Sunday, November 8, 2020

Critical Thinking: Can Someone Project Their Darkness Into The World?

Expert Author Oliver JR Cooper

One way of looking at the world would be to say that there are 'good' people and then there are 'bad' people. The former generally do good things and want to make the world a better place, while the latter generally do bad things and want to make the world worse (or better in their eyes).

When it comes to the 'good' people, there will be those that quietly go about their business and those that are in the public eye, and everyone in between. On the other hand, when it comes to the 'bad' people, there will also be those that are not well known and those that are in the public eye, along with everyone in between.

It's clear

Based on this very black and white view of the world - one that is often presented by the entertainment industry - if the 'bad' people didn't exist, the world would be different. This is similar to having a garden that is full of flowers and weeds and, if the weeds were not there, everything would be perfect.

However, although it can seem as though there are 'good' and 'bad' people, what if it is not actually this black and white? What if the 'good' people have as much to do with the 'bad' in the world as the 'bad' people do?

One Level

If the average person was to hear this, they could say that this is something that is totally irrational and doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If they do a lot of good things and typically live there life in the 'right' way, they could say that there is no way that they could have anything to do with any of the bad things that are taking place 'out there'.

They could think of someone who they know who does a lot of bad things or someone in the public eye and see this person as being radically different to them. To hear that they are like these people could cause them to feel angry and deeply offended.

The Outcome

Consequently, one will be able to do the right things, but they won't be able to do much about the bad things that these people do. They could believe that only those with a lot of power such as the government, for instance, can do anything to put an end up the 'evil' that exists in the world.

If one ends up feeling slightly or completely helpless, it is not going to be much of a surprise. What could play a part here is if one spends a lot of time-consuming the mainstream media as this source primarily focuses on what is wrong about the world.

Another Level

Now, while the view that the 'good' people could have as much to do with the 'bad' in the world as the 'bad' people do can seem preposterous, it can start to make sense if it is viewed in a totally different light. For this to make sense, though, one will need to put how they perceive reality to one side.

In general, they, along with most of their fellow human beings, will have been conditioned to see themselves as simply observes of reality. What is going on 'out there' is then not going to have a lot to do with them.

A New Outlook

What if what appears to be taking place 'out there' is simply a manifestation of their own consciousness? This will mean that what is taking place in their conscious and their so-called unconscious mind will shape their personal experience and what is taking place on the planet as a whole.

Their ego-mind, though creating the illusion of separation, will cause one to see themselves as separate from everything and everything. Thanks to being identified with this part of them and thus, being consumed by this illusion, one won't be able to see through it.

Out of Sight

So, as they themselves, or their fellow human beings, are not separate from anyone or anything, it means that what is taking place within them, and others, is influencing what takes place 'out there'. And, even though their conscious mind might not carry much negativity, their unconscious mind could be loaded with negativity.

Yet, due to the fact that they may have no awareness of the negativity that is held deep inside their being, it won't be possible for them to see how what is going on 'out there' is mirroring back what is taking place inside them. Through being a stranger to themselves, the darkness in the world won't be seen as having anything to do with them.

The Nature of the Mind

Their ego-mind has all kinds of defences that will allow them to avoid their own pain and while it would be easy to see this as 'bad', these are neutral. Ultimately, these defences are there to protect their psycho and they are there to shed light on what they need to resolve within themselves.

One of the defences that will cause one to see their inner darkness 'out there' is the defence mechanism known as 'projection'. Through placing the parts of themselves that they have lost touch with into others, one will be able to see what they need to heal.

The Key

Nonetheless, for one to utilise the information that is being provided by this defence mechanism, or any other for that matter, one will need to realise what is going on. If they have been conditioned to believe that what is 'out there' has absolutely nothing to do with them, they won't be able to resolve what is creating or at the very least, supporting what is going on externally.

Instead, they can try to change what is going on externally and this can cause them to unknowingly feed into the very reality that they want to change. For one thing, they will be coming from a place of resistance and what is resisted is what will persist and grow, and their energy won't be used to support or create a new reality.

Final Thoughts

As the ego-mind has so many ways to stop someone from coming into contact with their own inner wounds, it is essential for them to develop self-knowledge. Through dealing with their own baggage, they will be able to create a new reality for themselves and opposed fighting what is not wanted and strengthening it the process.
By changing their own consciousness, they will also change the collective consciousness. This is not the easy route; it would be far easier to try to change what is going on 'out there'.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, five hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

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Article Source:

Be Self Reliant : Be Responsible to Yourself | Jim Rohn


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Is Today a Day for a Little More Kindness in Your Life?

