Sunday, November 8, 2020

Critical Thinking: Can Someone Project Their Darkness Into The World?

Expert Author Oliver JR Cooper

One way of looking at the world would be to say that there are 'good' people and then there are 'bad' people. The former generally do good things and want to make the world a better place, while the latter generally do bad things and want to make the world worse (or better in their eyes).

When it comes to the 'good' people, there will be those that quietly go about their business and those that are in the public eye, and everyone in between. On the other hand, when it comes to the 'bad' people, there will also be those that are not well known and those that are in the public eye, along with everyone in between.

It's clear

Based on this very black and white view of the world - one that is often presented by the entertainment industry - if the 'bad' people didn't exist, the world would be different. This is similar to having a garden that is full of flowers and weeds and, if the weeds were not there, everything would be perfect.

However, although it can seem as though there are 'good' and 'bad' people, what if it is not actually this black and white? What if the 'good' people have as much to do with the 'bad' in the world as the 'bad' people do?

One Level

If the average person was to hear this, they could say that this is something that is totally irrational and doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If they do a lot of good things and typically live there life in the 'right' way, they could say that there is no way that they could have anything to do with any of the bad things that are taking place 'out there'.

They could think of someone who they know who does a lot of bad things or someone in the public eye and see this person as being radically different to them. To hear that they are like these people could cause them to feel angry and deeply offended.

The Outcome

Consequently, one will be able to do the right things, but they won't be able to do much about the bad things that these people do. They could believe that only those with a lot of power such as the government, for instance, can do anything to put an end up the 'evil' that exists in the world.

If one ends up feeling slightly or completely helpless, it is not going to be much of a surprise. What could play a part here is if one spends a lot of time-consuming the mainstream media as this source primarily focuses on what is wrong about the world.

Another Level

Now, while the view that the 'good' people could have as much to do with the 'bad' in the world as the 'bad' people do can seem preposterous, it can start to make sense if it is viewed in a totally different light. For this to make sense, though, one will need to put how they perceive reality to one side.

In general, they, along with most of their fellow human beings, will have been conditioned to see themselves as simply observes of reality. What is going on 'out there' is then not going to have a lot to do with them.

A New Outlook

What if what appears to be taking place 'out there' is simply a manifestation of their own consciousness? This will mean that what is taking place in their conscious and their so-called unconscious mind will shape their personal experience and what is taking place on the planet as a whole.

Their ego-mind, though creating the illusion of separation, will cause one to see themselves as separate from everything and everything. Thanks to being identified with this part of them and thus, being consumed by this illusion, one won't be able to see through it.

Out of Sight

So, as they themselves, or their fellow human beings, are not separate from anyone or anything, it means that what is taking place within them, and others, is influencing what takes place 'out there'. And, even though their conscious mind might not carry much negativity, their unconscious mind could be loaded with negativity.

Yet, due to the fact that they may have no awareness of the negativity that is held deep inside their being, it won't be possible for them to see how what is going on 'out there' is mirroring back what is taking place inside them. Through being a stranger to themselves, the darkness in the world won't be seen as having anything to do with them.

The Nature of the Mind

Their ego-mind has all kinds of defences that will allow them to avoid their own pain and while it would be easy to see this as 'bad', these are neutral. Ultimately, these defences are there to protect their psycho and they are there to shed light on what they need to resolve within themselves.

One of the defences that will cause one to see their inner darkness 'out there' is the defence mechanism known as 'projection'. Through placing the parts of themselves that they have lost touch with into others, one will be able to see what they need to heal.

The Key

Nonetheless, for one to utilise the information that is being provided by this defence mechanism, or any other for that matter, one will need to realise what is going on. If they have been conditioned to believe that what is 'out there' has absolutely nothing to do with them, they won't be able to resolve what is creating or at the very least, supporting what is going on externally.

Instead, they can try to change what is going on externally and this can cause them to unknowingly feed into the very reality that they want to change. For one thing, they will be coming from a place of resistance and what is resisted is what will persist and grow, and their energy won't be used to support or create a new reality.

Final Thoughts

As the ego-mind has so many ways to stop someone from coming into contact with their own inner wounds, it is essential for them to develop self-knowledge. Through dealing with their own baggage, they will be able to create a new reality for themselves and opposed fighting what is not wanted and strengthening it the process.
By changing their own consciousness, they will also change the collective consciousness. This is not the easy route; it would be far easier to try to change what is going on 'out there'.

Author, transformational writer, teacher and consultant, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over two thousand, five hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

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Article Source:

Be Self Reliant : Be Responsible to Yourself | Jim Rohn


Saturday, November 7, 2020

Is Today a Day for a Little More Kindness in Your Life?

