reflected back in what they see.
It's as simple as this, to be liked, you must like others too.
When I say 'other people', I don't just mean someone you meet or know. I mean everyone. Humanity. People in general.
Don't do it just because it's either your job, role or responsibility. Do it because you genuinely care. People matter. Their lives matter. You never know - it may one day intertwine with yours.
You don't have to know the other person, but just the step of getting to know them, should, in your mind, be the highlight of your interaction.
I know what you're probably thinking: "I don't care about people I don't know. In any case most people suck!"
Well - that's probably true - but you aren't immune to such an impression too.
Everyone experience and are entitled to their moments of weakness, rudeness or being annoying. So are you? It is the constantly changing environment around us that control these actions. Life has insecurities and worries which many try to mask using a rough exterior. Just like a coconut - hard on the outside, but actually soft from the inside. In general, people are nice.
Likeable people know this and so they like people, irrespective of who or how they are. Every interaction entered is with an expectation of a positive experience.
I have often found people who truly and genuinely wanted to be 'liked by others'. They go out of their way to be liked. The social media world is a glaring example of this. It's all about 'likes'. I found one episode in 'Black Mirror' to be very thought provoking wherein a person's success and future is dependent on the 'likes' he/she received by other through social media. Crazy and yet interesting a concept when we study our own reasons for actively using social media.
When a person's intention of 'liking others' is pure and genuine it automatically breaks way any barriers of prejudice and presumptions, making the task so much easier.
Likeability always starts with a 'like for others', before it can turn to 'liked by others'.
Let's face it - negativity abounds in our world. Sadly sometimes it's celebrated by acting as pure entertainment for many.
It's time we return positivity into our very being. Life should always be "the glass half full".
Look at our current world?
A world now defined by Covid-19. This pandemic probably has been one big negative force in our lives. Most discussions are about the loss of lives, economies, livelihood, inconveniences, restrictions and fear - just to name a few.
Whilst there is no denying the realities of this, there also is the other side of the same coin often overlooked and yet in your palm.
Hasn't Covid-19 also drastically impacted and revisited our relations with family? Haven't we been suddenly endowed with time, to do the many things we procrastinated on? Are not the skies clearer, the air cleaner? Hasn't technology actually helped us now making us more self-reliant and able to do things ourselves? Haven't we learnt that even small things matter?
How many social posts or news focused on these and many other similar positives that have also come out of Covid-19.
Be the change.
Be the one who see the positive as the obvious first. Be the light in an otherwise dark world. People are always attracted to light.
As brilliantly expressed by Australian Pastor & Theologian J. Sidlow Baxter: What is the difference between an obstacle and an opportunity?
The Answer? Our attitude towards it.
Every opportunity has difficulties and every difficulty has opportunities. It's all in how you perceive and handle it.
It is not just about speaking or writing positive, it's also about thinking positively. For example let's say it's raining! A positive outlook is you do not need to water the plants today, the good Lord did it for you. Or, it has been so hot these days, it will be cooler now.
Positivity will be that umbrella that will shield you from the rain.
I have often seen the Indian Cricket Team follow this wholesomely. A loss to them is always a learning experience. They never fret. They just come out stronger and give it a bit more the next time.
People get attracted to positive people mainly because of its rarity in current times.
Have you ever been in a situation, wherein you have a problem and you go to someone who whilst empathizing with you, goes on into a story of their own similar to yours?
You most always end up at the same point where you started or maybe even sometimes a step further back due to the added problem of your friend.
Add value by helping resolve a dilemma not creating new ones. It doesn't always have to be the perfect or right solution, but even a suggested solution sometimes helps channelize a person to think clearer, often helping facilitate a resolution.
Here are some other sides to value addition.
When you are with others, how often do you 'add' to the atmosphere? Are you bringing in the cheer?
When in a discussion, do you give constructive feedback or are you a silent nodder?
Do you immediately relate to situations when they happen, or are you oblivious to it?
You don't need a degree or course to learn value addition to people's lives. Did you know that simply introducing one person to another is a value add? Many long-lasting marriages today started with this very act.
Your presence in any environment should make a difference. When I say presence, I do not refer to the physical presence as much as to your emotional and intellectual presence. Having you by their side, must mean something to another. It can be a word, a deed, an emotion - anything, but it should make a difference.
Be it your favorite teacher from school or your favorite song - they became your favorite because they each added some kind of value to you. You looked and felt better when in their presence.
As I said in the opening of this article, "Be that someone who makes someone else feel like somebody".
To sum it all: be kind.
The world needs every bit of kindness today. There is no dearth of people out there reaching out for someone to like. Someone to have. Someone to hold.
You will find that when applied to its purest, you yourself will find a sense of peace enveloping your being which in itself will reflect in your positivity and ultimate likeable quotient.
Expert Tim Sanders defines in his book "Likeability Factor" as it having 4 characteristics: Friendliness (your ability to communicate liking and openness to others), Relevance (your capacity to connect with others interests, wants and needs), Empathy (your ability to recognize, acknowledge and experience other people's feelings) and Realness (the integrity that stands behind your likeability and guarantees its authenticity).
You already are a likeable person. Everyone is.
Let your likeability impact another more than it does for you.
Thank you for reading this.
I already like you.
With over 25 Years experience much of which was with Human Resources for a leading Airline JV, Sumeer Sudhakar has always believed in his team and people. Graduated from St. Stephens College, Delhi University, India, Sumeer went on to complete his Post Graduate Diploma in Design Thinking and Innovation from EMERITUS Institute of Management, MIT Sloan Executive Education, Columbia Business School Executive Education and Tuck Executive Education at Dartmouth. He is also pursuing his MBA from Amity University. In addition to Heading Human Resources for a leading Airline JV, he also is the Lead Auditor for the Organization ISO 9001:2015 certification. He has conducted various workshops for Communication, Voice & Accent, Writing Skills and Leadership development. He has a keen interest in Music, Writing, Art, History, Interior Designing to name a few.