Expert Author Nedda Wittels

Don't wait for someone else to
start the chain of kindness.

Kindness denotes gentleness, tenderness, benevolence, and consideration.
Are you considerate of your needs, feelings, and viewpoint?
Do you remember to treat yourself gently, lovingly?
Do you remember to take care of your body, mind, and spirit?
Do you remember that it's OK and even necessary at times to put yourself first?
To start a chain of kindness, you must feel full enough of energy, peace, and love to share some kindness with someone else.

You can share with others who are feeling good, but it's so much more generous to share with someone who is feeling cranky, irritable, or grouchy.

When someone is not in a good mood, that person really needs kindness, even if he or she isn't able to return kindness to you.

When you feel full of love and peace, it's easier to react kindly to someone who doesn't feel this way and who may be giving you a hard time.

For you to start a chain of kindness, you must remember to take care of yourself.

When did you last give yourself a [enter your first name here] Day - a day devoted to replenishing your cup of energy and well-being?

One of my best friends and "life" teacher, Georgia Whitman, was a very kind and generous person. Georgia would take a "Georgia Day" every so often. It was a day when she did only exactly what she wanted, and not one bit more. Her family had to adjust. They knew the rulers, and they obeyed them because it meant that Georgia was there for them the rest of the time.

Georgia would use her Georgia Day to take care of herself. Georgia might spend the day in bed, reading, taking a walk, soaking in the bath, meditating, or basically, doing whatever felt "right" for her that day.

She might even go into silence on a Georgia Day, which meant that everyone knew not to speak with her because she wouldn't answer. This was not rudeness. Everyone knew the "rules" of a Georgia Day.

If you don't value the importance of taking care of yourself, consider that "You can't pour from an empty cup." If you're not filled to overflowing, what do you have to give freely to others?

Due to all the stress we seem to be under these days, having a special day for yourself, even if it's just once a month (although more frequently would be better) is essential to your good health, good mood, and ability to share kindness with others.

If you have small children, you may not be able to take an entire day, although that would be fabulous if you could. Still, half a day or several hours or even an hour of peace is very worthwhile, even if you use it to catch up on missing sleep time. A mother I knew said she could only have a break by take long baths with the bathroom door locked. I hope you don't have to resort to a locked door to get a break from taking care of everyone else.

So if you find yourself short-tempered and cranky, grumpy and snarly, it's time to be KIND to yourself. A little kindness will go a long way.

If you're not a single parent, this might be easier to arrange. If you are a single parent, then you might need help from a friend or family member to achieve this.

Then, if someone you're working with or speaking with by phone or Zoom or Skype (or some other modality) seems to be "out of sorts," sending a little kindness their way will help both of you to feel better.

An act of kindness is never wasted.

Nedda Wittels, M.A., M.S., is a Starseed and Light Worker whose purpose is to help others who are spiritually awakening. She is a Certified Emotion Codeâ„¢ Practitioner, Certified Master of Multidimensional Healing, Animal Communicator, and Coach/Teacher. Her services include Spiritual Empowerment Coachingâ„¢, Distance Multidimensional Energy Healing, and Preparation for Surgery sessions. Nedda also offers a variety of teleseries. Contact Nedda at 860-651-5771 or at Visit her websites:

Article Source:

Making Money Fast - Grant Cardone


Friday, November 6, 2020

Paying Dues Now, Reaping Winning Later

Expert Author Joshua Clayton

We all love to repeatedly win in a second nature way, but to do that we need to train, condition, work and above all pay our dues to really, consciously and consistently win. When I thought up this article, I was feeling like a loser and a failure for a few minutes. Indeed, though, I realize that when you can train and not take temporarily horrible feelings personally, winning is always the reality ultimately. For, the real cosmic ultimate power is to get through temporary defeats to permanent and repeated wonderful winning. I mean, letting things get you down is the worst way to live or die. You must look at all defeat as temporary, and cherish all the victories and happiness you can in life/existence.