Expert Author Nedda Wittels

Don't wait for someone else to
start the chain of kindness.

Kindness denotes gentleness, tenderness, benevolence, and consideration.
Are you considerate of your needs, feelings, and viewpoint?
Do you remember to treat yourself gently, lovingly?
Do you remember to take care of your body, mind, and spirit?
Do you remember that it's OK and even necessary at times to put yourself first?
To start a chain of kindness, you must feel full enough of energy, peace, and love to share some kindness with someone else.

You can share with others who are feeling good, but it's so much more generous to share with someone who is feeling cranky, irritable, or grouchy.

When someone is not in a good mood, that person really needs kindness, even if he or she isn't able to return kindness to you.

When you feel full of love and peace, it's easier to react kindly to someone who doesn't feel this way and who may be giving you a hard time.

For you to start a chain of kindness, you must remember to take care of yourself.

When did you last give yourself a [enter your first name here] Day - a day devoted to replenishing your cup of energy and well-being?

One of my best friends and "life" teacher, Georgia Whitman, was a very kind and generous person. Georgia would take a "Georgia Day" every so often. It was a day when she did only exactly what she wanted, and not one bit more. Her family had to adjust. They knew the rulers, and they obeyed them because it meant that Georgia was there for them the rest of the time.

Georgia would use her Georgia Day to take care of herself. Georgia might spend the day in bed, reading, taking a walk, soaking in the bath, meditating, or basically, doing whatever felt "right" for her that day.

She might even go into silence on a Georgia Day, which meant that everyone knew not to speak with her because she wouldn't answer. This was not rudeness. Everyone knew the "rules" of a Georgia Day.

If you don't value the importance of taking care of yourself, consider that "You can't pour from an empty cup." If you're not filled to overflowing, what do you have to give freely to others?

Due to all the stress we seem to be under these days, having a special day for yourself, even if it's just once a month (although more frequently would be better) is essential to your good health, good mood, and ability to share kindness with others.

If you have small children, you may not be able to take an entire day, although that would be fabulous if you could. Still, half a day or several hours or even an hour of peace is very worthwhile, even if you use it to catch up on missing sleep time. A mother I knew said she could only have a break by take long baths with the bathroom door locked. I hope you don't have to resort to a locked door to get a break from taking care of everyone else.

So if you find yourself short-tempered and cranky, grumpy and snarly, it's time to be KIND to yourself. A little kindness will go a long way.

If you're not a single parent, this might be easier to arrange. If you are a single parent, then you might need help from a friend or family member to achieve this.

Then, if someone you're working with or speaking with by phone or Zoom or Skype (or some other modality) seems to be "out of sorts," sending a little kindness their way will help both of you to feel better.

An act of kindness is never wasted.

Nedda Wittels, M.A., M.S., is a Starseed and Light Worker whose purpose is to help others who are spiritually awakening. She is a Certified Emotion Codeâ„¢ Practitioner, Certified Master of Multidimensional Healing, Animal Communicator, and Coach/Teacher. Her services include Spiritual Empowerment Coachingâ„¢, Distance Multidimensional Energy Healing, and Preparation for Surgery sessions. Nedda also offers a variety of teleseries. Contact Nedda at 860-651-5771 or at Visit her websites:

Article Source:

Making Money Fast - Grant Cardone


Friday, November 6, 2020

Paying Dues Now, Reaping Winning Later

Expert Author Joshua Clayton

We all love to repeatedly win in a second nature way, but to do that we need to train, condition, work and above all pay our dues to really, consciously and consistently win. When I thought up this article, I was feeling like a loser and a failure for a few minutes. Indeed, though, I realize that when you can train and not take temporarily horrible feelings personally, winning is always the reality ultimately. For, the real cosmic ultimate power is to get through temporary defeats to permanent and repeated wonderful winning. I mean, letting things get you down is the worst way to live or die. You must look at all defeat as temporary, and cherish all the victories and happiness you can in life/existence.

Without a realistic viewpoint about defeat and victory that agrees with reality, nothing works. With a realistic viewpoint about defeat and victory that agrees with the reality that dues and work must be paid to genuinely gain anything worthwhile, everything can be achieved, everything works ultimately in this sense: You earned it, it cannot be taken away from you, and you can earn it again even if it is lost, taken or whatever.

Also, the real loss is to be permanently defeated in your mind/spirit/being fully, like an adult large elephant that gives up trying to escape the wooden stake in the ground after being conditioned as a baby elephant that it cannot escape with a deep metal stake in the ground and a strong chain.

The greatest successes come from understanding defeat fully and then making a more powerful, honest, concerted effort after that temporary defeat. As long as there is life, energy and ability to work, there is a chance. That is the way it must be looked at to really win ultimately, anyway. The real loser gives up forever without trying again in any way.