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Monday, June 22, 2020

Not Me

Expert Author Alexa Keating
When we continue to accept behaviors and situations that are not aligned with the path we have chosen for our life, we need to ask why. The mere fact that we do not question it is consenting to allowing other people to control our behavior unconsciously.
Why do we keep doing this? Why do we keep making excuses for bad behavior or for those who do not follow through on promises or commitments? If we are willing to ask the question, 'why' we move forward in leaps and bounds from an illusion that serves no purpose to us. We move into the presence of reality. Instead of being incapacitated by the unknown, we can move forward in our own planned life journey.
Think about the power of intermittent reinforcement in our emotional lives. This is what gets gamblers and addicts hooked. It is what causes very intelligent people to remain in terrible relationships. If it were always bad, you would leave. It is those intermittent 'good times', and wins or highs for the addict, that keep us hooked and returning for more. But you see how the lives of most gamblers and addicts turn out in the end. It is the same with people in our lives who are a part of unhealthy relationships. The results are rarely worth the price of the ride. And, intermittent is as good as it gets; just enough to keep you coming back for more.
How much of this intermittent reward keeps us hooked to our delusions; forces us back to the denial of the real situation? All of this happens because, for a moment, things were better or good.
The good news is that when we wake up in the dream we call our life journey, we realize we chose those poisonous situations to intensify our need to embrace higher values, a higher perception of how we need to see ourselves. Sometimes we create life situations that are guaranteed to make us crash! A head-on crash, so that we have no choice but to wake the hell up and alter our course.
How powerful denial and delusion can be when we are avoiding the big mirror! What is it that we are so afraid to confront in ourselves? What is that dread we wake up with in the morning when it feels like there is something missing? What is that?
It is probably that our good friends and companions, denial and delusion are not yet awake and in control of our emotions. They act as a drug in and of themselves. We become addicted to them and their calming and soothing effects.
It is a lot like being addicted to a computer game. Your screen, or your life view, will reflect dramatic wins that you may even talk about and enjoy; yet, when you turn off the computer, the game vanishes into thin air, a delusion. It was always in the virtual world; it will never show up to accept responsibility for the actions it pervades. These companions are the proverbial 'Not Me's' in your life. You can't find their miserable backsides when it is time to be accountable for your actions. Just like the virtual games, only you can see the wins.
If you are caught up in playing the victim in your game of life, where are you playing that role? At work, as a parent, in an intimate relationship? It an odd fact that those who appear strong and fearless at work may step into the door of their home and immediately assume the role of an abused victim. Publicly they appear as strong and in control people; privately they are emotionally or physically abused if they are caught in this pattern. How does that happen?
Humans instinctively seek to survive and at some level, live out their life dreams. If you are caught in a web of deception and delusion in a relationship, it is not uncommon for you to shine in your work, or vice versa. This is the soul of the dreamer seeking some method to express the joy they originally planned.
We are all born to win; playing a victim is another expression of unhealthy boundaries we have embraced.
It also provides a way to become 'Not Me' when you can excuse the actions you have taken and the choices you have made by blaming someone else for robbing you of your choices. We are our own bandits and thief's in this scenario.
Behold; the head on collision delivering the results of your wrong actions and bad choices. If you are going to survive the ride on your life journey, something has to wake you up so you can navigate the trip successfully.
Imagine that you have chosen a destination and get into your car, buckle the seat belt, start the engine and then proceed to look through the rear view mirror to arrive at your desired destination. You are looking for direction in the mirror that provides the least amount of valuable information, rather than choosing to look through the large expansive windshield that is before you. When you continue the same methods that allowed you to arrive at your current destination, it provides the same effect as navigating through the rear view mirror.
If you have a sense of dread about something it is time to honestly examine where the great sense of power originated that became attached to the thing you dread most. What are you running from? What do you dread and why? How can you disarm this opponent? Can you make a different choice, choose a better path; are you captive because you fear the change? A sense of dread forces you to play the victim's role, a powerless position to assume.
What are you the most disillusioned about in your life? Have you identified the actual issue that is so disillusioning to you? Did you play a part in creating this issue? Are you willing to stop playing that role if you are a part of it?
You cannot win this battle until you are able to be honest with yourself about what it is. Then examine how it became reality; once you have done this, you are in a position to go to battle and win this one in your life.
We all have an addiction to something. If you are in the throes of an unhealthy one, trade it for something that is good for you; good for your path and your life journey. Then stop being a party to continuing the old addiction.
These are simple words that require a deep commitment to change if you want to honestly effect a change. You cannot 'go along to get along' and imagine that things have changed.
Alexa Keating is a healing and transformative writer with 32 published books and 500 + articles available on Ezine articles.
The most important writing goal for me is that my words be healing, transformative, informative and humorous whenever possible; laughter lifts the soul! For more information please join me on my web site at http://www.arkconnect.com. I appreciate every person who takes the time to peruse, read and share my work with me.