Without a realistic viewpoint about defeat and victory that agrees with reality, nothing works. With a realistic viewpoint about defeat and victory that agrees with the reality that dues and work must be paid to genuinely gain anything worthwhile, everything can be achieved, everything works ultimately in this sense: You earned it, it cannot be taken away from you, and you can earn it again even if it is lost, taken or whatever.

Also, the real loss is to be permanently defeated in your mind/spirit/being fully, like an adult large elephant that gives up trying to escape the wooden stake in the ground after being conditioned as a baby elephant that it cannot escape with a deep metal stake in the ground and a strong chain.

The greatest successes come from understanding defeat fully and then making a more powerful, honest, concerted effort after that temporary defeat. As long as there is life, energy and ability to work, there is a chance. That is the way it must be looked at to really win ultimately, anyway. The real loser gives up forever without trying again in any way.

I know, that is a starkly extreme way to look at things. When an extreme light shines on reality, that is the honest reality of the situation shown there: Winning a reality goes to those who are genuinely willing to put in the effort and the key word is "willing", whatever the obstacles or dues to pay, they are willing to do what is needed as well as wanted.

The genuine fantasy is the mystical "no effort free lunch" anyway. If we really want it, right, the way we want it, we have to genuinely be willing to pay the price in total reality, and if we want it on our own terms, we have to pay the full price honestly in total reality in realistic willing effort.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Article Source:

Cash in on Your Ideas | Brian Tracy


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Message Of Encouragement During Troubling Times

Expert Author Scott Marcus

These are troubling times, to say the least.

We are confronting the most widespread, extensive, global health emergency in at least 100 years. Our economy is staggering like a boxer battered into delirium. Opinions have become "facts." Social unrest is boiling. Political "discourse" (such as it is), centered around the removal or retention of arguably the most controversial, divisive, polarizing administration anyone can remember; has devolved to that of a couple of three-year-olds shouting "You're a poo-poo head!" "No, your face is!" It feels like we're together, untethered in a 1950s rusty, claptrap old school bus; sans seatbelts, careening down a potholed mountain roadway, out of control, hanging on for dear life while screaming in terror for someone to save us as we hurl towards a cliff on November 3. We're hoping we don't go over the edge; assuming all will eventually be okay. Yet, that grating, inner voice refuses to shut up, saying, "Don't get your hopes up" continues to grow louder. I just want it all to stop.

But wait, there's more!

Ghia, Mother Earth, is facing an existential crisis, resulting in unending firestorms, relentless flooding, bone dry draughts, and - in general - exceptionally severe weather, which is devastating property and lives (including non-human) on an unprecedented global level. (For the record, I long to live in a world where the word, "unprecedented" is no longer a standard adjective.)

The vise-grip, chest-squeezing, anxiety-producing catalog of happenings has us on hairpin triggers, damaging our collective and emotional physical, and mental health. For those of us who can remember it, 1968 is a Disney fairy tale compared to the Stephen King horror story of 2020. No one - not a single person alive today - has lived through an upheaval like this ever. Not one of us.

Of course, I don't need to tell you that. You see it. You feel it. You're living it, just as am I. As goes the curse, we are living in "fascinating" times.

It's challenging to hold hope high when even the sky is covered in a thick blanket of burnt smoke.

Yet, a flicker crossed my mind.

In the field of behavioral change, it's known that the trigger that causes change is a combination of fear, force, and pain. After all, no one wakes up one morning, surveys his or her lifestyle, decides all is idyllic, and proclaims, "God, I love my life! Let me see how I can change it." No, change only makes known itself once we are worn out, scared, scarred, battered, and overwhelmed. It's called "rock bottom," that gut-churning sensation that something - anything - is better than where we are, so despite whatever pain or uncertainly lies ahead, we reluctantly, unwillingly, tenuously, tread gingerly into the new. If done gently and repeatedly, change evolves.

As individuals, as a society - as a global community inextricably bound together as one - that is where we find ourselves now: rock bottom.

So, I am trying - weakly I'll admit - to look at these days not as end-times but as the impetus causing us to question everything, and to hopefully take the energy of the turbulence churning around us as the catalyst to inch forward in the direction of what future historians will call the "New Awakening." From this hurt, I envision a world for our great-grandchildren and beyond, that is more compassionate, gentle, kind, supportive, cooperative, and in balance with the planet.

I'm not sure you and I will live there; it will take generations to complete the arc. But we have to believe, pray, affirm, and act as if it will happen. The alternative is unthinkable.

