Take a deep breath in and think for a moment if there is an important decision you have been avoiding making. Now breathe out and know that your higher self already has the answer to that decision. All you have to do is access that information. The question is not whether you know what is best for yourself or not but, rather can you expand your view large enough to see the bigger picture of how that one decision affects the forward momentum of your life and either brings you closer to your purpose or away from it? Learning to look at life through an expanded lens is what a psychic does. But you can develop this skill too.
The truth is there are no wrong decisions because we all just do the best we can with what information we are given and then we make a decision based on that. Sometimes, another decision needs to be made down the road when more information is revealed. This change of mind doesn't mean the first decision was wrong, merely that under the previous circumstances that was the best we could do. I often have clients come to me who have been sitting on the fence, frozen in a state of internal fear and are unable to hear the voice of their higher self calling them home to their heart's path. The fear has frozen them in time, procrastination sets in and life moves along slowly in a state of denial with no apparent growth or change until the unresolved decision comes up again and ambushes them.
The fear then gets reactivated and the thought of making the wrong decision looms heavily over them. To make a properly informed decision one must first get a handle on their fear. Secondly, inner guidance must be sought, and thirdly, one must be open to limitless possibilities rather than just the typical black and white solutions. Too often by the time a client has come to me for a session they have already asked a number of friends what they should do and they are more confused than when they began trying to decide, because everybody has a different opinion.
An individual may go back into avoidance of the decision until life itself pushes them off the fence. In other words their boss fires them, their partner leaves them, they receive an unpleasant medical diagnosis, they go broke, or get evicted, to name a few motivators for change. Instead of being a victim of life center yourself and be brave, trusting that you can handle the changes ahead and you will be provided with the resources and allies necessary to help you navigate the unknown waters that lay on the other side of the fence. Believe that you are blessed and lucky. Know that you have survived many challenging situations before and have developed a resilience deep inside to come out on top.
In summary, to make good decisions: 1. Believe that you can 2. Release the fear of the outcome 3.gather more information if needed 4.just do it and see how much you can accomplish- you may be surprised!
Liah Howard is a Psychic/Channel and Medium and a teacher of psychic development and an author. She also writes for four inspirational magazines. Liah teaches classes in Psychic Development both in person and on-line. She has a free 20 class multi-media video series that teaches psychic development on-line via You Tube. Visit Liah's website for free guided meditations, articles, radio shows, videos, and to schedule a phone session.. http://www.liahhoward.com/
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Liah_Howard/1528438
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