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Sunday, June 21, 2020

Freedom From Want

Expert Author Joan M Newcomb
Freedom From Want ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb,
Thanksgiving is the start of a month's worth of expectations. That family and friends should be gathering, that there should be an abundance of food and gifts. That everyone is supposed to be warm and loving to each other.
Freedom From Want by Norman Rockwell
My family of origin lived up to those expectations for the first fifteen years of my life, until the patterns started to break down. And we had pretty high expectations. My great-uncle Jim McCabe is in the iconic Norman Rockwell painting.
My early memories are of grand holiday meals, although we lived overseas most of those years so sometimes we had goose instead of turkey.
The family started shattering when I was sixteen, and I maybe initiated, contributed or reflected that shattering... I was hospitalized for depression in an adolescent ward of a mental hospital during the holidays that year.
The next year, I just remembered, I had Thanksgiving with my great-uncle's family in Connecticut (after visiting him in Vermont). I was in college and my parents were in Sweden. My father left my mother shortly afterwards; I really don't remember any Thanksgivings with them after that.
As an adult I tried gamely to create holiday meals like the ones I'd had in my early childhood. But the family I created broke apart when my kids were little. Since their father was a gourmet chef and I had never cooked a turkey, I wrote it into the parenting plan that they spent every "big meal" day with him. I had no idea that it set me up to be alone for all those holidays.
At some point my kids learned from their cousins that they got two Thanksgivings. The cousins would see both sets of parents on the same day. Since my culinary skills couldn't match their father's, I had our Thanksgiving meal the Sunday before, which both spared it the competition and meant they'd eaten my leftovers before they went to their dad's for the remaining part of the week.
Every Thanksgiving for years, I was always scrambling to be "adopted" somewhere to eat with other people. It was always a painful and lonely time.
When I remarried, our first Thanksgiving together, my mother in law was insulted because I had my husband and her work on the turkey. After that, we'd go out for Chinese food instead.
When you look at Thanksgiving from the perspective of Consciousness, you see the tangles of expectations and dysfunctional patterns that actually create separation and lack.
You can be with family and a lot of food, and if it's filled with assumptions and craziness, you will feel far removed from any sense of connection and abundance.
Thanksgiving isn't about the big meal. It isn't about the gathering of family and friends. It isn't even necessarily about gratitude. As Consciousness, it's about appreciation.
Appreciation is the neutral form gratitude, because it's coming from the creator sense rather than the recipient. As we exist as Consciousness and in body, we can experience both, but it's important to note the difference. Gratitude implies thankfulness for or from something outside of yourself. Appreciation acknowledges and enjoys the creation. Which can even be the creation of chaos and discord.
When you shift your perspective from your body/personality self, to you as Consciousness, you know you already have all that you desire.
As Consciousness there is no separation. You are always connected, even with loved ones who have passed. As Consciousness there is no lack, because Consciousness is the Source of all creation. As Consciousness there is no discord, because Consciousness is essentially love.
This year, my husband and I are at that mid point, where our parents are passed, and our adult children don't yet have offspring of their own. One son is in Spain; we won't see him until Easter. Another is on Vashon, with his Dad. We'll do our meal on Sunday (I now cook salmon instead).
I'm appreciative that I have good relationships with both my kids and my husband. I get to create new patterns rather than passing on historical ones.
This holiday season, when you feel yourself entangled in the insanity, take a moment to shift your perspective (this might require stepping out of the room). View it all from Consciousness, appreciate this playground of a planet, and notice how your reality transforms!
Joan Newcomb, CPC, helps people navigate the Consciousness Shift with more ease and grace. She offers do it yourself trainings in Consciousness Techniques, free YouTube videos, a weekly radio show podcast and weekly newsletter/blog. If you enjoyed this article and want to know more, go to Joan's website http://joan-newcomb.com.