We must not let go of hope. We must remember we are all in this together.

Scott "Q" Marcus refers to himself as "recovering perfectionist" because after losing 70 pounds in 1994, he realized it's better to do something well than nothing perfectly. He now conducts playful, lively speeches, workshops, and presentations throughout the country on how to achieve goals, improve attitude, and enhance communication. His presentations are described as a "cross between business 101, group therapy, and a southern revival." You can contact him for speaking, coaching or consulting, at "This Time I Mean It" at

Article Source:

How to Have a Positive Mindset About Money | Brian Tracy


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

This Is How You Thrive

Expert Author David Breslow


Over the years, I've witnessed every so-called "reason" people stay stuck. Here are some of the most common:

"I can't do anything about it"

"It's too hard to change"

"I don't know where to begin"

"There are too many obstacles in my way"

Well, here's something important to know. ALL THINGS EXTERNAL TO YOU ARE IRRELEVANT.


The most common thing people do is focus on "reasons and rationalizations" OUTSIDE THEMSELVES.

Here is an irrefutable truth: THERE IS NOTHING TO CHANGE BUT SELF.

Meaning?... and I invite you to remain open here: What you see

in the world is a PROJECTION of what you think and feel.

Consider this:

Your "outside" world is like a blank screen in a movie theater. The screen can ONLY project the film playing in the projection room. If you don't like the movie do you blame the screen or the projection room?

Of course not!!

You simply get up, leave and find a better movie.

Consider this--

-You have your own projection room... it is your mind.

The world outside is a "blank screen" on which you project your beliefs, perceptions and assumptions.

YOU ARE THE DESIGNER/WRITER of the film playing in your life

YOU are completely responsible for the story you write.

To blame people and events is a mistake for the movie you see is a projection of the movie playing in your mind. It is within you.

Don't accept this?

I have a question.

Ever wake up feeling really great without knowing why? Most of us have had this experience.

What kind of day did you have?

95% say "a great day. I was calmer, happier and noticed nothing really bothered me and I easily moved through adversity. It was different than my usual kind of day-that's for sure."

Can you see it?

Without realizing it... folks are demonstrating exactly what I'm saying.

Their day (their screen) WAS A REFLECTION OF THE MOVIE PLAYING IN THEIR HEAD. The result? A better day.


So... what movies are playing in your projection room?

The answer is simple.


Do you struggle in life, relationships, finances or health or in performing on the golf course, tennis courts or in auditions or on stage/set??

Are you stressed?

Do you judge, criticize yourself or others?

These are the scripts you are writing and therefore the movie projected onto the blank screen... and yet you swear "this is how it is."

NO, that's not "how it is." It is merely a reflection of the movie (your beliefs and assumptions of how "life is".)

Test this for yourself.

"When you change the way you look at something... that something changes"

Dr. Wayne Dyer

Try seeing/perceiving/assuming something different/better and watch the movie change. Your blank screen will reflect it.

Copyright 2020

David guides Athletes, Entrepreneurs, Creative Artists, and Corporate Professionals to Transform the way they Live, Work and Play.

Article Source:

The Cost of Living Optional - Lisa Nichols


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Where Do You Find Recognition?

Expert Author Susan Leigh

Just a thought on the 'bigger picture', and how much we've come to value our medical & frontline services, especially during these exceptionally testing times. There's no doubt that they're doing outstanding, extraordinarily selfless, life-saving jobs, working all hours, constantly putting themselves in harm's way, desperately trying to save lives.

Whilst they're the ones on the coal face, let's not forget to also recognise the carers, teachers, farmers and many others still trying to hold it together. Not everyone will receive the same level of 'recognition' and that's fine. Many people do their jobs because they're happy to play an important role, love what they do and don't begrudge others the recognition. Whilst many don't work for the appreciation or gratitude it's important that they sometimes be recognised for their efforts.

Many in this present crisis are doing a sterling job; the delivery staff, shop workers, cleaners, carers, tutors, transport providers, home workers, parents, news reporters, even government officials. They may feel their roles are not appreciated by others.

We're all indebted to the medical staff and whilst recognising their exemplary efforts need also to remember to give ourselves credit for trying to hold it together. All jobs deserve recognition for a myriad of reasons; yes, our work may involve helping others, but it also provides money, satisfaction, routine, a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

Every one of us has in some way been affected by the present situation. I know I've had suicidal clients, couples whose relationships are potentially on the rocks, clients despairing of their futures. Losing our job or business is devastating. Appreciate your strength, the role you've carved for yourself in your life, your family and the bigger picture.

