Getting started isn't enough.
Lot of experts and writers in the personal development area say one of the most important things to do is, "Just get started." I would have to argue with that and say one of the most important things you must do isn't getting started - but to continue what you've already begun. You see anyone can become a basketball player or a baseball player or a singer or a writer or a videographer. But the only way to become successful in any one area such as that is to continue working on the craft.
But how do you continue when you don't know just what direction to go? The first step is focus on the immediate day. So much of the anxiety that we have in our lives comes from our uncertainty of the future. When we are unsure about what our future looks like, we begin to become anxious. The very best thing that we can do is focus on the immediate action that we need to take right now. To quote someone, "Do something with today and forget about everything else."
Make sure that the goals you set are within your control.
The only times things seem impossible is when we look at a goal or an outcome that we cannot control. The key is to focus on only the things that we can control. Improving yourself is your main business. So make the best of today, be a great person, and do what is in your best interest to move forward.
When necessary adjust.
Every time you begin something new you are stepping into the unknown. Very quickly you find out it won't go as planned and what happens doesn't necessarily come out the way you planned. Yet so many times I see people struggling to force an outcome. It just shouldn't be!
In fact, if what we assume to happen doesn't pan out the we want, we begin to teach ourselves be afraid of trying.
Don't be afraid but instead make bold decisions and adjust to all outcomes.
As an author and speaker, Chad Nedland ministers as God leads. Teaching of the fullness of a life with God and edifying the body of Christ is his life's definite purpose.
His greatest passion is encouraging and challenging other believers to walk in the fullness of their calling and identity in Christ. His goal is to never have a conversation or interaction with someone that does not change something within them, drawing them closer to God.
Learn more at Chad Nedland
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