I know, that is a starkly extreme way to look at things. When an extreme light shines on reality, that is the honest reality of the situation shown there: Winning a reality goes to those who are genuinely willing to put in the effort and the key word is "willing", whatever the obstacles or dues to pay, they are willing to do what is needed as well as wanted.

The genuine fantasy is the mystical "no effort free lunch" anyway. If we really want it, right, the way we want it, we have to genuinely be willing to pay the price in total reality, and if we want it on our own terms, we have to pay the full price honestly in total reality in realistic willing effort.

My name is Joshua Clayton, I am a freelance writer based in Inglewood, California. I also write under a few pen-names and aliases, but Joshua Clayton is my real name, and I write by that for the most part now. I am a philosophical writer and objective thinker and honest action taker. I also work at a senior center in Gardena, California as my day job, among other things, but primarily I am a writer.

Article Source:

Cash in on Your Ideas | Brian Tracy


Thursday, November 5, 2020

Message Of Encouragement During Troubling Times

Expert Author Scott Marcus

These are troubling times, to say the least.

We are confronting the most widespread, extensive, global health emergency in at least 100 years. Our economy is staggering like a boxer battered into delirium. Opinions have become "facts." Social unrest is boiling. Political "discourse" (such as it is), centered around the removal or retention of arguably the most controversial, divisive, polarizing administration anyone can remember; has devolved to that of a couple of three-year-olds shouting "You're a poo-poo head!" "No, your face is!" It feels like we're together, untethered in a 1950s rusty, claptrap old school bus; sans seatbelts, careening down a potholed mountain roadway, out of control, hanging on for dear life while screaming in terror for someone to save us as we hurl towards a cliff on November 3. We're hoping we don't go over the edge; assuming all will eventually be okay. Yet, that grating, inner voice refuses to shut up, saying, "Don't get your hopes up" continues to grow louder. I just want it all to stop.

But wait, there's more!

Ghia, Mother Earth, is facing an existential crisis, resulting in unending firestorms, relentless flooding, bone dry draughts, and - in general - exceptionally severe weather, which is devastating property and lives (including non-human) on an unprecedented global level. (For the record, I long to live in a world where the word, "unprecedented" is no longer a standard adjective.)

The vise-grip, chest-squeezing, anxiety-producing catalog of happenings has us on hairpin triggers, damaging our collective and emotional physical, and mental health. For those of us who can remember it, 1968 is a Disney fairy tale compared to the Stephen King horror story of 2020. No one - not a single person alive today - has lived through an upheaval like this ever. Not one of us.

Of course, I don't need to tell you that. You see it. You feel it. You're living it, just as am I. As goes the curse, we are living in "fascinating" times.

It's challenging to hold hope high when even the sky is covered in a thick blanket of burnt smoke.

Yet, a flicker crossed my mind.

In the field of behavioral change, it's known that the trigger that causes change is a combination of fear, force, and pain. After all, no one wakes up one morning, surveys his or her lifestyle, decides all is idyllic, and proclaims, "God, I love my life! Let me see how I can change it." No, change only makes known itself once we are worn out, scared, scarred, battered, and overwhelmed. It's called "rock bottom," that gut-churning sensation that something - anything - is better than where we are, so despite whatever pain or uncertainly lies ahead, we reluctantly, unwillingly, tenuously, tread gingerly into the new. If done gently and repeatedly, change evolves.

As individuals, as a society - as a global community inextricably bound together as one - that is where we find ourselves now: rock bottom.

So, I am trying - weakly I'll admit - to look at these days not as end-times but as the impetus causing us to question everything, and to hopefully take the energy of the turbulence churning around us as the catalyst to inch forward in the direction of what future historians will call the "New Awakening." From this hurt, I envision a world for our great-grandchildren and beyond, that is more compassionate, gentle, kind, supportive, cooperative, and in balance with the planet.

I'm not sure you and I will live there; it will take generations to complete the arc. But we have to believe, pray, affirm, and act as if it will happen. The alternative is unthinkable.

We must not let go of hope. We must remember we are all in this together.

Scott "Q" Marcus refers to himself as "recovering perfectionist" because after losing 70 pounds in 1994, he realized it's better to do something well than nothing perfectly. He now conducts playful, lively speeches, workshops, and presentations throughout the country on how to achieve goals, improve attitude, and enhance communication. His presentations are described as a "cross between business 101, group therapy, and a southern revival." You can contact him for speaking, coaching or consulting, at "This Time I Mean It" at

Article Source:

Critical Thinking: Can Someone Project Their Darkness Into The World?

One way of looking at the world would be to say that there are 'good' people and then there are 'bad' people. The former gen...