How do you give recognition? Yes, there's a massive outpouring of gratitude and affection for the many front-line workers during this corona virus pandemic. We're all bowled over by their selfless dedication, preparedness to risk their health and to work as many hours as required, sometimes volunteering or returning from retirement to do so.

From now on let's start to remember and recognise the many other people in our lives who we may not normally think to appreciate or be thankful for. This could be a good time to remedy that. There are often several areas of our lives that run seamlessly, so seamlessly in fact that we don't pause to consider how, for example, our dinner regularly appears on the table, how there are always clean clothes or fresh towels when we need them. The behind-the-scenes support is often why the other areas of our lives function as well as they do.

Pause to value the money that has to be earned in order to replenish our food cupboards, to keep a roof over our heads or to pay for our home to be heated. Acknowledging and appreciating the people in our lives is important, both to them and to us. Knowing you're valued helps fuel and sustain our relationships. So, complimenting someone for taking the time to look nice, thanking them for a piece of work they've done or for caring enough to be helpful truly matters.

After all, we can't know how much effort was required by the other person to do something which for us may be a relatively easy ask. Our partner, children, friends or co-workers may be going through testing times or have personal struggles that we're unaware of. A simple, uncomplicated, 'thank you, you're really helped me', could lighten their load, relieve their stress and bring a smile to their day.

Where do you find recognition? Over time we've no doubt come to realise that in life appreciation and gratitude aren't always forthcoming, so sometimes we have to look elsewhere. It may mean that we have to be prepared to reflect on our self-worth and find recognition within. Instead of the 'thank you', we were hoping for we may even instead attract criticism and negative comments about what we 'should' or 'ought' to have done.

But when you're able to pause and know that you've done all you can, are able to be at peace with yourself and maybe look at your team at home or work and say, 'we're in this together, we've made a great effort', you can find satisfaction and recognition from those who really matter, your inner circle. Receiving recognition from others may be a 'nice' extra, the icing on the cake, but it doesn't define your worth or the quality of effort you've made.

Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. She works with individual clients, couples and provides corporate workshops and support.

She's author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon & with easy to read sections, tips and ideas to help you feel more positive about your life.

To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit

Article Source:

The Path: Interview with Tony Robbins and Peter Mallouk | Tony Robbins


Monday, November 2, 2020

Tell Me, What Do You Do?

Expert Author Susan Leigh

'What do you do' is often an opening gambit when meeting a stranger. It's deemed to be a safe, fairly neutral way of starting a conversation and getting to know someone.

But how influenced are we by someone's reply, how much difference does it make if they say they're a brain surgeon, nuclear scientist, cleaner or supermarket worker? How impressed are we by their answer?

Interestingly many job titles have changed over recent years, presumably to deliver greater importance and gravitas to the roles: the use of ambiguous words like consultant, operative and adviser are now used liberally in job descriptions.

Sometimes it's impossible to guess how powerful or senior the role is and some businesses prefer to keep it that way, wanting to maintain a more level playing field, with less apparent hierarchy. I know of at least one multi-millionaire businessman who refers to himself as a grocer!

And then there are those less common, perhaps more unusual jobs. If someone says they're a taxidermist, funeral director or even a hypnotherapist it can cause others to pause and be unsure as to whether they're impressed or not!

Discovering what someone does typically results in us digesting that information and forming an opinion. For example, if someone's says they're a stay-at-home parent do we automatically reflect on their circumstances, presuming them to be wealthy, privileged or lazy? Or if someone starts a cleaning job do we speculate that they must be desperately trying to make ends meet, a comment I read on social media, prompting the writing of this article.

But each job, each role is a contribution to the overall running of a business, home or group. Different tiers in any organisation bring different levels of investment in its setup and smooth operation, with specific tasks designed to keep things moving. From management to maintenance to day-to-day operations, each has to pull together and appreciate the other's role and value.

The surgeon needs a clean, well-maintained operating theatre in which to work. Then there's transport to and from the hospital, perhaps a morning coffee. Yes, highly qualified professionals are necessary but so too are the tradespeople, the joiners, electricians as well as the filing clerks, administrators and organisers.