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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Introduction to Self-Leadership

Expert Author Fitzgerald Mujuru
It is the ability to lead yourself towards productivity, achieving set goals, maximizing and realising your fullest potential through applying yourself effectively to the "business" of life. It may extend to taking ownership and assuming leadership roles without demanding or needing a title or recognition. You could be an employee, student, employer, an ordinary citizen or a volunteer in your community; It does not matter what you do. You do not need a formal title or recognition to self - lead. Most people already practice it to some extent without realising it.
Self- leadership is all- encompassing in that it applies to all facets of life, that is, business, relationships, marriage, career, or anything else that pertains to you. It is about becoming the best version of yourself by upholding certain values and disciplines in daily living. It also helps in becoming the," change you want to see". Think about the causes and things that are close to your heart that you have the ability to change in your workplace, family, community, city, nation. It could be as simple as being there for your colleagues in a time of crisis.
I am passionate about personal development, so I often find myself encouraging others to do better, to go after their dreams. Some people are born with the natural ability to self - lead and yet for others self - leadership is a discipline that can be learned. It is my belief that anyone is capable of practising it and the principles we are going to share can be passed on to your team at work or even family members.
Self- leadership begins with self - awareness, that is knowing who you are; your strengths and weaknesses, self - acceptance, that is, accepting yourself the way you are, self - development and then self - management. Notice, that it all takes initiative to do and enables you to be more effective at the things that you already do.
Relying on others to hand-hold you and keep you on the path of progress may lead to disappointment if they don't come through and assist you. However, once you are self-led you will grow in confidence, motivation, self - esteem and belief in your own abilities. This means great achievement, impact and guaranteed success in your undertakings. I should imagine that even your performance on the job will improve or your business will begin to grow as you intentionally set yourself on a path to self - development. In addition to this you are able to add value to and have a positive impact on others wherever you find yourself. Self-leadership leads to definite results and improved productivity. It may be the missing link in all that you do. Practice it, starting today and I will see you the top.
Fitzgerald Mujuru has 2 decades experience and expertise in marketing and sales, management for top global brands.Has given numerous seminars to various companies, entrepreneurs,leadership groups.He has appeared on a number of radio programs discussing various leadership and personal development topics. He has written 3 books (Power Thought for Today Success Motivation, Winning Ways-Precept Upon Precept,This Christian Life), and several online magazine articles. His motivational,training, sales/ marketing and leadership seminars have been well attended and highlighted as thought -provoking and value -adding.He is a sales trainer, business consultant specializing in marketing.

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