We may be impressed by someone's education, their commitment to their career, their status and wealth, but let's not forget that there's a back story to those who both have and haven't achieved dizzy heights professionally.

Opportunity is a significant factor in education and career options. Where we're born has a massive bearing on the opportunities open to us; from a supportive, stable family background, neighbourhood, to the right levels of teaching and encouragement. Family values and income levels are a factor. In some families gender is of significance, with a boys education being deemed more relevant than a girls.

Also, what else is going on in someone's life, what juggling acts are they required to perform each day? Remember their reasons for how they fill their time are their business, not ours. We simply see the public face, the surface, not the level of difficulty required for them simply to get out of their front door.

Their circumstances may mean that they need a flexible job due to childcare issues, or have elderly relatives who require a lot of attention. They may be in recovery for personal reasons, need a low stress, low responsibility job as their first stepping-stone on the way back to real life, taking things slowly as they improve their confidence levels.

Or they may be new to an area, have had a massive change in circumstances, domestic arrangements, finances and are coming out of an especially tough time. Work may be less about money and status and more about getting out and meeting people, making social connections, almost a rehab, gently edging into a new routine, having somewhere to be.

Sometimes a job may simply suit us, we're happy to drift along. We're taking care of ourselves, don't need stress and responsibility, may have even left a more high-powered role and that's fine. Work provides a reason to get up, wash, dress, turn up somewhere on time, meet people and earn a little money.

There's more to work than simply a job title. It's provides a purpose, order to life, being part of a team, maybe with others relying on your being there, all hopefully helping with confidence and job satisfaction. As Martin Luther King said, if you're going to a road sweeper be the very best road sweeper you can be and take a pride in what you do.

One final note. We've all on occasion found a fantastic cleaner, handyman, gardener; they're worth their weight in gold. So much so that we scarcely dare recommend them to our friends for fear that we'll never be able to get them back! With that in mind, won't it be interesting next time you ask someone, what do you do!

Susan Leigh, counsellor, hypnotherapist, relationship counsellor, writer & media contributor offers help with relationship issues, stress management, assertiveness and confidence. Author of 3 books, 'Dealing with Stress, Managing its Impact', '101 Days of Inspiration #tipoftheday' and 'Dealing with Death, Coping with the Pain', all on Amazon. To order a copy or for more information, help and free articles visit

Article Source:

Develop A Prosperity Consciousness | Bob Proctor Masterclass Exclusive Preview


How A Person Becomes A Success

Expert Author Ara Vahanian

Success is a quality that most of us desire, yet do we really know what success is? The concept is so broad. Imagine coming to a new country called the United States as a little boy and not even being able to walk on your feet when you are young. Then you require lots of medical attention and spend lots of time in a hospital setting. The very thought of being strapped to an operating table terrifies you. It scares you so much that you start to cry and you wonder when this nightmare is going to be over. After each surgery especially if there are several of them, you have to spend at least a good 8 weeks just to recover.

After all of the required medical attention, you most probably need physical therapy to improve the flexibility and coordination in your muscles and joints. Upon starting school as a child, you may become picked on and bullied by other kids. You may have trouble relating to others on a social level. But in spite of these challenges, you are very gifted and smart academically. All throughout your school career, you become a success and receive many awards for your good grades. You become well-liked by your teachers and many of your classmates. Even a loss in the student body elections for student secretary in middle school during the 7th grade does not deter you from wanting to succeed in school.

Upon graduating from high school, your academic prowess continues and you end up getting an undergraduate degree. You are then able to prove that you can hold a job successfully. Your employer sees your dedication and hard work and he or she also notices your value to the company. And even after you are laid off from your job, you can still see yourself as a success because you worked so hard to get to where you are today in spite of so many challenges and obstacles. Upon being laid off from your corporate job, you begin to explore other possibilities of jobs that you could do. Somehow, you end up studying Accounting, still feeling and believing that you are a success in your life. The story that was just told is a short version of the story of this writer and how he became a success. This narrative account shows what real success really is even if you lose your job and have been affected by a down economy.

Ara Vahanian is a freelance writer, personal blogger and accountant. Ara is also interested in pop culture in Asia and he has a personal website at

Article Source:

5 Qualities You Must Have for Success | Jim Rohn


Critical Thinking: Can Someone Project Their Darkness Into The World?

One way of looking at the world would be to say that there are 'good' people and then there are 'bad' people. The former gen...